College Disha

BARC Result

 The Bhabha Atomic Research Center authorities will declare the exam results on their official website. Candidates can check the results by logging in with their date of birth and Registration number. The Bhabha Atomic Research Center authorities will release the results after the exams. Candidates who have appeared for the BARC exams can check their results by logging in to the official website.

 Candidates whose names will feature in the BARC results will be shortlisted for the interview round of the BARC Exams. All the latest notifications regarding the BARC exam results will be uploaded on the official site by the authorities and the candidates must keep checking the website regularly for the latest news on the result.

 There are 3 rounds of the BARC exam and the result is declared in 3 phases. A candidate has to qualify for each phase to go to the next phase of the exam. Candidates must keep checking the official website regularly for the latest updates on the BARC results. Candidates who qualify for all the 3 stages of the exam will be selected for the interview round.

BARC Result 2025

BARC Exam 2025 (Useful Links)
BARC Application Form
BARC Exam Date
BARC Exam Pattern
BARC Syllabus
BARC Admit Card
BARC Answer Key

How Will You Check The BARC Exam Result?

You can download the BARC Results by visiting the official website of the authorities. The result can be downloaded from the website as soon as the link is active. So, you have to keep checking the website regularly for the latest updates on the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre results.

Steps to Download the BARC Result

  • Go to the official website of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre authorities.
  • Visit the homepage and click the notifications option.
  • Select the link for “Result”.
  • Select the required discipline for the result.
  • Now enter your details like date of birth and registration number.
  • Click the submit option.
  • Wait for some time.
  • The BARC result will appear on the screen.
  • Download the result and save it on your computer.
  • Take a printout of the result for future reference.

✍️ Please Note- The candidates can also check their scorecards on the website of the BARC authorities. Candidates whose names appear in the BARC exam results with the qualifying marks will be called for the interview round.

BARC Exam Selection Round:

The Candidates can be selected for the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre exams based on online exams or GATE scores.

Online Exams:

  • The candidates appearing for the BARC exams will be screened based on the online exam conducted by the authorities. Candidates who qualify for the online exam with the required marks will be selected for the interview round. The Interview will be conducted in Mumbai for all the disciplines except Geology and Geophysics which will be held in Hyderabad. Candidates who have been shortlisted for the interview will be provided a two-way train fare for AC III Tier. 
  • After the declaration of the BARC Results, the selected candidates will be notified of the interview via email or SMS. Along with the personal interview, the candidate has to undergo a medical fitness test. Candidates who qualify for both interviews, as well as the Medical Fitness test, will get appointed to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in the desired post.
  • Candidates who are appearing for the online exams have to book a slot for the exams. The candidate will have the option to choose the date and time of the exam from the available options. The slot booking is on a first come first served basis and candidates who select the options early are most likely to get their desired date and time for the exams. Candidates will get notifications for slot booking via emails and messaging service alerts.

GATE Score:

The candidates who have cleared the GATE exams with the required marks and the relevant subjects need not appear for the BARC Online exams. This rule does not apply to the candidates from the stream of Nuclear Engineering who have to appear for the online computer-based exams. The cutoff marks for the GATE Exams will be decided after the declaration of the online exam results. Candidates who have applied for selection only via the GATE score will not get a slot booking for the online exam.

✍️ Please Note- Candidates can apply for both the options that are online exams as well as GATE scores. Cutoff marks for the GATE scores will be decided only after the declaration of the BARC Result for online exams.

Interview Round:

  • Candidates who have cleared the BARC results with the qualifying marks or have got the required cut-off for the GATE exams will be selected for the final round of Interviews. The interview round will be conducted in Mumbai for most of the disciplines. Only the geology and geophysics interviews will be held in Hyderabad.
  • Candidates shortlisted for the interview have to book a slot for the same based on the available slots. Candidates will also be paid two two-way AC sleeper class fares to attend the interview.
  • The final selection of the candidates will depend on their performance in the Interview round and the following medical fitness test. Selected candidates will be notified via email alerts or SMS. A list of candidates selected for the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre will also be displayed on the official website of the authorities.


The BARC results will be announced on the official website of the authorities and the candidates can log in to the website using their date of birth and registration number to know their results. The results for the online exams and the scorecard of the candidate will be displayed on the website. Candidates who have qualified for the online exams will go on to the next stage which is the interview round for the BARC exams.

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