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PGDM Entrance Syllabus 2025

PGDM Entrance Syllabus: The Post Graduate Diploma in Management is a sought-after exam that many candidates opt for after their Graduation. The PGDM Entrance exam is held at the National level and State level. Candidates who want to take admission to the top PGDM colleges have to appear for the entrance exams.

The PGDM Entrance syllabus is structured as per the industry standards. Candidates who qualify for the top PGDM exams become eligible for well-paid jobs in renowned industries. PGDM is a 2-year course and the curriculum is divided into 4 semesters.

Candidates applying for the PGDM Entrance Exam must check the eligibility criteria for the exams. Only eligible candidates can successfully register for the exams. The main eligibility criteria for the PGDM Entrance exam is that the candidates must qualify for their graduation from a recognized University with a 50% aggregate.

Admission is merit-based and on the scores of the National level Entrance exams. Some PGDM Institutes conduct their own entrance exams. However, the scores of National level PGDM Entrance exams are accepted by most of the Institutes.

PGDM Entrance Syllabus 2025

List of Top Entrance Exams for PGDM:

  • CAT (Common Admission Test)
  • MAT (Management Aptitude Test)
  • XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test)
  • NMAT (Nmims Management Aptitude Test)
  • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test)
  • CMAT (Common Management Admission Test)
  • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test)
  • ATMA (Aims Test for Management Admission)

PGDM Entrance Exam Syllabus:

The PGDM Entrance curriculum is different for different Institutes. The common topics of the PGDM syllabus include Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Business Law. The PGDM Entrance syllabus 2025 also includes industry-based case studies to make the students future-ready in the field of Management. The popular PGDM specializations are Finance, Marketing, Sales, Human resources, Business Analytics, Operations, International Business, etc. Candidates can choose their specializations as per their area of interest.

Important Aspects of the PGDM Entrance Syllabus:

  • The Entrance syllabus for the PGDM exams consists of core subjects as well as elective subjects.
  • The syllabus is formulated as per the industry requirements.
  • The PGDM syllabus is divided into 4 semesters.
  • The PGDM syllabus consists of theoretical lessons as well as practical case studies.
  • The PGDM specializations include Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Business Analytics, Sales, Economics, Information system, Operations, General Management.

Steps to Download the PGDM Entrance Syllabus:

  • Go to the official website of the PGDM Entrance exam.
  • Select the PGDM Syllabus link on the homepage.
  • Enter login details like registration number, date of birth, and password.
  • Wait for some time.
  • The PGDM Entrance exam syllabus will appear on the screen in PDF format.
  • Download the syllabus and save it on your computer.
  • Take a printout of the syllabus for further reference.

Top PGDM Entrance Exam Syllabus in Details

PGDM CAT Exam Syllabus:

CAT is a National level Entrance exam that is conducted by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. CAT exam is held as a computer-based test and consists of 3 sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, and Data Interpretation.

PGDM Entrance syllabus for CAT


Sections of CAT exam

Topics included


Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Sentence correction, Fill in the blanks, Active and passive voice, Antonyms and Synonyms, Vocabulary based questions, Jumbled up sentences, Facts, inferences and judgment, passages, Paragraph completion


Quantitative Aptitude

Algebra, Geometry, Modern Mathematics, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Arithmetic, Number system, Time and Work, Simple interest


Data Adequacy and Logical Reasoning

Seating arrangement, Family tree, Clocks and calendars, Prepositions, Venn Diagrams, Syllogisms, Statements, Binary Logic, Matching puzzles

PGDM ATMA Entrance Exam Subject Wise Syllabus:

ATMA is a National level PGDM Entrance exam conducted by the Association of Indian Management Schools. Candidates can download the ATMA PGDM Entrance exam syllabus from the official website. The syllabus consists of 3 main sections- Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Reasoning.

PGDM Entrance syllabus for ATMA


Sections of ATMA exams

Topics included


Quantitative Aptitude

Quadratic equation, Geometry, Algebra, Mensuration, Profit and Loss, Permutation and Combination, Binomial Theorem, Set theory, Surds and Indices, Time Speed and Distance, Logarithms, Ratio and proportions, Discounts, Average, problems on ages


Analytical Reasoning

Critical reasoning, course of action, Weak and strong arguments, syllogisms, Coding and decoding, Statement and Inference, statement and conclusion, Arrangements, Data sufficiency


Verbal reasoning

Grammar, Vocabulary, Jumbled up sentences, Reading comprehension, Sentence completion

XLRI XAT PGDM Entrance Subjects Syllabus

Candidates can download the XAT syllabus from the official website. The XAT exam has a total duration of 180 minutes and the Entrance paper consists of 100 questions. The PGDM Entrance Paper syllabus for XAT consists of 4 sections - Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, Verbal and Logical Ability, Decision making, and General knowledge.

