Sikkim TET Score Card: Human Resource Development Department conducts the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test exam, it is an opportunity for people to make a career as teachers in Sikkim state who want to join government jobs in teaching. Sikkim TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) is conducted every year. To qualify for the exam candidates to need to score 90 marks out of 150 that is 60% of the total marks in the Sikkim TET exam. The pay scale of Sikkim TET candidates ranges from 9,500 to 34,500 per month in addition to this Grade pay of rs. 4,000 per month.
Sikkim TET Exam 2025 (Quick Links) |
Sikkim TET Exam |
Sikkim TET Application Form |
Sikkim TET Exam Date |
Sikkim TET Exam Pattern |
Sikkim TET Syllabus |
Sikkim TET Admit Card |
Sikkim TET Answer Key |
Release of Result |
October 2025 |
Declared by |
Sikkim Human Resource Development Department (HRDD) |
Declared at |
Result Forma |
Scorecard |
Result will Display |
Candidate’s detail, marks, rank and status |
Details to check Result |
Application Number and Password |
The candidates who have appeared for the Sikkim TET exam can check their result online once it is announced. All the details about the Sikkim TET Result will be on their official website i.e. Candidates can check their score and Qualifying status once the result is out. We have listed the steps to download the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test Result.
Step 1. Visit Official Website
Candidates need to visit the official website of the Human Resource Development Department (HRDD) Sikkim from there they can download the result of the Sikkim TET exam. The official website of Sikkim HRDD (Human Resource Development Department) is
Step 2. Search for the link of Sikkim TET
Candidates need to search for the link to the Sikkim TET exam which will be there only on the official website of Sikkim HRDD (Human Resource Development Department). The link will be in the Updates Box, it will be written as “Sikkim TET Score Card for Session ----”
Step 3. Open the Link
After finding the link candidate needs to click on that link, a new page will be open showing the result of all the candidates who appeared for the Sikkim TET exam.
Step 4. Categories
Candidates will get all the categories results there only.
Step 5. Merit List
A PDF file containing the merit list of all the candidates' names and roll no. will appear on the screen.
Step 6. Find Your Name And Roll No.
By using CTRL+F search for your name and roll no. in that list.
Step 7. Qualified or Not
If your name doesn’t appear in that list it means you haven’t qualified for the Sikkim TET exam. If your name appears in the merit list it declares that you are qualified for round 2.
Step 8. Download Sikkim TET Result
Download the PDF file on your device for any future Reference
The result of Sikkim TET will be released online, it will be in the form of a merit list in a PDF format on the official website of Sikkim HRDD (Human Resource Development Department) you can also download the result from there. The Sikkim TET result 2025 will contain the Name, Roll No. of qualified candidates, and their marks obtained in the test. If the result status shows as “Q” then the candidate qualified in the first test and can proceed to the next step of the Selection Process. If the status shows “NQ” it means “Not Qualified” which means the candidate could not proceed further with the selection process. Candidates are advised to check the results carefully.
The Sikkim TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) has a simple selection process. There will be 2 rounds. The 1st round will be written and the second will be of personal interview. For Sikkim, TET candidates need to register themself first and then they have to appear for both phase exam Phase I ( class I to V) and Phase II ( class VI to VIII) after clearing the written exam there will be a round of personal interviews.
Category |
Qualifying Marks |
General |
60% |
55% |
55% |
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