With the help of the TNEA Exam Pattern 2025, students make a preparation timetable. By using that timetable, you can quickly cover all the topics and sub-topics on every subject before appearing for the Tamil Nadu Engineering Entrance Exam 2025. So students can note down the details about the TNEA Test Pattern from this section. In the below table, we had framed up all the information about the TNEA Exam Pattern 2025 in a detailed manner. Therefore, students go down and gather all details about the TNEA Test Pattern.
Subject Name |
Total Questions/ Total Marks |
Time Allowed |
Mathematics |
150 Questions/ 150 Marks |
2 Hrs 30 Minutes |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Below we have mentioned the preparation tips which you can follow to start preparing for the TNEA Exam 2025.
If you have any queries regarding TNEA Exam Pattern 2025 feel free to comment down below, we will be more than happy to help you out.
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