UPSC has released the exam pattern of the CDS Exam in the official notification. So, students can easily check it from the website. It will be very helpful for students to know about the exam pattern before the exam.
They can prepare according to the exam. The CDS exam pattern tells you about the number of questions, marking scheme, type of questions, etc.
A simple way to know the CDS 2025 Exam Pattern is to solve the previous year's question papers. This will give you a better and clearer idea about the exam pattern and also help you in improving your performance in the exam.
Previous year's question papers are also provided by the UPSC on its website. So, this is a very easy way to download the sample papers.
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Number of Questions | 300 |
Number of Questions (OTA) | 200 |
Types of questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) |
Marks per Question | 1 Mark |
Negative Marking | 1 Mark for every 3 incorrect answers |
Maximum Marks | 300 & 200 |
Duration of the Exam | 02:00 Hours |
Medium | Hindi and English |
Previous Year's Question Papers
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) releases the previous year's question papers for the CDS UPSC Exam 2025 on its official website. This makes it easy for every student to download it. The previous year's question papers were very helpful for students.
The UPSC also knows this fact thus, it declares the sample papers on its official website. So, they help you by providing the previous year's question paper.
If students want to learn the CDS exam pattern, the best way is to solve the previous year's question papers. This will give you a better idea about the marking scheme, types of questions, exam pattern, etc.
Therefore, you can prepare accordingly. Through the previous year's question papers, you can learn your strengths and weaknesses. Thus you can also improve your weak subject.
Solving previous years' question papers will help you in many ways.
Some of them are as follows:
The proper strategy for the exam will not only help you in qualifying for the exam but also help you in scoring good marks. It has been observed that most students work hard but due to a lack of a proper strategy, they are unable to qualify for the exam.
Thus it is essential to follow an appropriate exam strategy. One thumb rule while making your exam strategy is to follow what are your weak subjects and strong subjects.
There are some basic rules for preparing for any competitive exam. These rules apply to every student. Also, you should start your preparation as soon as possible because this will give you sufficient time to cover all the subjects. Make sure to follow your study plan as this is the key to success.
Below are some preparation tips for the CDS exam that help you in your preparation and scoring good marks:
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