IBPS SO Exam Hall Ticket: The IBPS SO Admit Card 2025 will be released a few days before the exam. Eligible candidates who have applied successfully for the IBPS SO recruitment can download their Admit Card from the official website. The IBPS Prelims exam is scheduled to be held in the last week of December. Candidates who qualify for the Preliminary exam will be shortlisted for the Mains exam.
Candidates who want to download their Admit Cards must have their login credentials which are their Registration number and password ready. It is very important to have an uninterrupted internet connection to download the IBPS SO Exam Admit Card 2025. The Admit Card is the most important document that the candidate must carry to the exam hall.

Steps to Download the IBPS SO Admit Card 2025:
- Go to the official website and click the Admit Card link.
- Click on the “Download call letter for the Specialist Officer” option.
- Enter login credentials like Registration number, date of birth, and password.
- Click the submit button.
- The IBPS SO Admit Card 2025 will appear on the screen in PDF format.
- Download the Admit Card and take a print of it for future reference.
IBPS SO Exam Admit Card 2025 - Important Instructions:
- Candidates must download the Admit Card immediately after it has been released on the official website.
- The Admit Card will have important information like the name and date of birth of the candidate, date and time of the exam, exam center name, roll number of the candidate, and important instructions.
- Candidates must take multiple printouts of the Admit Card after it is released on the official site.
- Along with the Admit Card, it is necessary to carry a valid photo ID proof to the exam hall.
- IBPS SO Preliminary Admit Card will be released and candidates who qualify for the Prelims exam will be qualified for the Mains exam.
- Candidates are prohibited from carrying any electronic gadgets, sharp objects, and study materials to the exam hall.