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JKSSB Exam Syllabus 2025

It is important for you to know about the syllabus for thorough practice. So, here is the table mentioned. Have a look at the mentioned information.  

Subject Syllabus

General knowledge 



Current Events of National and International Importance
Physical and Political divisions of world & India
​​​​​​Indian Culture, Heritage, and Freedom Struggle/Movement.
​​​​​​Transport & Communication.
​​​​​Demography-Census, its features, and functions.
​​​​​Important Rivers & Lakes in India.
​​​​​Crops, Climate, Weather, Means of Transport of India.
​​​​​Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity.
J&K UT1. History2. Economy3. Geography- (Rivers, Weather, Flora, Climate, Crops, Lakes, Fauna, etc.)4. Heritage & Culture

Accountancy and Bookkeeping



Introduction to Financial Accounting and its Terms
​​​​​Accounting equation and Journal.
Voucher Approach in Accounting
​​​​​Bank Reconciliation Statement
​​​​​Financial Management/Statements
​​​​​Partnership Accounts
​​​​​Ledger Accounts
​​​​​Cash Book, Financial Audit
Elements of Double Entry-Keeping
​​​​​Trial Balance
​​​​​Trading Account
​​​​​Profit Loss Account and Balance Sheet
​​​​​Concept of Social Accounting, Social Audit, and cash-based system of accounting single
​​​​​Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
​​​​​Indian Financial Management System
​​​​​Cost Management-Budgetary control
​​​​​Cost Accounting
​​​​​​Developments in Accounting Taxation
​​​​​​Tax Laws- Direct, Indirect

General English


​​​​​​Editing / Proofreading
Rearranging jumbled sentences
​​​​​​Synonyms and antonyms
​​​​​​Idioms and phrases
​​​​​Uses of Prepositions
​​​​​Active & Passive Voice
Paragraph with fill-in-the-blanks.1. Phrases2. Pronouns3. Homonyms/Homophones etc.


Measures of Central Tendency
Basic Concepts and their Application of Theory of Attributes.
​​​​​​Theory of Probability
​​​​​Index Numbers: Theory, Tests of index numbers- Consumer and Wholesale price index numbers
​​​​Primary and secondary data
​​​​​Vital Statistics - Gross and net reproduction rates, Measures of fertility, Specific fertility rates, Crude fertility rates, and Measures of Mortality rates.
​​​​​​Methods of collecting Primary and Secondary Data
​​​​​​Preparation of questionnaires
​​​​​Tabulation and compilation of Data
​​​​​​Demography-Census, its features, and functions


Simple/Compound interest
​​​​​Linear equations with two variables
​​​​​​Permutations/ Combinations Binomial Theorem.
Limits & Derivatives

Set Theory- Basic Concepts and Applications.
​​​​​​Relations and Functions
​​​​​Matrices & Determinants
​​​​​​Coordinate & Three-dimensional Geometry

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Letter Series, Semantic Series, Number Series, Speed, Distance, and Time-related problems.
Venn Diagrams, Space Orientation, Symbolic operations, Space Visualization, Drawing inferences.
​​​​​​Figural Pattern- folding and completion, Indexing.
​​​​​​Punched hole/ pattern- unfolding & folding.
​​​​​​Date and city matching, Address matching, Classification of center codes/roll.
​​​​​​Logical Reasoning, Statements, and conclusions, Mental Reasoning
​​​​​​Numerical operations, Semantic Analogy.
​​​​​​Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Semantic Classification, Word Building, Figural Analogy.
​​​​​​Figural Classification, Problem Solving, Symbolic/ Number Classification.

Computer Applications

Fundamentals of Computer Sciences, Basic applications of Computer, its components.
​​​​​Input & Output Devices
​​​​​Knowledge of MS Access, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS Excel, PDF Internet, and E-mail
​​​​​​Concept of Latest Anti-viruses and computer viruses.
Hardware & Software, Concept of Open-Source Technologies

Terms and Abbreviations used in IT
Role of Information Technology in Governance

General Economics

Basic Concept, Principles, and Introduction of Economics.
​​​​​​Fiscal & Monetary Policy- Methodology, Meaning, Scope.
​​​​​​By using the indifference curve technique description of the Theory of consumer demand, Demand Analysis.
Factor Pricing - Ricardian Theory of Rent and Marginal Productivity Theory.
​​​​​​Laws of production, Pricing under various forms of Market, and factors of production.
​​​​​​Developing Economy Planning vs Market Economy: Characteristics and Problems.
​​​​​​Measurement of National income and economic Reforms in India Concept.
​​​​​​Role of RBI.

General Science

Newton's Laws of Motion, Differences between Mass and Weight, Definition of Acceleration, Velocity, Speed, etc.
What is an Electric Current? Definition of Power, Energy, Voltage.
​​​​​Types of Chemical Equation.
​​​​​​Metals, Non-metals - Differences, Physical & Chemical properties.
​​​​​Various sources of energy; Conventional sources of energy - Biomass and wind energy, Non-conventional sources of energy (Solar energy, wind energy)
​​​​​Nutrition, its types, Transportation of water, food, and minerals in plants, and Respiration process.
​​​​​​Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases
Vitamins- diseases related to vitamin deficiency
​​​​​​Ecosystem - Its components and difference between the Food chain and Food webs.
​​​​​​Environmental pollution.
The Ozone layer, its depletion, Greenhouse Effect.

JKSSB Syllabus for the Junior Assistant

This syllabus needs to be followed by the Junior Assistant have a look at the below context for that. 

General Topics Sub-Topics
Numerical and Reasoning Ability Basic Arithmetic- Mathematical reasoning, Percentage, Statements, and conclusions, Number System, Profit and Loss, Speed, Average, Time and Work, Ratio, and Proportion.
Basic Concepts of Computers Software and Hardware, Fundamentals of computer sciences, Output and Input devices, Operating system, M.S Excel, M.S Word, A complete M.S Access, PowerPoint, Internet, and Email.
General English Proof Reading/ Editing, Comprehension, Narration, Re-arranging of jumbled sentences, Articles, Modals, Paragraph Writing with blanks to be filled with Pronouns, Phrases, Homophones/ Homonyms, Punctuation, Clauses, Idioms and phrases, Antonyms, and Synonyms, Passive and Active voice, Uses of Prepositions.
General Awareness with special reference to JK UT Physical and Political divisions of India, Current Events of International and National importance, Indian Culture, Freedom Struggle/Movement and Heritage, Demography- Census, its functions, and features, Important Lakes and Rivers and lakes in India, Climate, Weather, Crops, Means of Transport of India, J&K UT- Economy, History, Geography, Culture, and Heritage, Important Tourist Destinations

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