College Disha

TSTET Result

TS TET Result 2025:

The TS TET Result is usually released in the month of August (according to last year), on the official website of the TS TET Exam. The TS TET Result 2025 also mentions the status of the candidate, that is, whether the candidate is qualified or unqualified. Once the TS TET Result is released according to the prescribed date, the candidates can check the results on the official website.

Below are the steps to view the TS TET Result 2025:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the TS TET.

Step 2: Head over to the ‘Result’ link on the homepage.

Step 3: Enter the required details. Like your admit card number or hall ticket number.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Get Results’ button. 

A new window will appear bearing your TS TET Exam Result 2025. The TS TET Result will contain information such as the:

  1. Candidate’s Name
  2. Roll Number
  3. Marks Secured in each subject, etc. 

Apart from passing the TS TET Exam 2025, the candidates will be eligible for recruitment into private and public schools for classes I and class VIII in the Telangana State. However, candidates must also note that if they further attempt the TRT test organized by the state government. 20% weightage is given to the TET scored by the candidate and 80% weightage is given to the TRT scores of the candidate.   

TSTET Result
TSTET Exam Links 

TSTET Exam Notification

TSTET Admit Card

TSTET Answer Key

Candidates must also keep in mind the following points while checking for their personal results:
  • Students must ensure to keep updated and on par with the latest revised syllabus.
  • They should also make a valid study plan for preparing for the exam. This ensures that they are covering all the relevant topics and are studying as well as having time for other things.
  • They must also improve their time management skills as the TS TET Exam paper is supposed to be attempted in a set number of hours, which is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • For overall sound preparation, students must ensure that they do not forget to practice from the previous year's mock exams and test papers, and reference book questions. These are your best friends while preparing for the entrance exam.
  • Students, however, must also keep a check on their health and not take the stress. This may hamper the performance of the student in the exam.

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