SSB Tradesman Syllabus:
- General Knowledge, Mathematics, English, and General Science are the four components of the SSB Tradesman test. The following is the detailed syllabus for each section:
- Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs are examples of general knowledge.
- Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration.
- Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, One Word Substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement are all examples of English skills.
- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are examples of general science.
SSB Head Constable Syllabus
The SSB Head Constable examination is divided into four sections: General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning, and English. The following is the detailed syllabus for each section:
- Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs are examples of general knowledge.
- Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration.
- Reasoning: Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Ranking and Order, Alphabet Test, and Number Series are all types of reasoning.
- Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, One Word Substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement are all examples of English skills.
SSB SI/ASI Syllabus:
The SSB SI/ASI exam comprises four sections, namely General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning, and English. The detailed syllabus for each section is as follows:
- General Knowledge: Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs.
- Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration
- Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Ranking and Order, Alphabet Test, and Number Series.
- English: Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, one-word substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement.