The KVS syllabus 2025 is very important for the candidates as it helps them to understand all the important topics of the exam and the weightage of each topic. Candidates who want to appear for the KVS Exam 2025 must have an idea of the exam pattern and the syllabus in order to score top marks in the exam.
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan recruits candidates for teaching posts like TGT, PGT, and PRT. Interested candidates must know about the subject-wise topics of the exam which is described in detail in the KVS syllabus 2025.
The KVS syllabus can be downloaded by visiting the official website and after getting the complete syllabus, candidates must start their exam preparation. The main topics included in the KVS syllabus 2025 are- English, Hindi, Computer literacy, Logical reasoning, and Subject matter. The KVS exam will consist of objective-type questions with multiple-choice answers.
Candidates who clear the written exam will be called for the Personal interview round. The Personal interview round will be based on the communication skills, management skills, analyzing skills, knowledge of current affairs, and confidence levels of the candidates.
The KVS syllabus is divided into 2 papers:
Check out the KVS Syllabus 2025 for Primary Teacher (PRT) posts
The PRT posts consist of 2 papers- Paper I and Paper II. Candidates who want to apply for the KVS PRT 2025 must know the syllabus in detail.
Paper I
Subject - General English
Articles, Prepositions, Comprehension, Adverbs, Antonyms, Synonyms, Vocabulary, Fill in the blanks, Antonyms, and Synonyms, Fill in the blanks, Tenses, Idioms, Subject-Verb agreement, Adjective, Error correction, Sentence rearrangement.
Subject - General Hindi
Antonyms, Grammar, Vocabulary, Error detection, phrases/Muhavare, Translation of sentences, Plural forms, Synonyms.
Paper II
Subject - General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Indian Constitution, Current affairs, Financial and Economic news, Geography, General Politics, India and neighboring countries, Sports, Economy, banking and Finance, National and International affairs.
Subject - Reasoning Ability
Alphanumeric series, Data sufficiency, Coding and decoding, Input-output, Coded inequalities, Syllogism, Blood relations, Coded inequalities.
Subject - Computer Literacy
History of Computers, Desktop and Computer peripherals, Windows, Word processor, Powerpoint presentation, Internet, Formatting of a word processor.
KVS Syllabus for PRT (Primary Teacher) Post
Subjects | English | Science | EVS | Maths |
Topics | Articles/Determinants Prepositions Tenses Modals and Auxiliaries Formal and Informal letters Active passive Vocabulary Idioms and Phrases Antonyms and Synonyms |
Our Universe Plant life Human Body Food Natural vegetation and Wildlife |
Natural resources- Air, Water, Soil, Land Development of Natural resources Primary Institutions of Democracy Map of India Common diseases and their prevention Communicable and non-communicable diseases |
Number system Basic geometrical ideas Concept of volume Understanding of Perimeter using regular shapes |
Check out the KVS syllabus 2025 for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Post
The KVS TGT syllabus consists of 2 papers- Paper I and Paper II. Paper I consists of languages Hindi and English. Paper II has subjects like Logical reasoning, General awareness, Computer literacy, Pedagogy, and Subject matter.
Paper I
Subject - General English
Articles, Preposition, Tenses, Vocabulary, Antonyms, and Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Punctuation, Theme detection, Passage competition, Fill in the blanks, Sentence formation, Verb, Adverb, Adjective
Subject - General Hindi
Translation of sentences, Antonyms, and Synonyms, Fill in the blanks, Plural forms, Error detection, Phrases, Grammar
Paper II
Subject - General knowledge and Current affairs
Awards, Books and authors, History, Geography, Sports, Indian Art and Culture, Population census.
Subject - Reasoning Ability
Mirror image, Data sufficiency, Coding and Decoding, Blood relations, order and ranking, Logical reasoning, and Alpha-numeric series.
Subject - Computer Literacy
Basic Computer terminology, Abbreviations, Browsers, and Search Engines, Internet, Web technology, Computer hardware and software, Generations of Computers, Types of Computers, Database management systems, Computer memory and storage devices, Social networking, and Evaluation of Computers.