PGDM Entrance Exam syllabus for XAT


Sections of XAT exams

Topics included


Quantitative Ability and Data interpretation

Algebra, Number system, Surds and Indices, Geometry, Bar Diagrams, Percentage, Arithmetic, Pie charts, Tables, Mensuration


Verbal and Logical ability

Reading comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Logical reasoning, Error Detection, Fill in the blanks, Vocabulary, Analogy, Para jumbles, Analogy


Decision making

Complex arrangements, Business decision making, Assumptions, Arrangement of Data, Premises, Conclusions, Caselets, Ethical dilemma


General knowledge

Important personalities, Economy, Politics, Sports, Constitution of India, History, Science and Technology, Prizes and awards, Management

NMAT PGDM Entrance Exam Subject Wise Syllabus

The NMAT syllabus is available on the official website of the Graduate Management Aptitude Council (GMAC). The exam is conducted for the admission of the candidates to the PGDM courses offered by NMIMS. Some top Management Institutes of the country also accept the NMAT scores. The NMAT PGDM Entrance syllabus 2025 consists of 3 sections- Quantitative skills, Logical Reasoning and Language skills. The official notification of the NMAT syllabus will be released on the website by the authorities and candidates can download it. 

PGDM Entrance exam syllabus for NMAT


Sections of NMAT exams

Topics included


Quantitative skills

Number system, Profit and Loss, Discounts, Simple and Compound Interest, Statistics, Trigonometry, Algebra, Time Speed and Distance, Surds and Indices, LCM and HCF, Probability, Geometry, Data interpretation, Percentage, Statistics


Logical Reasoning

Puzzle, Distance and directions, Assumptions, Statements and Arguments, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Number completion, Embedded figures, Cubes and Dices, Syllogisms, Venn Diagrams, Paper folding and cutting, Counting of figures, Data sufficiency, Mirror images and water images, Distance and direction, Sequential output, Statements and Arguments, Blood Relation, Classification


Language skills

Antonyms and Synonyms, Jumbled up sentences, Passages, English Grammar, Reading Comprehension, English usage

PGDM CMAT Entrance Exam Syllabus

CMAT is a National level PGDM Entrance exam conducted by the National Testing Agency. The CMAT exam has a total duration of 3 hours and consists of 4 sections- Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language comprehension and General awareness. The syllabus of the CMAT exam has been designed in such a way that it tests the aptitude of the candidate. Eligible candidates can download the PGDM Entrance Test syllabus for CMAT from the official site and start preparing for the exams. CMAT exam is conducted as a Computer-based Test and the mode of the exam is 3 hours.

The CMAT syllabus consists of an optional section on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

PGDM syllabus for CMAT


Sections of CMAT exam

Topics included


Quantitative Aptitude and Data interpretation

Geometry, Ratio, and Proportion, Profit and Loss, Fraction and Decimals, Time speed-Distance, Graphs, Number systems, Algebra, Pie chart, Quadratic and Linear equations, probability, Simple and Compound interest, Permutations and Combinations, Pipes and Cisterns,


Logical reasoning

Blood relations, Number series, Statement assumptions, Direction and Distance, Inferences, Analogy test, Symbol based problems, Nonverbal reasoning, Linear arrangements, Coding and Decoding, Sequencing, Analogy test, Analytical reasoning


General awareness

History, Economy, Geography, Politics, Literature, Constitution of India, Science and Technology, Culture, Important personalities, Sports, Current affairs


Language comprehension

Antonyms and synonyms, Reading comprehension, Jumbled up paragraphs, Idioms, and phrases, English Grammar, word substitution, Sentence completion,


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Startups, Business Development, innovation, and Entrepreneurship skills

PGDM SNAP Entrance Syllabus:

The SNAP PGDM Entrance syllabus 2025 is released by Symbiosis International University and candidates can check it on the official site.A look at the SNAP syllabus and the exam pattern will help the candidates to understand the total questions and the weightage of each section of the exam. The SNAP exam is divided into 3 sections- Analytical and Logical reasoning, Data interpretation and Data sufficiency, General English.

PGDM Entrance Paper Syllabus for SNAP


Sections of PGDM exam

Topics included


General English

Odd one out, Synonyms and Antonyms, Idioms and phrases, Verbal reasoning, Sentence correction, One-word substitution, Syllogisms, Passage or poems, Sentence correction, Analogies, Jumbled up paragraphs


Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Visual reasoning, Assertions and reasons, matrix arrangements, Family tree, Blood relations, Cause and effect, True and false, Visual reasoning, Functions, Line graphs, Pie charts, Venn diagrams, Statements and Assumptions, Linear arrangement, Coding and Decoding


Data interpretation and Data sufficiency

Number systems, Binomial theorem, Surds and Indices, Algebra, Logarithmic functions, Trigonometry, Averages, Ratio and Proportion, Quadratic equation, Permutation and Combination, Coordinate geometry, Set theory

List of the Top Recommended Books for the PGDM Entrance Syllabus

  1. International and Financial Management by Thummuluri Siddaiah
  2. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Nishit K Sinha
  3. A modern approach to Logical Reasoning by R S Agarwal
  4. Data Analysis and Sufficiency by Arun Sharma
  5. Macroeconomics by R.Glenn Hubbard
  6. Operations Management- Theory and Practices by Mahadevan
  7. Essentials of Management- An international perspective by  Koontz and Weirich
  8. Contemporary Management by Gareth R Jones and Jenifer M George
  9. Word power made easy by Norman Lewis
  10. How to prepare series by Arun Sharma

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