DU SOL Exam Date 2025 announces on the official website of the board. Candidates can also check the DU SOL Exam Date 2025 on our website College Disha. We update our website on a regular basis and when the DU SOL Date Sheet releases, you will get DU SOL Exam Notification by our side. The notification of the DU SOL Exam releases in the month of June. In this release, candidates will come across all the important dates regarding the DU SOL Exam.
The DU SOL Online Application Form filling starts in the first week of June and remains until the last week of June. DU SOL Admit card releases on the official website of the board. It is announced by the officials of the board. Admit card is provided to the candidates who have successfully filled the DU SOL Admission Registration form. Once the admit card is released, candidates have to start revising their studied topics.
Once the admit card is published, candidates can give the DU SOL Exam Date 2025. After publishing the admit card, after 15 days, candidates have to appear for the exam. After the exam, the board will release the answer key which will help the candidates to estimate their score. If any problem is there regarding any questions or answers, candidates can contact the board immediately.
Result releases once the exam gets conducted successfully. Candidates will get the result in the form of a scorecard. After qualifying for the DU SOL Exam, candidates will be called for group discussion and personal interviews. Now, take a look at the DU SOL Date Sheet 2025.
Event |
UG Programmes |
PG Programmes |
Online registration |
The first week of June |
The first week of June |
Last date for online registration |
Last week of July |
The third week of June |
Application with late fee of Rs 200 |
First to last week of August |
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Issue of admit card |
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Releases by the university |
Entrance exam |
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Releases by the university |
Results |
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Releases by the university |
DU SOL 2025: Quick Links |
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