Jharkhand TET Admit Card: The JTET Admit card is released by the Academic Council of Jharkhand after the Online Registration process is complete. The JTET Admit card is the most essential criteria for the candidates for appearing in the Jharkhand TET. A candidate who does not have the Jharkhand TET Admit card will not be allowed to sit for the Jharkhand Teacher Selection Exams.
➥ The candidates can download the Jharkhand TET Admit Card once the Online Application process has been successfully completed and the Registration form submitted on or before the last date.
➥ Candidates who have completed all the formalities of the Registration process online can download the Admit Card from the official website of the Jharkhand Academic Council.
The candidates who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria for the Exams will be issued the JTET Admit Card which is also known as the Hall Ticket by the Jharkhand Academic Council authorities. The JTET Admit Card 2025 contains all the necessary details of the candidate like name, age, gender, email address, and examination roll number.
The JTET Admit Card is the most important criteria for the candidate to appear for the JTET Examinations. In case of loss or damage of the Jharkhand TET Admit Card, the candidate will not be allowed to sit for the examinations.
The JTET Exam Admit Card also known as the Hall Ticket can be downloaded by the candidates 7 days before the examination. For downloading the Admit Card the candidate needs to fill in and submit the JTET Application Form along with the required details. After the registration process has been completed by the candidate successfully, he/she can download the JTET Admit Card from the official website of the Jharkhand Academic Council on the mentioned date.
Highlights of the Important Dates for the JTET Exam Admit Card |
S.No |
Important JTET Events |
Expected dates |
1 |
The tentative date for the Online Application form |
September 2025 |
2 |
Last date for the Online Application form |
September 2025 |
3 |
Expected date of download of JTET Exam Admit Card |
December 2025 |
4 |
Expected date of the JTET Exams 2025 |
January 2025 |
There will be a few important details of the candidate that are mentioned in the JTET Hall Ticket. The candidate should check the Admit card thoroughly after downloading it to check whether the mentioned details are correct. If there is any error or discrepancy in any of the information, the candidate should report to the Examination authorities immediately.
The important details of the candidate that will be present in the Jharkhand TET Admit card are the following:
Let us now check the steps to download the JTET Exam Admit Card for JTET Examinations
The Jharkhand TET Hall Ticket is very important for the candidate and he/she should follow some important instructions related to the Admit Card. Also, the Admit Card or the Hall Ticket should be carried by the candidate at the examination hall failing which he/she will be barred from sitting at the exams.
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