College Disha

MP TET Exam Date 2025

MP TET Entrance Exam: Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB) conducts the MP TET to recruit candidates as Primary Teachers in various Government Schools of Madhya Pradesh.

All the Important dates regarding the MP TET are made public by the concerned officials through the official website of the Professional Education Board (PEB), Madhya Pradesh. So the candidates can visit to check all the crucial dates.

As a responsible candidate who is willing to give this exam sincerely, it is his/her duty to check the official website of PEB regularly.

MP TET Exam Dates

MP TET Exam Date 2025


✎ MP TET Registration Form

✎ MP TET Exam Pattern

✎ MP TET Syllabus

✎ MP TET Admit Card

✎ MP TET Answer Key

✎ MP TET Result

MP TET Exam Dates:

The candidates should go through the below-mentioned important dates related to the MP TET Exam so that they do not miss any important MP TET Exam Date 2025 and Event.


Tentative Dates

Starting Date for MP TET Online Application 

 August 2025

Closing of Online MP TET Application

September 2025

MP TET Admit Card Release Date

Last week of October 2025

MP TET Exam Date 

October 2025

MP TET Result Date 

Will be announced soon 

MP TET Exam Dates Highlights:

Name of the Exam


Full-Form of MP TET

Madhya Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test

Exam Conducting Body

Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB)

Mode of Application


Mode of MP TET Exam 

Online (Computer System Based Exam)

Exam Type


MP TET Application Fee

INR 600 (for Unreserved Category Candidates)

INR 300 (for SC/ST/OBCs)

Official Website 

The candidates are eagerly waiting for the MP TET Exam date 2025 which can be between 02 September 2025 to 23rd September 2025. It totally depends on the discretion of the concerned department which is conducting the exam. 

All the important dates related to the MP TET can be seen by the candidates by clicking on the “Exam Schedule” Tab given on the official website of the concerned authority. 

Important Instructions Related to MP TET 2025:

Following are some important instructions related to the MP TET 2025 Exam. The candidates are strictly advised to go through all before going to attempt MP TET:

  • The candidates who are sitting for MP TET will get 150 Minutes to finish the exam. The exam will be conducted in 2 shifts (morning and afternoon).  
  • The candidates should visit the official website of PEB to check the important dates.
  • All the candidates are strictly advised to keep their MP TET Admit Card with them on the date of examination.
  • Once the MP TET starts, no candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall without the permission of the respective invigilator.
  • The candidates should not carry their Scientific Calculator, Bluetooth Device, Programmable Calculator, Watch Alarms, Listening Devices, Paging Devices (Beepers),  Recording Devices, Protectors, Compasses, Scales, Whiteners, Mobile Phones, Log Table, Loose Paper/Slip, Electronic Watch, IPads, Laptop or Earphones with them because they are not allowed in the examination hall. 
  • It is compulsory for every candidate to reach the examination hall at least 2 hours before the exam time.
  • When the candidates enter the MP TET Examination Centre, they are given a unique seat number, so they have to sit on that particular seat only.
  • The candidates are strictly not allowed to talk, scream, gossip, make a gesture, and keep a connection with any of the other candidates. 
  • Once the concerned authority has allotted an exam center to a candidate, it will not change in any circumstances.
  • The candidates should also make sure that after completely filling the Application Form, they should review it at least 2-3 times in the Preview Mode. However, there is a provision for making corrections after the payment of a specific fee. 
  • In case of any query related to MP TET Online Application Process or related to MP TET, the candidates can reach out to M.P.OnLine Helpdesk using the given telephone number: 0755-6720200 or they can contact using the toll-free number 18002337899. If any candidate has any complaint with respect to MP TET Exam, he/she can immediately mail it to “[email protected]”. 
  • Professional Education Board, Madhya Pradesh does not permit the revaluation/recalculation of scores after declaring the result. So, if any of the candidates make such a request, it will not be entertained by the concerned board and the board will also not respond to any such request.

What will happen in case of filling more than 1 MP TET Application Form?

In case, if the candidates fill more than 1 MP TET Application Form i.e. Duplicate MP TET Application Form, within the stipulated time allotted for filling the online applications:

    • Such candidates will be notified about finding the same Name, Father’s/Spouse Name, Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender in some other filled MP TET Application also and the system will ask “Do you want to cancel the previous Application?”. 
    • If candidates choose the “Yes” Option then only he/she can fill the new MP TET Application Form otherwise he/she will not be able to fill the new application and only the previously filled MP TET Application FOrm will be valid.
    • If candidates choose the “Yes” Option, then the M.P. OnLine will send a notification on their registered E-Mail Id/ Mobile Number regarding the cancellation of the previously filled MP TET Application Form and the acceptance of a newer Mp TET Application Form. 
    • In such a case, the application fee paid for filling the previous MP TET Application Form will be confiscated by the concerned board and the candidate has to pay the application fee again for filling a new MP TET Application Form. 
    • In case of filling multiple MP TET Application forms illegally and without any valid purpose, his/her candidature will stand canceled. 
MP TET Exam Centre 2025:

Given below is the list of Exam Centres at which the Professional Education Board conducts the online examination of the Madhya Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (MP TET). 

  1. Bhopal 

5. Ujjain

9. Sagar

13. Damoh 

  1. Indore

6. Neemuch

10. Satna 

14. Sidhi 

  1. Jabalpur

7. Ratlam 

11. Khandwa

15. Chhindwara

  1. Gwalior 

8. Mandsaur 

12. Guna 

16. Balaghat 

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