College Disha

SET Registration Form 2025

SET Registration Form:

SET Exam Registration Form 2025 is available online from the month of January 2025 till June 2025. Students can make changes if necessary in the SET application form 2025 until the last date of SET Form. There will be no changes in the exam city preference and admission category. Applicants seeking admission to courses on the basis of other entrance tests can apply directly to the institute and do not require to register for SET Exam 2025.

The SET Exam comprises three different tests (SET) SET-General, SLAT (SET-Law), SITEEE (SET-Engineering). A candidate can choose more than one test but he or she will have to register differently for morning and afternoon sessions. SIU has been split into two exams: SET A (applicable only for SSE, SSLA, SSCA, and SICSR applicants) and SET-B is applicable for SCMS-Noida, SCMS-Pune, and SCMS Nagpur candidates).

SET Application Form 2025:

While registering for the examination, candidates are required to pay the registration fee of Rs 1000 which is non-refundable. The candidates can pay through 

  • Billdesk Payment Gateway 
  • Easebuzz Payment Gateway 
  • Indian Bank Payment Gateway 
  • Demand Draft- Payment through demand draft can be done by any Nationalized Bank in favor of the Symbiosis Test Secretariat.

To make a payment through Demand draft candidates can follow the steps mentioned below:

Get a demand draft through any nationalized bank in favor of the Symbiosis Test Secretariat. While registering, in the payment tab choose the payment mode as ‘DD Payment’. After filling up the DD details, take a printout of the form and sign in the form along with DD and send it to,


Gram: Lavale, Tal: Mulshi,

Dist.: Pune- 412115

The registration fee for SET-General /SLAT is Rs 175 (non-refundable). In addition, the candidates are also required to pay the program registration fee f Rs 1000 for each program.

The SET registration fee for the SITE Entrance test is Rs 2000 which is also non-refundable and non-transferable. After the result has been announced for SET Exam, the candidates are required to book their seats by paying Rs 1000 and the final merit list will be announced later on. The admission will be offered on the basis of the combined score of PI-WAT and SET Exam 2025. Candidates who are selected will be sent an offer letter for admission through the Email address provided.

Aspirants appearing for other entrance exams need not register for SET 2025 and can apply directly to the Institute to enroll admission in various courses. Before, going through the admission process candidates need to register themselves.

SET Reistration Dates 2025

SET Registration Form 2025

Below we have mentioned a list of important dates regarding SET Exam 2025. Interested candidates can check this out.


SET Dates (Tentative)

SET registration commences


Registration ends


Last date of payment of SET application fees


Registrations reopened for SET


SET 2025 (A)

18-Jun-2025 to 19-Jun-2025 (SSE, SSLA, SCMC, SSCA, and SICSR)

Last date of registrations and fee payment


SET 2025 (B) 

26 Jul 2025 to 29 Jul 2025 (SCMS Noida, SCMS Pune, and SCM Nagpur)

How to online Apply SET Registration Form 2025?

Step 1: Visit the official website of SET and register online. A user ID and password will be created.

Step 2: In this step, the applicant needs to fill in the required details in the form including personal, educational, communication details, 3 choices on exam centers, choices of courses/ institutes, and book the slots.

Candidates can apply for up to two exams (one from the morning shift and one from the evening):

Step 3: Next, the applicants are asked to upload scanned copies of their recent passport-sized photograph and signature of the specified size. The photograph should not be more than 3 months old.

Step 4: The application process will not be completed unless the applicant submits the fee. The fee for the SET application is  Rs. 1750 (Rs. 3500 in the case of two exams). Payment can be done online through Billdesk Gateway and Indian Bank Gateway or the candidate can do the offline payment via Demand Draft (DD) in favor of “Symbiosis T 1750 est Secretariat” payable at Pune.

Step 5: When the payment is done offline, the aspirants have to take a printout of the payment advice form available in the registration portal, and fill the details of DD, sign it, and send it along with the DD to the Symbiosis Test Secretariat, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Gram: Lavale, Tal: Mulshi, Dist.: Pune – 412115.

Note: It must be ensured that the information, the candidate has filled in is accurate.

After registering successfully, candidates are required to follow the below-mentioned procedure to get admission in SET 2025.

SET Registration Form 2025

On successful registration, the candidates will be able to access the SET Application Form.

SET Admit Card 2025

Admit cards of SET will be issued to registered students at least a week before the exam. The candidates can download their respective admit cards from the official website.

Set Exam 2025

The SET exam will be held on the scheduled date at all the test centers across the country at the same time. The candidates must be present at the venue along with admitting cards and secondary identity proof.

SET Result 2025

The SET result will be announced on the official website. Selected candidates will be called for WAT/PI round. Each school will release its own cut-off and post-SET admission process. The candidates are advised to check individual websites.

SET  WAT/PI 2025

The candidate must carry all the relevant documents (original and photocopy) to the Writing Ability Test/ Personal Interview round. Admission will be granted on the basis of a candidate’s overall performance in the SET exam and WAT/PI.

Documents Required While Filling SET Exam Registration Form 2025:

Below we have mentioned a list of documents that are required while filling the SET Registration form 2025.

  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Class X and XII mark sheets
  • Date of birth certificate
  • Photo ID proof
  • Caste certificate (if applicable)
SET Exam Form 2025
SET Exam Information
SET Exam Date
SET Exam Pattern
SET Exam Syllabus
SET Exam Admit Card
SET Exam Answer Key
SET Exam Result

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