College Disha

GPSC Application 2025-26

The GPSC will activate the application link on its official website, The candidates will be applied to apply for the GPSC Recruitment Process 2025 once this link will get activated. Before releasing the application form, the authorities will release an official notification along with the GPSC Advertisement 2025 in which the GPSC Application dates will be mentioned. The candidates will be able to check the application on the website Candidates will have to visit the advertisement section to view the latest updates of the GPSC Recruitment 2025.

GPSC Application Fee Payment Methods:

  • Online Payment (Netbanking, Credit Card, Debit Card)
  • Pay by Cash at any Computerized Post Office in Gujarat (Post Office Challan)

Please note that the GPSC Application Fees are Rs 100/- only. No application fees will be charged from the candidates belonging to the following categories:

  • SC, ST, Economically Weaker Section of the Gujarat region
  • Specially Abled candidates
  • Ex-servicemen are also exempted from the application fees and examination fees for Class III posts. However, the application fee exemption will not be applicable if the candidate is applying for Class I and Class III posts.

Process to Apply for GPSC Recruitment 2025:

1. To apply for a GPSC recruitment process, first, you need to visit the official website of GPSC i.e, now on the home page find the "Online Application" tab and click on it.

2. Now you will be able to see the Job Advertisements for various posts available in Gujarat Public Service Commission as you can see in the screenshot mentioned below:

3. Now click on the “Detail” section which is available on the right side of Advertisement/notification. Click on the detail of the notification for the one you want to apply. A PDF file will be opened and displayed on the screen.

4. After Reading the instruction carefully, you can proceed with the application process by visiting the home page again and Clicking on the"Registration" Tab. Click on Registration and then click on "Apply". The next page will show you the detailed instructions for One-Time Registration. Read the instructions carefully again and  Now click on the "I agree" and proceed with your registration. Now you have to fill in the required details to register yourself with the website. The registration page will look like this:

Fill in all the details required in the form.

5. After filling out the registration form, click on submit. After submitting the GPSC Registration form you will receive an OTP on your registered mobile no. (the contact no. you have mentioned on the registration form). You have to submit that OTP on your screen along with the CAPTCHA code displayed on the screen. After successful completion of the registration, the candidates will receive a time Registration No. (OTR) on their registered mobile no. and it will be also displayed on the screen. All the details submitted in the OTR can be edited. But during mentioning the OTR number while applying online application whatever details last saved while applying will be taken in the online form filling. If a candidate changes/modifies any data in OTR after applying for the online admission and getting a confirmation number the same will not be taken into account of your valid application for the respective advertisement.

6. Once you receive the One Time Registration No., Visit the home page and click on the “Online Application” tab again. Now you will be able to apply for the job post by entering the remaining details. You will also have to upload all the required documents as stated in the GPSC Application Form 2025. Once you are done with entering all the details and uploading all the documents in the required format, you can proceed with the application fee payment process.

7. GPSC Final Result 2025-26 has been released for the exam conducted for the post. The Gujarat Public Service Commission Exam.

8. Now pay the application fee using e-challan or Online payment methods. Click on the "online application" option available on the home page of the website and then click the option "Print Application Form/Pay Fees" option. A new page will appear on the screen, Now you will have to enter Job type, confirmation no., and date of birth.

9. Candidates can obtain their confirmation no. by clicking here. You just need to enter the Job Advertisement no. , Application No. , Your registered mobile no. and Date of Birth and then click on the "Get Confirmation No." And your confirmation no. will be displayed on the screen.

10. Now enter your "Confirmation no." on the application fee payment page and then select the payment option. You can either pay through "Online Payment of Fees" or "Post Office Challan".

Here are the instructions on How to pay the GPSC Application Fee through "Post Office Challan":

  • To obtain the printout of "Post Office Challan" for paying the application fee, enter the Job Advertisement no. , Confirmation no. and Birth Dare and then click on print challan for getting your post office Challan. Your “Post Office Challan” will look like this:
  •  Once you obtain this receipt, you will be able to send the application fee by visiting the nearest post office. A payment receipt will be provided to you by the post office which will help you to check your payment status.

The following are the instructions to pay the application fee through the online banking method:

  • A candidate who wants to pay the GPSC Application Fee 2025 through the online banking method will have to simply click on the “Online Payment of fees” and then select the bank through which they want to pay the fees. You will be redirected to the payment gateway website where you have to enter the banking details like user ID and password and then have to enter their net banking pin. Once you are done with the payment, you will receive a payment confirmation message from your bank on your registered mobile no. If the payment gateway shows a payment error on the screen but the money is deducted from your bank account then please contact your bank and initiate a fresh payment for the application.

