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SSB Exam Syllabus Pattern 2025

SSB Tradesman Syllabus:

  1. General Knowledge, Mathematics, English, and General Science are the four components of the SSB Tradesman test. The following is the detailed syllabus for each section:
  2.  Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs are examples of general knowledge.
  3. Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration.
  4.  Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, One Word Substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement are all examples of English skills.
  5. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are examples of general science.

SSB Head Constable Syllabus
The SSB Head Constable examination is divided into four sections: General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning, and English. The following is the detailed syllabus for each section:

  1.  Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs are examples of general knowledge.
  2. Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration.
  3.  Reasoning: Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Ranking and Order, Alphabet Test, and Number Series are all types of reasoning.
  4.  Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, One Word Substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement are all examples of English skills.

SSB SI/ASI Syllabus:

The SSB SI/ASI exam comprises four sections, namely General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning, and English. The detailed syllabus for each section is as follows:

  1.  General Knowledge: Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, Geography, Environment, and Current Affairs.
  2. Mathematics: Number System, Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Mensuration
  3. Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Ranking and Order, Alphabet Test, and Number Series.
  4. English: Reading Comprehension, fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrase or Idiom Meaning, one-word substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Spotting, Sentence Improvement.

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