Subject - Pedagogy
Pedagogical concepts, Meaning and types of curriculum, Instructional plan, Unit plan, Lesson plan, Teaching-learning material, Analysis and Interpretation of material, Inclusive education and understanding children from different backgrounds, theory and types of Communication, and Communication languages.
Check out the KVS syllabus 2025 for Post graduate teacher (PGT) post
Candidates who want to apply for KVS PGT must know the syllabus in detail. The PGT syllabus has 2 parts- Paper I and Paper II. Paper I includes General English and General Hindi. Paper II includes general awareness, reasoning, pedagogy, and computer literacy.
Paper I
Subject - General English
Articles, Pronouns, Adverbs, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Prepositions, idioms and Phrases, Tenses, Adjectives, and Verbs.
Subject - General Hindi
Antonyms and Synonyms, Plural, Grammar, Fill in the blanks, Vocabulary, Plural, Error detection, Grammar.
Paper II
Subject - General knowledge and Current affairs
Indian Art and Culture, Polity, Population census, History, Geography, Sports, Books, and authors.
Subject - Reasoning Ability
Mirror image, Syllogism, Data sufficiency, Coding and Decoding, Blood relation, Order and ranking, Alpha-numeric symbol series, and Logical reasoning.
Subject - Computer Science
General concepts of social networking, Database management, History and evaluation of computers, generations and types of computers, Basic computer terminology and shortcuts, Operating systems, Web technology, Browsers, and search engines.
Subject - Pedagogy
Pedagogical concepts, Teaching learning materials, Meaning of curriculum, Inclusive education, Communication and interaction, Types of Communication, and Communication languages.
Best Books for KVS Exam 2025
Candidates appearing for KVS recruitment 2025 must have an idea of the best books and study materials for the exam. The KVS Exam selection consists of 2 rounds- A written exam and a Personal Interview.
The Written exam has 2 papers- Paper I and Paper II. Paper I has General English and General Hindi questions while Paper II has questions on Reasoning, Computer literacy, General awareness, and Pedagogy.
The best study material for the KVS exam will be extremely useful for the candidates as it will help them to study all the topics in detail and solve practice test papers for evaluation. The top recommended books will help the candidates to complete the KVS syllabus 2025 in time and also crack the exam with ease.
Given below is the list of books for the KVS TGT, PGT, and PRT Exam 2025:
Paper I
S.No |
Name of the subject |
List of books and author/publisher |
1 |
General English |
English Grammar by Wren and Martin Popular English Grammar by H.S Bhatia (Ramesh Publishing House) Objective General English by H P Bakshi |
2 |
General Hindi |
Adhunik Hindi Vyakaran aur rachna by Dr Vasudevnandan Prasad (Bharti Bhawan Publisher and Distributor) Hindi Bhasha aur Shikshan Shastra by Kamal Deo Verma (McGraw Hill Education) |
Paper II
S.No |
Name of the subject |
List of books and author/Publisher |
1 |
General knowledge and Current affairs |
General knowledge by Binay Karna (Lucent publications) General knowledge by Manohar Pandey (Arihant Publications) Concise General knowledge by Purshottam Kumar (G.K Publications) General knowledge and Science book for DSSSB/KVS-English by IBS Institute Rohini |
2 |
Reasoning Ability |
Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning by R.S Agarwal (S.Chand Publications) General intelligence and Test of reasoning by Vikas Experts (Vikas Publishing House) Shortcuts in reasoning by Disha Experts (Disha publications) |
3 |
Computer Literacy |
TGT/PGT Computer Science by Virendra Kumar (Upkar Prakashan) TGT Computer Science Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board (RPH Publication) |
4 |
Pedagogy |
A Complete Resource for CTET- Child Development and Pedagogy by Sandeep Kumar (Pearson Education) Child development and Pedagogy for CTET and STET (Paper I and II) by Shalini Punjabi by Disha Publication |
Preparation tips for KVS Syllabus 2025
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