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VTUEEE Exam Pattern 2025

VTUEEE Paper Pattern: We are providing you with the VTUEEE exam pattern briefly, so you will be able to understand and make it clear in your mind how the examination is conducted and in which manner. VTUEEE is conducted on the Chennai campus every year for the B.Tech engineering courses. Student performance in VTUEEE Entrance 2025 is the way to get admission to Vel Tech University. If a student clears the exam he/she will get admission and if a student did not clear the exam then he/she will not get admission to Vel Tech University. The application form for the Vel Tech Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Examination is in online and offline mode. VTUEEE tests out the student's ability of critical analysis and knowledge. When a student clears the Vel Tech Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Examination and chooses any one of 10 engineering courses that Vel Tech University offers to the students. 

VTUEEE Exam Subjects

VTUEEE Exam Pattern 2025


VTU Paper Pattern 2025

VTUEEE Application Form
VTUEEE Exam Date
VTUEEE Syllabus
VTUEEE Admit Card
VTUEEE Answer Key
VTUEEE Score Card

Vel Tech Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Examination consists of three subjects mathematics, physics, and chemistry and all the questions are multiple-choice questions. Through this VTUEEE exam pattern 2025 students will be to know about the total number of questions, types of questions, duration of the Vel Tech Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Examination, language model of the examination, marking scheme of the exam, and format of the question paper of the entrance examination. 

Vel Tech Undergraduate Engineering Entrance Examination exam pattern is an element to consider from the examination point of view. Students should go through the exam pattern to understand it and make a preparation strategy according to it. The VTUEEE Paper pattern 2025 includes the information regarding the duration of the examination, mode of examination, number of questions, type of questions, marking scheme, negative marking, the medium of examination, etc.

VTUEEE Paper pattern for offline and online examinations is the same. Giving you further details of the VTUEEE Exam Subject 2025:

Exam Mode - computer-based or pen & paper. The mode can be selected by the student at the time of filling the VTUEEE application form.

Number of Section - there are three sections named A, B, and, C. covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics Questions.

The total number of questions - the total number of questions is 90, each subject has 30 questions.                                 

Type of questions - the type of question in the VTUEEE exam is multiple-choice questions.

Duration of exam - the duration of the VTUEEE exam is 3 hours.

Marking scheme - marking scheme the VTUEEE exam is 4 marks for every correct answer.

Negative marking - ¼ mark gets deducted for every wrong answer in the VTUEEE exam.

Total marks - total marks in the VTUEEE exam are 360 marks.

Medium - the medium of the VTUEEE exam is in the English language only.

The Tabular Format of the VTUEEE Exam Subject


Total Questions

Total Marks








      3 hours 




  (180 minutes)





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