Examination Mode: Because the exam is administered online, candidates for the LSAT must appear in person at the testing location on test day.
Language used for the LSAT: Pearson VUE continues to use English as the exam's medium.
Exam Duration: There are 92 questions in the exam, which takes two hours and twenty minutes to complete.
The marking scheme does not deduct points for wrong responses.
Section count on the LSAT: The LSAT exam consists of four portions, each with 35 minutes allotted. These consist of one reading comprehension section, two logical reasoning sections, and one analytical reasoning section.
Details of LSAT marks division and distribution of sections from the table below:
Number of Sections | Number of questions | Allotted time for each |
Analytical Reasoning | 23 | 35 minutes |
1st Logical Reasoning | 22 | 35 minutes |
2nd Logical Reasoning | 23 | 35 minutes |
Reading Comprehension | 24 | 35 minutes |
Total: 4 | Total: 92 | Total: 2 hours 20 minutes |
There aren't any breaks for LSAT applicants taking the test. The amount of time allotted to each part will be recorded by the invigilators. If an LSAT candidate completes a part before the allotted time, they will not be permitted to revisit that portion or attempt any other section.
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