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UPSC IES Exam Pattern

UPSC IES Exam Pattern 2025:

UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) will release the UPSC IES Exam Pattern 2025. The Exam Pattern 2025 will be mentioned in the official IES 2025 notification. UPSC IES Exam Pattern 2025 contains a total number of marks, negative markings, subject names, and more. Along with the UPSC Exam Pattern 2025, candidates should be aware of the IES syllabus. Knowing the Exam Pattern will help in better exam preparation.

The UPSC IES Exam will be completed in three stages named as stage-1 (Preliminary Examination), Stage-2 (Main Examination), and Stage -3 (Personal Interview). IES Preliminary Exam 2025 will be conducted in the month of January 2025. IES Main Exam 2025 will be held in the month of July 2025. UPSC IES Exam Application Form 2025 will be issued online in the month of September 2025.

UPSC IES Exam Pattern 2025:

Section I
  1. The examination must be conducted according to the following plan:
  • Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for the Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination
  • Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers) and
  • Stage-III: Personality Test
  1. The Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination consists of two objective types (multiple choices) questions papers carrying a maximum of 500 marks (Paper 1 - 200 Marks & Paper II - 300 Marks). Only those aspirants who are acknowledged by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary/Stage-I Examination in the year will be eligible for further process to the Main/Stage-II Examination of that year otherwise eligible for admission to the Main/Stage-II Examination. The Marks obtained in the Preliminary/Stage-I Examination by the aspirants who are declared qualified for admission to the Main/Stage-II Examination will be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be eligible for the Main/Stage-II Examination will be about six to seven times the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year through this IES examination.

UPSC IES Exam Pattern

UPSC IES Exam: Quick Links
UPSC IES Exam Information
UPSC IES Exam Application Form
UPSC IES Exam Dates
UPSC IES Exam Syllabus
UPSC IES Exam Admit Card
UPSC IES Exam Answer Key
UPSC IES Exam Result

Note I: The Commission will propose a list of candidates to be qualified for the Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination based on the criterion of minimum qualifying marks in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper-I) and Engineering Discipline specific paper (Paper-II) of Preliminary/Stage-I Examination.

Note II: There will be a penalty (Negative Marking) for each wrong answer marked by a candidate in the objective type question papers.

  • There will be four alternatives for the answers to every question. For every question for which a wrong answer has been assigned by the candidate, one-third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
  • If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be considered as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be the same penalty as above for that question.
  • If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is opted by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.

3.1 The Engineering Services (Main/stage-II) Examination consists of two conventional type papers in Engineering Discipline specific with a duration of three hours and maximum marks of 600 (300 Marks in each paper).

3.2 Stage-III consists of Personality Test carrying 200 Marks.

4.1 Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) and Stage II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination as may be fixed by the Commission as per its discretion should be summoned by them for Stage-III (Personality Test). The number of aspirants to be summoned for the Personality Test will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled. The Personality Test of the exam will carry 200 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).

4.2 Marks obtained by the aspirants in Stage-I: (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination, Stage-II: (Main/Stage-II) Examination, and Stage-III (Personality Test) will determine their final ranking. Candidates will be allotted the various services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and the preference expressed by them for the various services/posts.

  1. Candidates are advised to read carefully all the special instructions to the candidates for conventional type tests and objective type tests given in Appendix-III (Part A and Part B) including the procedure regarding filing the Answer Sheet of objective type tests in the Examination Hall uploaded on the Commission’s website ( on 26.09.2018.
  2. In the Personality Test, special attention will be given to assessing the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, powers of practical application, and integrity of character.
  3. Conventional papers must be answered in English. The question paper will be set in English only.
  4. Details of the syllabi for Stage-I: (Preliminary/stage-I) and Stage-II: (Main/Stage-II) are in Section III.
Section II
  1. Stage-I (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination:-

The Examination shall comprise of two papers



Max. Marks

Category-I Civil Engineering



Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)

2 hours


Paper-II (Civil Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-II Mechanical Engineering



Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)

2 hours


Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-III Electrical  Engineering



Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)

2 hours


Paper-II (Electrical Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication  Engineering



Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)

2 hours


Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)

3 hours





  1. Stage-II (Main/Stage-II) Examination:-

The Examination shall comprise of two papers



Max. Marks

Category-I Civil Engineering



Paper-I ( Civil Engineering)

3 hours


Paper-II (Civil Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-II Mechanical Engineering



Paper-I ( Mechanical Engineering)

3 hours


Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-II Electrical Engineering



Paper-I ( Electrical Engineering)

3 hours


Paper-II (Electrical Engineering)

3 hours







Max. Marks

Category-II Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering



Paper-I (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)

3 hours


Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)

3 hours





  1. Stage-III (Personality Test) - 200 Marks

Related FAQ:

Q: What is the mode of the UPSC IES Exam 2025?

A: UPSC IES Exam 2025 is conducted through offline mode.

Q: How many questions were asked in Paper 1?

A: Paper 1 incorporates 200 questions.

Q: How many questions were asked in Paper 2?

A: The total number of questions in Paper 2 will be 300.

Q: What will be the language of the UPSC IES Exam Question paper?

A: The UPSC IES Exam question paper will be in both the English and Hindi languages.

Q: What are the negative marks for any wrong answers?

A: 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Q: In how many stages did a personal Interview is conducted?

A: The personal Interview is conducted in one stage.

Q: How are aspirants assessed in personal Interviews?

A: Candidates are examined on the basis of their Psychological Aptitude and Intelligence.

Q: What are the total marks for Paper 1 and paper 2?

A: The total marks of Paper 1 are 200 whereas for Paper 2 it is 300 marks.

Q: What are the qualifying marks for each section of the IES written exam?

A: The qualifying marks for each section of the IES written exam are at least 25 %.

Q: How the score of any candidate is calculated in the UPSC IES Exam?

A: The scores of any candidate are calculated on the basis of the number of correct and incorrect answers.

Q: What is the total duration of the UPSC IES Exam?

A: UPSC IES Exam is conducted for 2 hours.

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