College Disha

RSPCB Exam Syllabus 2025

RSPCB syllabus for Law Officer - II 

Subject Syllabus
Environmental Legislation in India: An In-Depth Analysis

Thorough understanding of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, including its amendments and related rules/notifications.

In-depth knowledge of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, and the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

Right to Information Act, 2005: A comprehensive grasp of the provisions outlined in the RTI Act, understanding the principles of transparency and accountability
Roles of Judiciary in Combating Pollution: Exploration of the pivotal role played by the judiciary in combating environmental pollution, including significant judgments and legal precedents
Social and Civil Society Movements in Protecting the Environment: Analysis of the impact of social and civil society movements on environmental conservation, emphasizing the role of collective action.
Concept of “Public Participation” and Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Understanding the significance of public participation in environmental decision-making processes and the role of corporations in environmental responsibility and sustainability
Role of Pollution Control Board: Detailed knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of Pollution Control Boards in regulating and mitigating pollution.
Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution-1992: Familiarity with the policy guidelines established for pollution abatement, focusing on the strategies outlined in the policy statement of 1992.
Indian Judiciary on the Salient Attributes of the Right to Environment: Analysis of key judicial pronouncements highlighting the fundamental rights related to the environment.
Rule of Strict Liability and Its Application in Environmental Jurisprudence: Understanding the legal doctrine of strict liability concerning environmental issues and its practical application in legal contexts.
Judicial Activism: Exploration of the proactive role played by the judiciary in shaping legal decisions, particularly in environmental cases
Remedies for Pollution Control & Challenges in Regulating Groundwater in India: Examination of the challenges faced in regulating groundwater resources in India and exploring effective remedies for pollution control.
Indian Constitution: Special focus on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, and the application of writs for enforcing these rights, understanding their intersection with environmental issues
Legal Procedures and Acts:

Detailed examination of legal procedures, including the Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code, and Criminal Procedure Code provisions commonly referenced in government offices.

Analysis of the Evidence Act, Limitation Act, interpretation of statutes, drafting, and conveyancing.

Evaluation of Environment-Related Acts: In-depth understanding of environment-related acts and their current status, focusing on amendments and contemporary relevance
General Administration Law: Exploration of administrative law principles, including the functions and responsibilities of administrative bodies concerning environmental regulations
Significant Judgments and International Environmental Events:

Study of landmark judgments delivered by the Supreme Court and National Green Tribunal, specifically related to environmental matters.

Consideration of significant national and international environmental events, providing a context for understanding contemporary environmental challenges.

RSPCB Syllabus for Junior Scientific Officer

Subject Syllabus
General Knowledge

Current affairs

General Science


Indian National Movement

Indian Polity


Highest Common Factor (HCF)

Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)


Ratio and Proportion

Simple Interest

Compound Interest



Time and Work

Logical Reasoning



Visual Reasoning

Alpha Numeric Reasoning

Number Series

Environmental Science

Environmental General knowledge

Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Legislation in India

Water/Wastewater/ Industrial wastewater analysis

Air and noise pollution

Municipal, biomedical, solid, e-waste and Hazardous solid waste

RSPCB Syllabus for Junior Environmental Engineer

Subject Syllabus
Environmental General Knowledge This will contain questions on National/International events related to the environment and a common understanding of environmental processes, the NGT Act, and Pollution Indices.
Water/Waste Water/Industrial Waste Water Engineering

Unit processes/Operations related to water and waste water treatment, namely Equalization Coagulation; Flocculation; Settling; Filtration; Disinfection; Aeration; Adsorption, etc. 

Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water and Sewage; Activated sludge process and its modifications; treatment ponds and aerated lagoons; Trickling filters; Rotating biological contactors; Sequencing Batch reactor and Membrane Batch Reactor.

Anaerobic digestion; Anaerobic filter and UASB, Nitrification & Denitrification. 

Characteristics and treatment of waste from Textile, Tannery, Dairy, Distillery, and Cement Industry

Air and Noise Pollution Sources of air pollution; Properties of air pollutants; Meteorological factors influencing dispersion of air pollutants; Gaussian plume model for dispersion of air pollutants and its applications, Effects on human health. Control technology for particulate and gaseous pollutants from industries. Air pollution due to Automobiles and emission control; Basic of noise pollution, Measurement and management of noise. Permissible noise levels in different zones, Effects of noise on human beings, Ambient Air Quality standards, and air Quality index.
Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Legislations in India

The basic concept of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement, and Environment Management Plan; Prediction and assessment of impacts on air, water, biota, noise, cultural and socioeconomic environment; Rapid and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment.

Environment (Protection) Act 1986, its amendments, and various rules /notifications made therein. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, I974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. 

Municipal Solid, Biomedical, e-waste, plastic waste, and Hazardous Solid Waste

Problems associated with solid Waste viz; municipal, biomedical, hazardous, e-waste, plastic waste, etc., its generation; classification; characterization; analysis; Onsite Collection Handling, storage Transport and Processing of solid waste; Recovery of Resources, Conversion Products and Energy generation from solid waste. Hazardous waste definition; Risk associated with hazardous waste & its Assessment; Waste Minimization; Priorities in hazardous waste management; hazardous waste treatment.

General Knowledge History, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan, Mathematics, reasoning current affairs

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