College Disha

PGDCA Exam Pattern

PGDCA Exam Pattern 2025:

The PGDCA Exam Pattern will be available on the official web portal of various colleges or universities. The PGDCA exam pattern is really helpful for all the aspiring candidates because it clearly describes the topic wise marking scheme as well as the important topics and sub-topics on which the exam will be based.

As soon as the PGDCA pattern is released by the candidate's university or college, he/she must check it to schedule his/her studies accordingly and prepare well for the exam. All the candidates should aim at getting good marks in their PGDCA Course.

PGDCA Entrance Exam 2025

Name of Exam 

PGDCA Exam 2025

Paper Name

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application Test

Type of Exam

Entrance Examination

Mode of Exam


Question Paper Pattern

MCQ’s Objective Type

PGDCA Exam Pattern

PGDCA Exam 2025 - Quick Links


PGDCA Syllabus

PGDCA Admit Card

PGDCA Answer Key

PGDCA Exam Result

PGDCA Exam Notification

PGDCA Exam Registration

PGDCA Exam Pattern 2025 - Semester Examination

Exam mode

Offline (Pen and answer sheet)

Number of papers

Semester Wise

Number of questions


Number of sections

2 (Section A & Section B)

Question paper type

Written Type

Total marks


Exam duration

2 hour

Exam language


Article Category

PGDCA Pattern 2025

PGDCA Exam Pattern - Exam Mode

Generally, the college or university conducts the exams of various theoretical subjects under the PGDCA Course in an offline mode, and the exams of practical subjects like Programming languages C++ or Java, are organized in an online mode.

The candidates are advised to check the seal of their answer sheet before writing the exam.  In case if any of the candidates find it broken, they should immediately contact the concerned Examiner.

PGDCA Exam Pattern: Nature of Questions

Generally, the colleges or universities ask descriptive questions in the exams of most of the subjects taught under the PGDCA Course. The candidates have to write a complete 1 page or 2-page answer according to the word limit prescribed for a particular question. 

The candidates are expected to write their answers in bullet points so that the Invigilator can easily understand their point of view.

Also, the candidates should stick to the word limit given for writing a particular answer and they should try to write crisp and informative answers for every question given in the question paper. The candidates should remove a myth from their minds that writing more and more pages can give them more marks. The invigilator wants quality content and not the unnecessary use of more and more pages. 

PGDCA Pattern: Exam Highlights

Generally, in descriptive exam papers like that of subjects in the PGDCA Course, there is no provision of negative marking for any wrong answers or unattempted in most of the colleges and universities. 

Sometimes, the college or university also offers a choice to the candidate to attempt any 1 or 2 questions out of 2 or 3 questions given, but that totally depends on the discretion of that college or university.

In most of the colleges, the exams of various subjects under the PGDCA Course are of 2 hours. The duration may vary from college to college.  

PGDCA Exam Preparation Tips:

The candidates can refer to some of the below-mentioned exam preparation tips which they may follow to get good marks in the PGDCA Course: 

  • First of all, the candidates should go through the complete PGDCA Syllabus 2025 of various subjects under the PGDCA Course on the official website of their respective college or university
  • For getting good marks, the candidates after completing their preparation for the exams should solve previous years' exam papers to check their level of preparedness for that particular exam. 
  • The candidates should try to identify the important topics in various subjects which are discussed by the teacher so that they can give extra time to those particular topics. 
  • The candidates should refer to the source told by their teacher or they can visit the library to search for good & informative books which they can use to prepare well for the exams. 

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