MP TET Exam Subjects 2025: Child Development Pedagogy
30 Questions
- Child Development Subject And Syllabus for Madhya Pradesh TET Exam 2025
15 Questions
- The concept of child development and its relation to its accession.
- Factors influencing growth and development.
- Principles of Child Development
- Children's mental health and behaviour-related problems.
- Piaget, Pavlov and Kohler and Thorndike: Composition and Criticism
- Socialization: Social world and children (teacher, parent, partner)
- The concept of child-centred and progressive education.
- Critical nature of mind and its measurement and its multidimensional mind.
- Personality and its measurement.
- Language and thought.
- Gender as a role of construction and the role of gender, gender discrimination, and educational practices.
- Understanding the differences based on the irregularity of individual differences, language, sex, caste, community, etc of learners.
- Assessment of learning and differences in the assessment of learning. Assessment based on class, continuous and inclusive evaluation, nature and practice.
- Development of appropriate questions for assessing the level of preparation of the faculty to increase the learning and critical thinking in class and assess the achievement of the learner.
- Understanding the concept of inclusive education and children with special needs
5 Questions
- Identification of the accessory of a diverse background including unqualified, and arbitrary classes.
- Identification of the need for children from Adhigam Katnayi, 'Prati' etc.
- Identification of talented, creative, special-ability employees.
- Time Child: Identification and Diagnostic Form.
- Child Crime: Causes and Types
- Education and Education (Pedagogy) Subject Syllabus of Madhya Pradesh TET Exam
10 Questions
- Death and memory
- Identity and its measurement
- Specifications and advice
- Factors Contributing to Acquisition - Incident, and Environment
- Appeals and Acquisitions
- People and momentum
- Children as problem solvers and scientists
- Direction and device.
- A child as a problem solver and scientific explorer.
- Aptitude and its measurement.
- Memory and forgetfulness
- An alternative conception of learning in children, understanding of a child’s mistake as a meaningful link to the learning process. The factor affecting learning: attention and interest.
Maths Paper Syllabus for Madhya Pradesh Exam
30 Questions
15 Questions
- Number system- reading and writing numbers greater than 1000, the understanding of the place value of large numbers greater than 1000, and four fundamental operations.
- Add and subtract- Addition and Subtraction of numbers up to 5 digits
- Multiplication-multiplication of numbers up to 2 and 3 digits,
- Subtraction
- Convert meters into centimetres and centimetres into the meter.
- Pattern - increasing the understanding of patterns related to numbers, the formation of patterns and their generalization based on operations, finding the pattern of triangular numbers and square numbers.
- Geometry- Fundamental geometric concepts, rays line-segment, angle (classification of angles), triangle (classification of triangles- 1) on the basis of sides, 2) on the basis of angles, 3) the sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180 degrees)
- Identification of the 2D shapes of the environment.
- Identification of center, radius, and diameter of a circle.
- The relationship between the center, radius, and diameter, symmetric figure, and the understanding of parallel and perpendicular lines based on surroundings.
- Uniting different data related to daily life.
- Reading clock time in minutes and hours and its representation in AM and PM
- Relation of the 24-hour clock to 12-hour clock.
- Geometry pattern based on concurrency
- Calculate the time interval in daily life events.
- Geometry pattern based on symmetry
- Recognition of patterns in multiplication and division
- Representation of data through a bar graph and finding the conclusion.
- Shapes and Spatial Understanding.
- Algebra
- Mensuration
- Geometry
- Numbers,
- Arithmetic
15 Questions
- To develop thinking and technology through mathematics training.
- Location of mathematics in the syllabus.
- Language of Mathematics
- Develop new methods of assessment, diagnostic testing, and re-training capability.
- Ability to use new methods of mathematics training in training
MP TET Exam Syllabus 2025: Environmental Study
30 Questions
20 Questions
- Our family, our friends -
- Correlations with family and society - Elder, ill, adolescent, special needs children of the family care and our sensitivity to them.
- Our Animals, Birds - Our Pets - Birds, Cargo Animals, Animals in the surroundings around us - Animals effect of pollution on the animal.
- Our trees - plants - local trees - plants, plants - and the interdependence of humans, protection of the forest and their need and Importance, Impact of Pollution on Tree-Plantation.
- Our natural resources- major natural resources and their conservation; traditional and renewable and unrenewable sources of energy.
2. Spots and Activities:
- Sports. Science and Yoga.
- Various occupations, industries, and businesses
- Family festivals and entertainment tools-books, stories, puppets, dance, fairs, cultural programs, and the celebration of important days in school.
3. Housing:
- Sanitation of toilets, cleanliness of the environment, and good habits.
- Protection of local buildings, public property, national heritage, and their care.
- The excellent house and the materials used for its construction, assessment of construction material.
- Different homes of animals, birds, and humans, the need for a house, and the feature of the house for a healthy life.
4. Our Food and Habits:
- The necessity of food and its components.
- A healthy combination of food items.
