IBPS PO Admit Card: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is going to release the Admit card for IBPS PO Exams 2025. Admit cards will be released separately for both Prelims and the mains Examination. In this section, we are going to inform all the details regarding IBPS PO Admit Card 2025. Candidates can download the IBPS PO Hall Ticket, 10-15 days before the commencement of the examination.
Candidates who qualify for the prelims will be able to appear in the mains examination, the admit card will be different for both the examination. Only the candidates who have submitted the application process are able to download the Prelims exam admit card, a month before the commencement of the IBPS PO Exam 2025.
IBPS PO Exam Admit Card 2025:
The IBPS PO Admit Card will contain all the necessary details required by the candidate appearing and exam conducting authority. Admit card link for IBPS PO Prelims Exams will be activated in the month of August this year. The RRB PO Exam 2025 is scheduled for September 2025. IBPS PO Hall Ticket link for IBPS PO Mains Exams will be activated on August 2025. The RRB Assistant exam is scheduled for September 2025.

Steps To Download IBPS PO Admit Card 2025:
Step 1: Visit the official website of IBPS i.e. www.bps.in
Step 2: Navigate the links for downloading IBPS PO Prelims and IBPS PO Mains admit card.
Step 3: Candidates are required to fill in the credentials such as the Registration number or Roll Number and password which was provided during the registration of the online application form which will be the date of birth.
Step 4: After entering details properly, click on the login button.
Step 5: Finally, IBPS PO Prelims and IBPS PO Mains exam IBPS PO Exam Hall Ticket will display on the screen in PDF format.
Step 6: Download/ Save the IBPS PO Hall Ticket or take a printout for further reference.
Details In IBPS PO Admit Card 2025:
The IBPS PO admit card 2025 contains the following information:
- Name and Address of the candidate.
- Candidate’s registration number
- Candidate’s roll number and Password for IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2025.
- Exam Venue Details of IBPS PO Prelims exam.
- Examination Date of IBPS PO Prelims
- IBPS PO Examination timing.
- Candidate’s Photograph
- Space will be given for the candidate's passport-size photo (which must be similar to the photo uploaded during the online application form submission).
- Space is provided for the Candidate's thumb impression and signature.
- space is provided for the IBPS PO Prelims Examination invigilator’s signature.
- Essential Guidelines for IBPS PO Prelims Examination day.
- Candidates are informed that along with the IBPS PO Exam Admit Card 2025 candidates should carry an original and a photocopy of a photo id proof during the examination.
- After downloading the admit card, check all the details mentioned in it carefully.
- Candidates must ensure that all the details are correct and that the admit card has no discrepancies.
- If any candidate finds a space to be corrected then he or she must contact the examination authority.
Accepted photo-identity Proofs:
The following photo-identity proofs at the time of document verification are accepted by the examination authority
- Aadhaar Card or E-Aadhaar card with a photograph.
- PAN Card
- Permanent Driving License
- Voter’s Card
- Bank passbook
- Photo-identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/People’s Representative along with a photograph
- Identity card issued by a recognized college/university
IBPS PO Exam Day Guidelines:
Candidates are informed here to follow the guidelines mentioned below during the examination. These guidelines will be mentioned in the candidate's admit card.
- Report at the examination center before the commencement of the examination. Candidates must arrive at least 15 minutes early in the examination hall.
- Bring IBPS PO Hall Ticket 2025 along with one original photo identity proof with its photocopy.
- Candidates must write down their registration number and roll number on the photocopy of the photo ID proof.
- If any candidate appears 30 minutes late in the examination, he or she won’t be allowed to sit for the examination.
- Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall until the completion of the examination.
- The right thumb impression (biometric data) and a photograph of the candidate will be captured and verified during the examination.
- Candidates should check the venue of the examination and must visit before the actual day of the exam just to make sure they can reach on time during the examination.
- Candidates must bring a ballpoint pen during the examination.
- Items like mobile Phones/Bluetooth/Pager and any other electronic or communication device is restricted.
- Candidates are allowed to appear in the examination only once.