College Disha

AP EAMCET Result 2025


The result for the AP EAMCET exams will be available on the official website and the candidates can check the results from there. The candidate has to enter the registration number, Exam roll number and date of birth in order to check the results. The AP EAMCET result will contain the subject-wise score and the normalized score of the candidate.

JNTU, Kakinada conducts the AP EAMCET exams for admission of candidates in the Engineering and Agriculture colleges of Andhra Pradesh and Kakinada. The scorecard will be declared a few days after the results and the candidates will get an idea of whether they will be selected in their desired stream.

Every year many students apply for admission to the Government and Private Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with the help of the AP EAMCET exams. The pass percentage of the exam is quite high and the candidates who score in the top ranks get admission to Government Colleges while the remaining qualified candidates will get enrolled in Private colleges.

How will you download the AP EAMCET exam results?

You can download the result for the AP EAMCET exams by visiting the official website of the authorities. The notification and the date of the release of the result will be available on the website on the notified date and the candidates can save the result and take a printout of it for their use. 

Steps to AP EAMCET Exam Download  Result:

Step 1. Go to the official website of the exam authorities which is

Step 2. Select the home page and click the “AP EAMCET Result” link.

Step 3. Enter the required details like date of birth, registration number and exam roll number.

Step 4. The result for the AP EAMCET exams will be available on the screen.

Step 5. The AP EAMCET exam result will be available in pdf format and you can download the result.

Step 6. Save the result and take a printout of it for your future reference.

Details Mentioned on  AP EAMCET Results:

The results consist of the following details of the candidate:

  • Name of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​Gender of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​​Category of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​​Father’s name
  • ​​​​​​​The local area of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​​A subject Wise score of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​​Combined score
  • ​​​​​​​Group total marks
  • ​​​​​​​EAMCET weightage of marks
  • ​​​​​​​Higher Secondary weightage of marks
  • ​​​​​​​The rank of the candidate
  • ​​​​​​​Percentage of the candidate

AP EAMCET Rank Card 2025:

The rank card will be released a few days after the exams along with the AP EAMCET Results. The rank card is very important for the candidate as it helps in the admission process of the candidate.

The EAMCET rank card can be downloaded by the candidate by entering their exam roll number, date of birth and registration number. The rank card of the candidate is based on the merit of the candidate and the scores obtained in the AP EAMCET exams. Candidates who do not receive the rank card will not be called for the counselling process of the EAMCET exams.

AP EAMCET Result 2025 - Tie Breaking Rule:

The Merit list of the candidate is prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the AP EAMCET exams and the marks obtained inHigher Secondary exams. To prepare the merit list of the candidate, 75% weightage is allotted to the marks in AP EAMCET exams while 25% weightage is given to the marks obtained in the group subjects  in Class 12 or the Higher Secondary exams. The subject combination for the Higher Secondary exam is Physics, Chemistry,Maths for Engineering stream and Physics, Chemistry, Biology in the Agriculture stream.

If two or more candidates secure the same marks in the AP EAMCET results, a tie breaker system is followed in the given order to determine the final rank of the candidate:

Tiebreaker Rule I- The candidate with higher AP EAMCET marks will get a higher rank.

​​​​​​​Tiebreaker Rule II- If the tie is not broken the candidate with a higher score in the Maths exam of Higher Secondary will get a higher rank.

​​​​​​​Tiebreaker Rule III- If the tie still persists, the candidate with a higher score in Physics in the Higher Secondary will get a higher rank.

​​​​​​​Tiebreaker Rule III- If the tie has still not broken the candidate with the maximum overall percentage in Higher Secondary qualifying exam will get the higher rank.

​​​​​​​Tiebreaker Rule IV- If the tie still persists, the candidate with higher age will get the higher rank.

AP EAMCET Result 2025 - Normalization Process:

The AP EAMCET marks are held in different sessions and the difficulty level of the exam is not the same for the different sessions. Candidates in some sessions may find their AP EAMCET questions to be more difficult than the other sessions. The Exam conducting authority has formulated the Normalization rule for the candidates to maintain a balance between the difficulty levels of the different sessions of the exam.

Given below is the normalization rule for AP EAMCET results:

Formula for Normalization

Formula for Normalization

The Normalization rule is explained below:

  • SMS= Average + Standard deviation of the session of the candidate
  • GMS= Average + Standard deviation of all the candidates across all the sessions
  • Top Average session is the average marks of top 0.1%of the candidates in the session to which applicant belongs.
  • A top average global session is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates belonging to all the sessions.
  • AP EAMCET Result Counselling and Cutoff marks
AP EAMCET Counselling 2025:

The candidates who have qualified for the AP EAMCET exams can participate in the counselling and cutoff process after the results. Interested candidates have to register for the counselling process and fill up the Counselling form. The Counselling form is available online, and the candidate has to pay the mandatory fee to take part in the AP EAMCET counselling. The counselling will include the Document verification and form filling for the preferred choice of Colleges and Courses of AP EAMCET.


The AP EAMCET authorities will release the cut off marks for the different Government and Private Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana after the results. Candidates can match their scores obtained in the exams to that of the cutoff list released by the exam authorities. The Cutoff list will indicate whether the candidate will get a seat is his/her preferred college in the chosen stream. The cut off list is the minimum score that the candidate has to secure in order to get admission to the desired college. The cutoff list varies for the different courses and colleges and candidates have to check the cut off list carefully in order to get admission to the college of their choice.


The Result of the AP EAMCET exams for Engineering and Agriculture is released on the official website by the exam authorities. Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply for the AP EAMCET exams online. Aspiring candidates can check their results by entering their date of birth, exam roll number and registration number. The selected candidates will get admission to the Government and Private Colleges of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.  

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