If you are seeking admission to MBA/MCA courses which are offered by the Karnataka government. Then here is the admission process that you are required to follow.
The first step is the registration process where the candidates need to register themselves by filling up the registration form. This form is available on the official site of the KMAT from where all the aspiring candidates are required to fill that form.
Filling up the Registration Form
Download the KMAT Admit Card 2025
After the successful submission of the application form the candidates are required to issue the admit card. The online admit card can be easily downloaded these are available one week before the examination. To download you can go to the official site of the KMAT and by entering your credentials the admit card will be downloaded easily.
Appear for the examination
As per the scheduled time and date candidates are required to appear in the exam. The exams are likely to be conducted in the internet-based test mode.
Check the KMAT Results.
The results will also be declared through the online process. The status of the qualifying candidates will be available there through which the candidates will be able to understand the college they got.
Exam day guidelines of KMAT 2025
Read out the important guidelines that are required to be known by the candidate are mentioned below.
Here are some of the important requirements that are required to be handy and those are mentioned below.
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