College Disha

Jharkhand NMMS Exam 2023-2025 Eligibility Criteria

It is required for all the candidates to complete the eligibility criteria otherwise you are not allowed to sit in the exam. Here are the required criteria have a look at that. 

  • If you wish to apply for the NMMS Jharkhand then you are required to be in the 8th grade and your passing in the class 7th should be 55% at least or equivalent. And they are required to be in any of the local bodies/government or government-aided schools.
  • The income of the candidate's family should not be more than INR 3.5 Lakhs.
  • If you are in any of the private schools, NVS, or KVS then you cannot apply for the scholarship.
  • Students are required to be the citizen of India and their domicile should be Jharkhand.

NMMS Eligibility Criteria 2023-2025 - for Continuation of Scholarship

For the selected students the NMMS Scholarship is being offered for classes 9th to 12th. There is certain NMMS Scholarship eligibility that is required by the candidates to fulfill for the continuation of the scholarship. Here are the required points.

  • A minimum of 60% is required for the candidates to obtain if they wish to continue the scholarship in the next higher classes.
  • If the candidates belong to the group of SC/ST then it is important for them to score at least 55% marks which is a minimum eligibility criteria for NMMS.
  • It is important for the candidates to get a clear promotion from class 9th to 10th as well as class 11 to 12th on the first attempt only.

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