Karnataka PWD Exam Pattern: The exam pattern helps us in determining the question paper format of the exam. Candidates preparing for the KPWD Exam for the job posts of Assistant Engineers and Junior Engineers must understand the exam pattern first. Knowing their exam pattern will help the candidate to prepare an effective study timetable and then it will somehow help you in time management.
Written Exam
(i) General Studies
(ii) Technical Knowledge
(iii) Kannada Language
Each paper in the Karnataka PWD Exam 2025 will carry a weightage of 100 marks. This means the total weightage of the written exam is 300 marks. The duration of each paper will be 2 hours. Below we have given the details of the Karnataka PWD Exam Pattern 2025:
KPSC PWD Exam Pattern 2025 |
Paper |
Marks |
Duration |
Paper Type |
General Studies |
100 |
2 hours |
Objective type |
Technical Knowledge |
100 |
2 hours |
Objective type |
Kannada Language (qualifying) |
100 |
2 hours |
Subjective/Descriptive type |
Please Note: that the written exam will carry a weightage of 200 marks only. The paper on the Kannada Language is just a qualifying exam as it tests the verbal ability of candidates in the Kannada Language.
After the Public Works Department of Karnataka publishes the Result, the department will call all the shortlisted candidates for the document verification process. The candidates will have to report to the head office of the department with the required original documents. These documents are as follows:
The list of the documents required for the document verification process will be mentioned on the call letter which will be issued to the selected candidates after the result declaration.
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