College Disha

PGDCA Exam Date 2024: Download PDF Timetable & Schedule

PGDCA Exam Date 2025: Various colleges or universities that offer the PGDCA Course conduct the PGDCA Exam 2025 to analyze the understanding level of candidates after going through the courses taught in a particular semester.

All the important dates regarding the PGDCA Exam Time Table 2025 will be made public by all the colleges and universities across India offering this course through their official web portal. So the candidates should visit the official web portal of their respective college or university l to check all the crucial dates.

PGDCA Exam Date (for various subjects taught under the PGDCA Course) may vary from college to college. So, we are only providing the tentative dates in most of the colleges for organizing their PGDCA Exams. It is the duty of the candidate to regularly check the official website of his/her college from where he/she is doing the PGDCA Course to find out the actual PGDCA Exam Date.

PGDCA Exam Date

PGDCA Exam Date 2025 (Tentative) 

PGDCA Application Form Filling  

April-September 2025

PGDCA 1st Semester Exams 

February-March 2025

PGDCA 1st Semester Results  

April-May 2025

PGDCA 2nd Semester Exams 

July-August 2025

PGDCA 2nd Semester Results 

September-October 2025

Most of the colleges start inviting applications for admission to the Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA) Course in the month of April, so the candidates who want to pursue this course should do their primary research about the colleges in advance so that their Application Process does not get delayed.

PGDCA Exam Date

PGDCA Exam 2025 Useful Links

PGDCA Pattern

PGDCA Syllabus

PGDCA Admit Card

PGDCA Answer Key

PGDCA Exam Result

PGDCA Exam Notification

PGDCA Exam Form

PGDCA Exam Date - Semester System 

In most colleges or universities, the PGDCA Course is for 1 year, and this year is divided into 2 semesters of a maximum of 5 months involving the academic activities and 1 month is reserved for PGDCA Examinations (including the 1-week exam preparation leave). 

At the end of both semesters, the students are required to submit a project work based on the topics given by the concerned university or college.

The Course Director decides on the schedule of training which is required to give hands-on training to all the students within 5 months of academic activities. PGDCA Course includes both theory as well as practical subjects that are concerned with the design, development, and use of computer applications.

The candidates should understand that a Computer Application is an amalgamation of an operating system, a programming language, and a business utility. That is why they are given project work to design and showcase their skills in running computer software programs.

Apart from imparting theoretical knowledge to the students, mostly all the colleges focus on developing the overall personality of the candidate by giving advanced knowledge to them in varied areas of computer applications and business communication.

The structure of this PGDCA Course has been minutely designed to provide a conducive learning environment to the students so that they can work excellently in software engineering companies, banking institutions, pharma companies, etc.

PGDCA Exam Date Instructions:

Given below are some of the instructions given to the candidates that they need to follow on the day of the PGDCA Exam Time Table, irrespective of the college they have been admitted to. These instructions are common to most of the colleges and the candidates should go through all of them once:

  • The candidates should not forget to carry their PGDCA Admit Card issued to them by their respective colleges on the date of examination.
  • Every candidate should try to reach the examination hall at least 1 hour before the actual time of the exam.
  • Once the PGDCA Exam starts, no candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall without the permission of the respective invigilator.
  • The candidates should remember not to carry their Mobile Phones, Pen Drives, Calculator, Wallets, Purses, iPads, laptops, or earphones with them because they are not allowed in the examination.
  • It is better if the candidate carries a valid Photo ID, and 2, or 3 passport-size photographs to the examination hall for verification purposes. 
  • When the candidates enter the PGDCA Examination Centre decided by their respective colleges, they are given a unique seat number, so they have to sit on that particular seat only.
  • If the PGDCA Exam is in written mode, the candidate should properly check the answer sheet allotted to them and he/she has to first write his/her name and roll no. on the answer sheet.
  • If there is any paper in an online mode, the candidates need to inform about any technical glitch to their respective invigilators.

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