- The importance of fruits and plants- fruits and plants based on the parts of the plant.
- Food for various age groups and the right time of ingestion.
- The safety of food resources.
- The measures of food hygiene and safety.
5. Water and air pollution and infection:
- The need for clean water and clean air for life.
- Local weather, water cycle, and the effect of climate change and our role in climate change.
- The source of water, its safe maintenance, and the method of conservation of nutrition.
- Diseases caused by infected air and water, land, various waste materials, and their management, and proper disposal.
- Safety and prevention measures from disaster, flood, drought, etc., and disaster management.
- Sustainable management of natural resources-proper exploitation of resources, diesel, petroleum consumption, sustenance, etc
6. Natural objects and Yield:
- Relation of soil, water, seed and crop, organic-chemical fertilizer.
- Different crops and their production areas.
- Important agricultural works and equipment required for crop production.
7. Human-made tools and the effects of his activities:
- Disaster management.
- The effect of fossil fuel.
- Uses of polythene and plastic and their decomposing agent.
- Deforestation and urbanization and its impact on ecological balance.
- The scientific cause of ozone depletion, acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect, and solutions.
8. Space Science:
- Introduction of space scientists and their experience in space.
- The scientific fact related to space life and possibilities for life.
- The space shuttle, space discoveries, and predictions.
B) Pedagogical Issue
10 Questions
- The concept and need for environmental studies.
- The importance of environmental studies, integrated environmental education.
- The fundamentals of environmental studies and their responsibilities.
- The correlation of environmental education to science and social science.
- The methods and activities for the clarification of the concept.
- Surrounding tour, practical work, project work, and their importance.
- Learning through debate, discussion, presentation, and group teaching.
- Environmental problems of the local environment and the development of the ability to their solutions.
- Training material/Auxiliary material and its application in environmental education.
MP TET Exam Syllabus 2025 - English Language
15 Questions
- The comprehension-based question in English and the development of language.
- Two unseen prose passages with questions on comprehension, grammar, and verbal ability.
- Pedagogy of language development
15 Questions
- Learning and acquisition of language.
- Principles of second language teaching.
- Language skills-listening, speaking, writing, and reading.
- Role of listening and speaking, the function of language, and how children use it as a tool.
- Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom, language difficulties.
- The role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form.
- Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency- listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Remedial teaching
MP TET Exam Subject: Hindi Language
15 Questions
- बोध, व्याकरण और मौखिक क्षमता पर प्रश्न के साथ दो अपठित गद्यांश
(गद्यांश साहित्यिक वैज्ञानिक सामाजिक समरसता तात्कालिक घटनाओं से आधारित हो सकते हैं )
- भाषायी विकास हेतु निर्धारित शिक्षा शास्त्र
15 Questions
- भाषा सीखना और ग्रहणशीलता
- भाषा शिक्षण के सिद्धांत
- भाषा शिक्षण में सुनने, बोलने की भूमिका, भाषा के कार्य, बच्चे भाषा का प्रयोग कैसे करते हैं
- मौखिक और लिखित अभिव्यक्ति के अंतर्गत भाषा सीखने में व्याकरण की भूमिका भाषा शिक्षण में विभिन्न स्टारों के बच्चों की चुनौतियाँ,कठिनाइयाँ, त्रुटियां एवं क्रमबद्धता
- भाषा के चारों कौशल (बोलना, लिखना, सीखना पढ़ना और लिखना) का मूल्यांकन
- कक्षा में शिक्षण -अधिगम सामग्री, पाढयपुस्तक, दूर संचार, सामग्री, बहुकक्षा स्त्रोत।
- पुनः शिक्षण
MP TET Exam Syllabus 2025 - Sanskrit Language
30 Questions
15 Questions
- बोध, व्याकरण और मौखिक क्षमता पर प्रश्न के साथ दो अपठित गद्यांश
(गद्यांश साहित्यिक वैज्ञानिक सामाजिक समरसता तात्कालिक घटनाओं से आधारित हो सकते हैं )
- भाषायी विकास हेतु निर्धारित शिक्षा शास्त्र
15 Questions
- भाषा सीखना और ग्रहणशीलता
- भाषा शिक्षण के सिद्धांत
- भाषा शिक्षण में सुनने, बोलने की भूमिका, भाषा के कार्य, बच्चे भाषा का प्रयोग कैसे करते हैं
- मौखिक और लिखित अभिव्यक्ति के अंतर्गत भाषा सीखने में व्याकरण की भूमिका भाषा शिक्षण में विभिन्न स्टारों के बच्चों की चुनौतियाँ,कठिनाइयाँ, त्रुटियां एवं क्रमबद्धता
- भाषा के चारों कौशल (बोलना, लिखना, सीखना पढ़ना और लिखना) का मूल्यांकन
- कक्षा में शिक्षण -अधिगम सामग्री, पाढयपुस्तक, दूर संचार, सामग्री, बहुकक्षा स्त्रोत।
- पुनः शिक्षण