College Disha

HSSC Exam 2025 Syllabus

There are some general topics for the HSSC syllabus like general reasoning, mathematics agriculture. For a detailed description read the table provided below.  

Topics Sub-Topics
General Study Countries, politics, culture, struggle for Freedom, Governance, Constitution, Economical Scenario, History of India mainly Haryana, Five Year Plans, State Administration.
Agriculture Crop, Plant Diseases, Irrigation, Pumps, Manures, fertilizers, Soil Studies, Fruit, vegetables, Landscaping, microorganisms, Insects, Farm, Rain, Renewable Energy, Flowers, Production, Land, Horticulture, Animals and poultry.
Animal Husbandry Meat, Milk, Fiber, Eggs, Fish, Diseases, Breeding, wool or other products, Species, Animal Health, Feeding, Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Dairy, Poultry, Livestock farming, etc.
Reasoning Number and Letter Series, Distinguish Patterns, Matching, Analogies, Connectives, Similarities, and Differences, Calendars, Clocks, Relationships, Problem-solving, Cubes, relationship concepts, Arithmetical Computation and other analytical functions, Blood Relations, Logical Sequence, Venn diagrams, etc.
Current Affairs General Science, National issues, New amendments, General Knowledge, Swatch Bharat, Indian Current Events, Newly Appointed heads of important offices, Important dates, New Government schemes important National and international news, Current Science, Sports and culture, Important places in news, Technology, Awards, Space phenomenon, development agenda, Recently tested missiles, etc.
Numerical Ability Ages, Ratio and proportions, Simplification, Decimals, trains, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Percentage, pipes and cisterns, Number system, Profit and loss, Time and Work, Average, Discount, Simple and compound Interest, Time and distance, Mensuration, Tables & Graphs, etc.
General Science Research, Chemistry, Biology, Radiation, Techniques, and physics, Diseases and vaccines, Diet, emission, radioactivity, Nuclear fusion, units, Digestive system, Nuclear fission, theory, technologies, space, etc.
Aptitude Common sense and practice, logic, and analysis are put to the test. It also involves ten questions pertaining to fundamental computer knowledge.

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