College Disha

IOCL Exam Cut-Off 2025

If candidates encounter challenges while searching for the IOCL Technician Apprentice Cut-Off, the following steps can be followed for easy access to the cut-off marks:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the official IOCL website.
  • Step 2: Locate and click on the link related to the IOCL Technician Apprentice Cut-Off.
  • Step 3: Review the IOCL Technician Apprentice Cut-Off marks to determine qualification status.
  • Step 4: Save a PDF copy or take printouts for future reference.

By adhering to these steps, candidates can conveniently check and refer to the IOCL Technician Apprentice Cut-Off marks on the official website.

IOCL Apprentice Expected Cutoff 2025
Category IOCL Apprentice Expected Cutoff Marks
Others 40%
SC/ST/PWD Category 35%

IOCL Recruitment Salary

The candidates chosen through IOCL Recruitment 2025 will receive a monthly stipend as per the Apprentices Act, 1961/1973, Apprentices Rules 1992 (as amended), and the Corporation's guidelines. In addition to the monthly salary, selected candidates will enjoy job security, along with additional perks and allowances. 

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