ECC Syllabus: The ECC Exam is tested for a variety of subjects, which show the student's aptitude and knowledge in digital literacy. The ECC Exam Syllabus is designed in a way that enhances the student's capacity for e-governance, research and development techniques, education in the sector of IECT, E-learning, and E-Security. The ECC Examination is a stepping stone to the gain of necessary skill sets and knowledge to make them employable and thus bridge the gap between demand for trained professionals and the supply of e-literate individuals.
Some of the topics that are covered in the course study of the ECC Exam are as follows.
The detailed ECC Syllabus in each of the topics is mentioned below.
Characteristics of computer systems, Basic Applications of Computer, Computer Basics, Processing Unit, Keyboard, Mouse and VDU, Other Input Devices, Other Output Devices, Computer Memory. Concept of Hardware and Software, Hardware, Software, Application Software, Systems Software, Programming Languages, Representation of Data/Information, Concept of Data Processing, etc.
Basics of Operating System, Basics of Popular Operating System, Operating Systems (LINUX, Windows), User Interface, Taskbar Icons, Start Menu, Running an Application, notepad, paint, etc. Operating Systems simple setting, Changing System Date and Time, display properties, Windows Explorer, Changing Mouse, Adding and removing Properties, Desktop, Software Uploads, Exploring the desktop, programs, and save files, GUI Based Operating Systems, file management, etc.
Introduction, Basic Input, and Output System, Electricity and Power Systems, CPUs, Motherboards, PC Hardware Support, Video, and Multimedia Input and Output devices, Printers, portable Computers and Devices, Connecting Computers, Data Storage Devices, etc.
Word Processing Basics, Opening Word Processing Package, Editing Text, Save and Save as, Paragraph Indenting, Bullets and numbers, Draw Table, Text Creation, and Manipulation, Formatting the text, Macros, Use of Local Language, Mail Merge, Inserting Graphic Elements, Alignment of Text, Adjust Indents, etc.
Elements of Electronic SpreadSheet, Manipulation of Cells, Formulas, and Functions, Use of Pivot Table and Pivot Chart, Using Formulas, Functions, Basic Mathematical Operators, Opening of spreadsheets, Addressing of Cells, Creating Text, Numbers and Date series, Charts, learning about charts, etc.
Using Powerpoint, Opening a PowerPoint Presentation, Saving a presentation, Creation of a presentation, Creating a blank presentation, Slide Timings, Automation, Viewing a presentation, Excel worksheet, Adding Clip Art, Preparation of Slides, Slide Show, Presentation of Slides, Basic Concepts of a Presentation, etc.
Introduction to the concepts of the database management system, Creating a database, creating a table, concepts of a field, field types, entering data in a table, preview and a print table, Replacing texts, forms, and reports.
Cybersecurity, Basic concepts of threats, vulnerabilities, controls, risk, confidentiality, integrity, concepts and creating strong passwords, surfing on the internet in private browsing, knowing how to identify secure websites, netiquette, security considerations, basic software licensing, etc.
Computer Maintenance and Security, application software and security, deleting unnecessary programs and files, disk cleanup, deleting toolbars, defrag hard drive, CCleaner, SpinRite, disk cleanup, windows installation and upgrades, CPU’s and motherboards, memory systems, expansion cards, portable computers and devices, networking, security, maintaining the PC environment, etc.
Basic of computer networks, internet, various applications of the internet, methods of connecting to the internet, define and understand the terms, Uniform Resource Locator, Internet Service Provider, Hyperlink, internet protocols, define and understand the terms, printing web pages, understanding URL, etc. instant messaging and collaboration, using instant messaging, Commerce on internet, using favourites folder, an overview of the use of search engines an e-mail messages, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Applications of ICT, E-Governance, multimedia and entertainment, introduction to cloud computing, Digital signature, properties and characteristics, service models, deployment models, concepts of IaaS, PaaS, platform as a service, introduction to mobile computing, its components and characteristics, e-governance, the definition of e-governance, pillars of e-governance, infrastructure for e-governance, utility portal, vigilance, department working and financial inclusion, linkage with Aadhar, etc.
Why savings are needed, banking products, ATM card, RuPay Card, Banking instrument, KYC, Opening of bank account, Pradhan Mantri Yojana, password security, types of insurance, overdraft, pension, etc.
Basics of e-mail, Mailbox, Inbox, Outbox, configuring mail on mobile, creating groups, email protocols, collaboration, using instant messaging, instant messaging, etc.
Basic concepts, hardware requirements for a multimedia computer, textural information, components of Multimedia, MS-Publisher, animation, digital Audio, Application, and presentations using MS-Public, Images, and their types, etc.
Concepts of HTML page structure, front page, interdev, HTML documents, texts, frames, images, HTML Links, using CSS, Using tables, etc.
Effective communication, features, and effective communication, communication skills, call handling skills, listening skills, types of listening, tips for effective, academic listening, corporate culture, CRM concepts, Selling skills, behavioural skills, vocabulary development, listening and speaking, reading, non-verbal communication, integrated skills, pronunciation, etc.
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