College Disha

NRRMS Exam Pattern

NRRMS Exam Pattern 2025:

The National Rural recruitment Mission Society conducts exams to fill up vacant posts in the State Government. The vacant posts in NRRMS include Accounts Officer, Technical Assistant, Data Manager, Field Coordinator, MIS Assistant, Multitasking official, etc.

The candidates appearing for the exams can download the syllabus and the NRRMS Exam Pattern from the official website. A large number of candidates appear for the NRRMS Exams every year and knowledge of the exam pattern will help the candidate to prepare for the exam and get good scores.

The NRRMS Exam consists of a written test and a computer aptitude test. The subjects for the exam are General English, General knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, and Computer proficiency. It will be helpful for the candidates if they have prior knowledge of the exam pattern. After downloading the NRRMS paper pattern from the official website, the candidate can make their own study timetable and start preparing for the exam accordingly.

NRRMS Exam Pattern 2025

NRRMS Exam 2025 (Internal Links)
NRRMS Syllabus
NRRMS Admit Card
NRRMS Answer Key
NRRMS Result
NRRMS Notification
NRRMS Application Form
NRRMS Exam Date

Overview of the Exam Pattern for National rural recruitment mission Society:


Particulars of the Exam

Details of the Exam


Name of the exam

NRRMS exam


Conducting authority

National Rural  recruitment Mission Society


Job type

State Government job


Job location

All over India 


Total number of posts



Name of the posts

District Project Officer

Technical Assistant

Block Data Manager

Multitasking official 

Computer Assistant

Block Field Coordinator

Communication Officer

Coordinator and VP Facilitators



NRRMS exam pattern





Official website

How to download the NRRMS Paper Pattern?

  • Visit the official website of NRRMS that is
  • Go to the homepage of the official portal.
  • On the home page select the link for the NRRMS exam pattern and syllabus.
  • Enter your login name, registration number, and date of birth.
  • Click Enter and wait for some time.
  • The exam pattern and syllabus for NRRMS Exams will appear on the screen of your device.
  • Download the syllabus and exam pattern and save the page.
  • Take a printout of the exam pattern for future use.

NRRMS Exam Pattern in Details:

The exam pattern consists of written exams and computer proficiency tests. The subjects in the exam are General English, Quantitative aptitude, General knowledge, and Computer proficiency. There will be both Offline written exams and Computer proficiency tests. 

A tabular representation of the exam pattern for NRRMS


Subjects of the Exam

Total Marks


General English, General Aptitude, Quantitative reasoning ( Written exam)



Knowledge of Computers (Written)



Computer proficiency test ( practical)



Total marks


Description of the NRRMS Exam Pattern:

  • The NRRMS exam will consist of objective-type questions.
  • The total marks for the written test are 200.
  • A total of 150 marks will be allotted to the subjects General Knowledge, English, and Quantitative reasoning.
  • The theory paper on the knowledge of Computers will have 50 marks.
  • The practical paper on Computer Aptitude will have 50 marks.
  • The total marks for the NRRMS exam are 250.

NRRMS exam pattern and syllabus for Computer Operator, Field coordinator, Multitasking official, and Facilitator

The National rural recruitment mission society releases the syllabus and the paper pattern for the posts of Computer Operator, Field coordinator, and Multitasking official on its official website. Aspiring candidates can download the exam pattern and the syllabus from the website and start preparing for the exams immediately.

Along with the NRRMS exam pattern and the syllabus, the candidates should also get the previous years’ sample question papers. The model question papers will help the candidate to practice all the subjects properly and give special attention to improving the weak areas.

Check out the steps for exam pattern and selection procedure for the different posts in NRRMS:

Step I- Written exam ( General reasoning, General knowledge, Quantitative aptitude)

Step II- Computer proficiency test ( Written + Practical)

Step III- Interview

Step IV- Document verification

Check out the syllabus for Computer operator, Facilitator, Multitasking official, and Field Coordinator:


General English

General knowledge

Quantitative aptitude

Computer proficiency



Fill in the blanks

Sentence structure


Error spotting 

Idioms and phrases

Replacement of phrases

Spelling correction

Indian constitution



Science and Technology

History of India

Geography of India

Science and Technology

Awards, Noble prizes, and honors

Famous personalities

General polity

Indian economy

Important days and years

Famous places and specialty

Time and distance 




Ratio and Proportion




Profit and Loss


Square roots and cube roots

Simple interest and Compound interest



Introduction to basic Communication

Security tools, Virus and Hacker

History of Computers

Number systems

Logic gates

MS Office and MS Windows

Networking ( LAN,WAN,MAN)

Introduction to database

Preparation tips and tricks for the students:

Candidates appearing for the NRRMS exams must follow some important tips to score well and qualify for the desired post. The following tips will not only help the students to prepare for all the topics thoroughly but also get qualifying marks in the exams.

  • Candidates must download the NRRMS Exam Pattern and the syllabus from the official website of the National Rural recruitment mission society, A complete knowledge of the syllabus and exam pattern beforehand will help the candidates to study all the topics properly.
  • The candidates must make their own study routine and distribute the subjects on their respective marks and importance.
  • Candidates must prepare all the topics and not leave out any topic from any subject.
  • After completing all the topics, the candidates must solve mock test papers of previous years. This will help the candidates know and focus on their weak areas.
  • The candidates must devote a good amount of time to proper revision of all the subjects.
  • The candidate must update themselves with current affairs to answer the General knowledge questions properly.


The NRRMS Exam pattern will help the candidates to know the distribution of marks for the different subjects. The applicants can download the exam pattern and the syllabus from the official website of the National rural recruitment Mission society. The exam pattern will give an insight into the different subjects of the NRRMS exam and the distribution of marks for each subject.

The paper pattern is very important as it will help the candidate to know all the topics of the exam and prepare them accordingly. After studying the entire syllabus the candidate can practice mock test papers to score well in the exams.

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