MAT Result: The MAT Exam Result is out for the Internet-Based Test Examination which was conducted between 25 May- 5 July. The MAT result has been released in the form of a scoreboard that is made available on the official website of AIMA MAT 2025. The result contains the score performed by the candidates in all the sections of the question paper and MAT percentile also. The composite score of the examination is scaled between 199 and 801.
Management Aptitude Test commonly known as MAT Exam is conducted by the All India Management Association (AIMA) is conducted four times a year respectively in the month of February, May, September, and December for the admission of candidates in 600 Business schools across India. After the declaration of the result, the participating institutes will release their cutoff and all the candidates who have to meet the cutoff requirement will become eligible to take admission and participate in further rounds.
Right now the MAT Exam 2025 is scheduled for September when the All India Management Association introduced a new mode of examination. This year the examination is going to be Internet-Based also known as the Internet-Based Test (IBT). According to this exam pattern, the nature questions appearing in the examination will be objective type Multiple Choice Questions.
The MAT Registration form was released on 15 July 2025 for the entrance exam which is going to be conducted in August-September. Candidates can get their results by logging in to the official website using their student login credentials.
Below in this article, we have mentioned all the details regarding MAT Exam Result 2025 and important dates on which the result will be announced, How to check MAT Result 2025.
Candidates can view and download their MAT score for the July session on the official website of AIMA MAT 2025. No separate scorecard will be sent via post or Email, candidates can only access their results on the official website. Candidates can download their results by entering the 6-digit registration number and 9-digit Rol Number as their login credentials and after clicking on the submit button the scorecard will appear on the screen.
Event |
Exam Date |
MAT Result |
MAT September session (Computer-Based Test) |
To be Notified |
To be notified |
MAT September Session (Pencil-Based Test) |
To be Notified |
To be notified |
MAT September Session for IBT |
August 27 to September 2, 2025 |
To be notified |
Below we have mentioned the steps that candidates can follow to check the MAT Result 2025.
Step 1: Visit the official website of AIMA MAT.
Step 2: Click on “Download or View”
Step 3: Click on “MAT Result 2025”
Step 4: Select the examination month or session.
Step 5: Enter the Roll Number and Password.
Step 6: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 7: Finally “MAT Scorecard 2025” will appear on the screen.
MAT Internet-Based Exam result will contain the following details mentioned below:
After the declaration of MAT Result 2025, the MAT scores will be sent by the AIMA to the respective colleges that candidates have applied for which are mentioned in the application form. On the basis of marks performed by the candidates in the MAT Exam, the candidates will be shortlisted and called upon for further rounds for the selection process. The candidates can start preparing for the Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Candidates who have scored above 400 can expect to get accepted by a good college.
After the decoration of the result, admission to any particular college will totally depend on the marks obtained by the candidates in the MAT Exam 2025. Candidates can fill the registration form of the desired college or institution and can appear in the counseling rounds. The MAT Result is released before the MBA colleges close their admission process so the candidates have sufficient time to select their preferred college for admission.
Here one thing candidates must note is that the MAT scorecard is sent to 5 preferred colleges that have been provided by the candidates in the MAT Application Form. The scorecard is sent free of cost and there are no charges for it by AIMA.
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