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Full form of TGT | Full form of PGT | Full form of PRT

Update on 2024-04-15

Full form of TGT | Full form of PGT | Full form of PRT

Full Form of TGT, PGT, PRT, TET

Full form of TGT Trained Graduate Teacher
Full form of PGT Post Graduate Teacher
Full form of PRT Primary Teachers
Full form of TET Teacher Eligibility Test
Full form of CTET Central Teaching Eligibility Test
Full form of UPTET Uttar Pradesh Teaching Eligibility Test
Full form of UTET Uttarakhand Teaching Eligibility Test
Full form of BTET Bihar Teaching Eligibility Test

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Full-Form of TGT, PGT, PRT, TET

Government teaching job is a very reputed profession and a growing job in India. In this article, we are providing information about the latest Government Teaching eligibility exam. There are three levels of teaching posts such as PRT, TGT, and PGT. PRT teachers can teach up to the 1st to 5th level, TGT teachers can teach up to the 10th level, and PGT can teach up to the 12th level. For these, eligibility tests are conducted by the authorized body every year named as:-

  • Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS),
  • Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS),
  • Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB)

These are conducting bodies that manage written tests for the recruitment of the teaching posts - Principals, Vice-Principals, Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs), Librarian, Primary Teacher (PRT), and Primary Teacher (Music). Candidates are required to apply online through the official website of the particular conducting body.

Full Form of PRT

PRT Full Form is Primary Teachers. Primary Teacher Exam is regulated by most of the states in India, for the recruitment of graduate teachers in state government schools. This exam is held for recruiting the primary teachers who teach class 1st to 5th. After passing this exam, candidates will be eligible to do work as a teacher in any government school.

Educational Requirement PRT Exam and Full Form of PRT

i) Candidates should have passed Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent.

ii) Candidates should have appeared for the CTET conducted by the CBSE by the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.

iii) Ability to teach through Hindi and English media

Full Form of TGT

TGT Full Form is a Trained Graduate Teacher. TGT is a state-level exam that is conducted for teachers to get teaching jobs in government schools from Class 1 to Class 8. Those candidates who have a graduate degree in any discipline with B.Ed degree from a recognized university/institute/college are eligible to apply for the TGT exam. There is an age limit for candidates. The minimum age limit to appear in the TGT exam is 21 years and there is no upper age limit for this exam. But it may vary state-wise.

Who can apply for the TGT Exam and What is the Full Form of TGT

Aspirants have to pass 4 years Integrated degree course from Regional NCERT College of Education in relevant subject with minimum 50% marks/ B.Ed or equivalent qualification/ English and Hindi/ concerned Regional Language Teaching Ability/ CTET passed organized by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Age limit: The minimum age of the candidate should be 21 as of 01 July

Maximum age: 35 years for TGT post

Full Form of PGT

PGT Full Form is Post Graduate Teacher. In order to recruit graduate teachers in state government schools, the Post Graduate Teacher exam is organized in most of the states of India. Candidates who are graduates with a B.Ed degree are eligible to appear for the PGT exam from a recognized university/institute/college may apply to the PGT exam. Candidates also have to pass 2 year Post Graduate course from Regional NCERT College of Education in relevant subjects with a minimum of 50% marks/ B.Ed or equivalent qualification/ Proficiency in Teaching in Hindi & English Languages.

Who can apply for the PGT Exam and What is the Full Form of PGT

Candidates must have at least 50% marks in aggregate in any of the following:

  • B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science! IT) from an approved University or equivalent Degree or Diploma from an institution/ university recognised by the Govt. of India.


  • BE or B.Tech (any stream) and Post Graduate Diploma in Computers from a well-known University


  • MSc. (Computer Science)/ MCA or Equivalent from a well-known University


  • B.Sc. (Computer Science) / BCA or Equivalent and Post Graduate degree in the subject from a well-known University


  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree in any subject from a well-known University


  • ‘B’ Level from DOEACC and a master’s degree in any subject


  • ‘C’ Level from ‘DOEACC’ Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Graduation.

Age Limit: Minimum age limit to appear in this exam is 21 years

Maximum Age: 35 is an upper age limit for this exam. But it may also vary state-wise.

Full Form of TET Exam

TET Full Form is the Teacher Eligibility Test. If you want to become a teacher then you have to pass the TET exam as it has become a minimum eligibility criterion for the same. Almost every state and central government conduct their TET exam for recruiting teachers. Even some states lead the TET exam twice a year while in some states the TET exam is conducted once in two or three years depending on the vacancies they have. TET is valid for up to 5 years.

TET Exam Pattern

The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is directed in two levels

Paper 1: Primary Level (Class 1st to 5th) for the primary teacher.

Paper 2: Upper Primary Level (Class 5th to 8th)

Note: If any candidate desires to apply from Class 1st to 8th s/he will have to pass both the papers.

Eligibility Criteria for TET

  • Candidates should have passed a bachelor's degree plus B. Ed degree with minimum 50% marks from a recognized board.
  • Candidates should have passed TET examinations which will be conducted by the appropriate Government.

Full Form of CTET

CTET (Central Teaching Eligibility Test) is a national-level entrance examination that is conducted by the state as well as central government to recruit skilled teachers for the Primary level and Upper Primary level. This exam is conducted twice a year – December and July. CTET for the July session is planned for July 7, 2025. The CTET shall apply to schools of the Central Government (KVS, NVS, Central Tibetan Schools, etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT’s of Chandigarh, Dadra, and Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and NCT of Delhi. CTET candidates may also apply to the unaided private schools, which may exercise the option of considering the CTET.

CTET Exam Pattern

  • The paper consists of 150 objective types of questions.
  • The examination is conducted in 20 languages and has objective-type questions (MCQs).
  • The time duration of the CTET exam is 150 minutes.
  • As per the statements from the candidates, the difficulty level of the exam was moderate

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks from a recognized university.  
  • Applicants must have completed 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed).

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