College Disha

Meghalaya TET Result 2025

Meghalaya TET Score Card: Candidates who are giving the Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test examination will get the Meghalaya TET result 2025 on its official website ( Meghalaya TET Result is declared by the Directorate of Education Research. Meghalaya TET Score Card is released in online mode and PDF format. Under merit list candidates get arranged according to their marks obtained in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination. 

➥ 55% and 60% of aggregate for SC/OBC/DA/ST candidates will be declared as qualified in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination. After getting qualified in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination, the candidate will get the Teacher eligibility test certificate.                                                                                             

➥ Here we are providing you with all the important information regarding MLTET exam results 2025. So before checking the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test result student must check it out because we are briefing the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test cut-off, MLTET Exam Score Card, calculating Meghalaya teacher eligibility test marks, the procedure of checking the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test result.

Meghalaya TET Result 2025

Meghalaya TET Result 2025

Meghalaya TET Exam
Meghalaya TET Application Form
Meghalaya TET Exam Date
Meghalaya TET Exam Pattern
Meghalaya TET Syllabus
Meghalaya TET Admit Card
Meghalaya TET Answer Key

Meghalaya TET Result 2025 (MLTET Score Card) Highlights



Meghalaya TET Exam Date 

To be announced

Meghalaya TET Result Date

To be announced 

Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test Cut Off  

A candidate has to secure the minimum qualified marks in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test to become a teacher of primary or elementary classes. The candidate has to give different papers for primary and elementary classes. Paper 1 for primary classes( class 1 to 5 ) and Paper 2 for elementary classes (class 6 to 8). A candidate can also give both paper 1 and paper 2 to become a teacher for classes 1 to 8. Paper 1 and Paper 2 have the same qualifying marks for the Meghalaya TET exam.

Below is the tabular format of the Meghalaya TET cut off:


Cut Off%

Cut Off Marks



90 out of 150



82 out of 150        

According to this Meghalaya TET cut off only the candidates will be considered as qualified for Meghalaya TET and those who did not meet the cut-off list of the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test then they are not considered as the qualified individual who will teach primary or elementary classes. 

Calculating Meghalaya teacher eligibility test marks:

Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination result declaration is in the hands of the Directorate of Educational Research and Training (DERT). Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test exam is based on offline mode and is taken on the OMR sheet because of the multiple-choice questions. So after completion of the MLTET exam, OMR sheets are scanned and answers are recorded in the computerized manner of all the candidates who are appearing in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test exam. 

After that recorded answers of all the candidates are compared to the official answer key of the Meghalaya TET Exam and then according to it marks are given to the candidates. Candidates can check out the marking scheme and exam pattern for understanding the pattern of DERT of how marks are given to them. So the marking scheme is - 

Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test MARKS = Number of Correct Answers 

Steps to Check The Meghalaya TET Result 2025:

Providing the steps of downloading the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test exam result:

Step 1  - Visit the official website

Candidates have to visit the official website of the Meghalaya Board of Education (ww.meg for downloading the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test result. 

Step 2 - Search the Link 

Candidates have to search the link of the Meghalaya TET exam which they will find on the official website only and will be written as the Meghalaya TET result.

Step 3 - Click on the link 

After finding the link the candidate has to click on the MLTET exam result 2025 link and then a page will open where the result of the candidates will appear.

Step 4 - Categories

After that candidates will get to see all the categories ' results of the Meghalaya Teacher eligibility test exam. 

Step 5 - Merit List 

A merit list will appear on the screen with the information of all the candidates' names and their roll numbers. 

Step 6 - Search your Name and Roll Number

Candidates have to search their name and roll number in the list by using CTRL+F.

Step 7 - Passed the exam or not 

If your name is on the merit list then you have passed the Meghalaya TET examination and if your name is not on the merit list then you haven’t passed the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination. 

Step 8 - Download the MLTET Result 

After checking the Meghalaya Teacher eligibility test examination a candidate should download the MLTET result 2025 for future reference. 

Details mentioned on Meghalaya TET Result 2025:

Meghalaya teacher eligibility test is released online on the official website of the Meghalaya Board of education in PDF format so the candidates can download the Meghalaya TET result from the website. The MLTET exam result includes the name of the candidate, the roll number of the candidate, and obtained marks of the candidate who has qualified in the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test examination. 

If a candidate clears the MTET exam then the status is shown as “Q” it means qualified in the first paper and then it leads to the next process of selection. If a candidate does not clear the MTET Exam then the status is shown as “NQ'' which means not qualified and the candidate is not allowed to proceed further to the process of selection. Candidate must check his/her Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test result carefully. 

Here are some of the details that are mentioned on the Meghalaya teacher eligibility test result:

  • Candidate Name
  • Roll Number 
  • Date of the Birth
  • The State Code Eligibility
  • Nationality 
  • Parent’s Name
  • Class Category
  • Subject Wise Marks 
  • Status 
  • Total Marks Obtained                

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