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TS EDCET Result 2025

TS EDCET Exam Result: The TS EDCET results will be declared by the Osmania University on the official website of the authorities. Candidates who have appeared in the exams and are eagerly awaiting the results can check it on the TSCHE website. The expected date for the release of the result is October.

TS EDCET Exam Result

TS EDCET Result 2025:

The result will consist of the score of the candidate in the B.Ed Exams conducted by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education. After getting the results the candidates will understand whether they will be selected for the teaching posts in the Government and Private schools of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

 Candidates who get qualifying scores in the TS EDCET Results 2025 will also feature in the Merit list. These candidates will be called for the final counselling process by the authorities. The allotment of the seats will take place during the counselling process. Only those candidates whose names feature in the Merit List will be called for the post-exam counselling process.

Highlights of the TS EDCET Exam Results 2025

Name of the exam

Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test

Conducting body

Osmania University

Frequency of the exams

Once a year

Duration of the exams

2 hours


TS EDCET Results

Availability of the results


Date of the exams

August (Tentative)

Date of declaration of the results

To be notified

Official website

How to Download The Exam Results 2025?

The TS EDCET Exam results can be downloaded by the candidates from the official website. After appearing for the exams, the candidates are naturally curious to know their results. They can visit the official website in order to get their result and check the Merit list.

Steps to Download the Results:

  • Go to the official website of the Telangana State Education Board authorities.
  • Visit the homepage of the authorities and check the notifications option.
  • Click on the TS EDCET Score Card 2025 link on the homepage.
  • Enter your valid credentials like date of birth, registration number, and exam roll number.
  • After filling in the necessary details properly, click the submit button.
  • After waiting for a few seconds the results will appear on the computer screen.
  • Download your result and save it on your computer.
  • Take a printout of the result for future use.

What Details Are Mentioned In The TS EDCET Result 2025?

The Result is very important for the candidates who have appeared for the exams. After the declaration of the results, the candidates will understand whether they will be called for the counselling process of the TS EDCET exams. The results contain the details that are very important for the candidates.

Details of the Exam Results

  • Name of the candidate
  • Date of birth of the candidate
  • Father’s name
  • Admit Card number of the candidate
  • Registration number of the candidate
  • Address of the candidate
  • Mobile phone number of the candidate
  • Marks obtained by the candidate
  • Rank secured by the candidate
  • Percentile score by the candidate
  • Section-wise marks obtained by the candidate
  • Cut off score
  • Photograph of the candidate
  • Qualifying status of the candidate (Yes/No)
What Details Are Mentioned In The TS EDCET Rank Card Of The Candidate?

The rank card of the candidate is very important as it will help in counselling and admission to the teaching positions in the schools of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

  • Total marks obtained by the candidate
  • Percentile score by the candidate
  • Qualifying status of the candidate
  • Cut off score of the TS EDCET exams
  • Area of the candidate
  • The rank of the candidate in the TS EDCET exams

Importance of the TS EDCET Results:

  • The results will help the candidate to understand whether they will be selected for the teaching positions for the Schools of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Candidates who secure qualifying marks in the TS EDCET exams will be called for further counselling process in TS EDCET exams.
  • The results contain important information about the candidates like roll number, scorecard, and the rank secured by the candidates.
  • It is necessary for the candidates to download the results as soon as it has been updated on the official website.
  • The results will help the candidates to understand whether they have qualified for the TS EDCET exams or not.
Tie Breaking Rules For The TS EDCET Exams:

After the TS EDCET results have been displayed on the official website, the candidates will know their scores in the exams and also understand whether they will be called for the counselling process or not.

It is possible that two or more candidates secure the same score in the exams. In such cases, the tie-breaking rules will be applied to prepare the Merit List. Check out the tie-breaking rules for the exams:  which will be applicable in the following order:

  • A candidate who secures higher marks in Mathematics will be placed higher in rank.
  • If the tie does not break, the candidate with more scores in the Physical Sciences exam will be placed on the top.
  • If a tie still persists, the total aggregate of the candidate will be considered.
  • If the tie does not break even after the above steps, the candidate who is older in age will be placed on the higher rank.
TS EDCET Counselling:

After the TS EDCET Score Card 2025 has been declared the candidates will know about their rank scored in the exam, marks obtained in the different subjects, and whether their names will feature in the Merit list. Candidates whose names appear in the Merit List will be called for the further counselling process.

The counselling process will include document verification, form filling process, and the allotment of seats to the candidates. Candidates also have to submit the required fees during the TS EDCET counselling. It must be noted that only those candidates whose names feature in the Merit List will be called for further counselling and seat allotment.

Documents Required for the Counselling Process:

It is mandatory for the candidates to carry the following documents (original and photocopies) during the counselling process.

  • TS EDCET Rank Card
  • Class 10 mark sheet
  • Class 12 mark sheet
  • Certificate of the qualifying exam
  • TS EDCET Admit Card
  • ID Proof (Aadhar Card/Driving license/Voter I Card/Pan Card)
  • Address proof 
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Caste Certificate(from a valid authority)
  • Certificate for candidates belonging to the special categories(NCC/Sports/PwD/CAP)
  • Income proof ( if applicable)
  • Self-attested passport size photograph
Summary of TS EDCET Exam Rank card:

The TS EDCET Results 2025 will be released on the official website of the authorities. The candidates can download the results after entering their date of birth, exam roll number, and registration number. The results contain important information like the marks obtained by the candidate in each subject, the total score of the candidate, and the percentile secured by the candidate. Applicants who have qualified for the TS EDCET Exams and have their names in the Merit List will be called for the counselling and seat allotment for teaching positions in the schools of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

TS EDCET Exam Result 2025
TS EDCET Application Form
TS EDCET Exam Date
TS EDCET Exam Patttern
TS EDCET Syllabus
TS EDCET Admit Card
TS EDCET Answer Key

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