How to get your GPSC OTR No. 2025?
Candidates will need their One Time Registration No. (OTR No.) to fill out the GPSC Application Form. In case you have forgotten or don't know your GPSC OTR NO.

follow these quick steps:

  • Visit the official website of the GPSC i.e
  • Visit our website
    Click on the registration option available on the Home screen.
  • Now enter your mobile no. and D.O.B. Then click on "Get Registration No."
    Now an "OTP" will be sent on your registered mobile no. , enter the OTP on the screen and then again click on "Get Registration No." to get your OTR No.
  • Your OTR no. will be displayed on the screen in green letters.
  • Candidates can also click on the "Edit Details" to edit the OTR details.   

How to check the Application Fee Payment Status?

Please note that candidates can also print their application form, check their payment status, print Print Online Payment receipt or, Print Challan for processing Fee by following the given instructions.

  • Visit the home page of the official website i.e
  • Click on the "Online Application" option available on the homepage and then select the "Print Application Form/Pay Fees" option.
  • Now the page will ask you to enter your "Job", Confirmation no., and Date of Birth. Enter these details and then select the option you want.  There will be 6 options given on the page: payment status, print Print Online Payment receipt or, Print Challan for processing Fee. Click on the "option" you want to check.

GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2025:

The candidates who are eagerly waiting for the announcement of GPSC Recruitment 2025 must know the GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2025. Before applying for any exam, it is imperative for the candidates to understand the eligibility criteria well. Please note that your GPSC Application 2025 will be rejected in case you fail to fulfill the GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2025. Now, you might be wondering what are eligibility requirements that are need to be fulfilled to apply for GPSC Recruitment 2025-26. The eligibility criteria of the GPSC exam are set on various parameters such as Age Criteria, Nationality/Citizenship Criteria, and Qualification Requirements.

So here are some quick elaborations of the GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2025:

GPSC Age Criteria:

The age criteria to apply for the GPSC Recruitment 2025 differs from post to post. The candidates can visit the official website of GPSC and find the job advertisement where they can find the age criteria for their respective posts. In the Recruitment process 2025, the authorities have released the vacancies on 40  types of posts, where they have mentioned the age criteria required to be fulfilled for the post in the advertisement section.

Please note that the relaxation in the upper age limit will be provided according to the information which will be stated in the vacancy advertisement published by the commission.

  • 5 years of relaxation shall be given to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/Socially & Educationally Backward Classes of Gujarat Origin Only. This relaxation is only subject to the posts reserved for such category and it is not applicable to all the posts.
  • A 5 year of relaxation shall also be provided to the female candidates of the general category, but it is subject to the maximum age limit of 45 years.
  • The female candidates who belong to the reserved category shall be given a relaxation of 10 years in the maximum age limit but this relaxation is subject to the maximum age limit of 45 years.
  • Physically Disabled candidates who are able to perform all the duties of the job post as efficiently as a normal person shall get a relaxation of ten years in the upper age limit on showing the Medical Certificate of the Medical Board.
  • The Government servants will not get any relaxation in the upper age limit.
  • Minimum age relaxation of 5 years will be provided in Competitive exams of Class I and Class II posts if the candidate is a Commissioned Officer including ex-servicemen/ECO/S,S Cos, who have rendered atleast 5 years in the military and have been released from the duties after the release of the assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within six months) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of physical disability attributed to military service or invalidity. While for Class-III posts, the ex-serviceman shall be granted the age relaxation by the length of military service plus three years, in accordance with the provision of the advertisement.

Important Note:

  • All the candidates will have to present evidence of birth date. The Gujarat Public Service Commission will only consider the SSCE Certificate as evidence of birth date. However, if the candidate believes that the birth date shown in their SSCE certificate is not correct he/she will have to send a true copy of the certificate of Age and Domicile given by the competent authority. The authorized officer of GPSC will clarify that he/she has checked the original certificate of Matriculation and SSCE on the basis of the proof provided to him/her. No affidavit will be accepted as evidence of age.
  • The candidates from SC/ST/Socially and Economically Background Caste shall have to present a self-attested copy of their caste certificate issued by the competent authority in the required format and according to the rules. This must be submitted along with the application.

Nationality Criteria:

  • To appear in a GPSC Exam, candidates should be a citizen of India. However, subjects of Nepal/Bhutan are also eligible to apply.
  • Tibetian Refugees who have migrated to India permanently before 1st January 1962 can also apply for GPSC Exams.
  • A candidate who has Indian Origin and has migrated to India for permanent settlement from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda of East African countries, United Republic Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia or Vietnam are also eligible. However, they might have to get the government eligibility certificate to apply.

GPSC Educational Criteria:

The candidate who has scored minimum required marks in the Bachelor's degree from a recognized state or central university or is currently pursuing the final semester of the course will be eligible to apply for GPSC recruitment. The qualification criteria are applicable to most of the GPSC Posts however there are some posts that also require a postgraduate degree in a particular field. Candidates can find out about the qualification requirement by visiting the official website of GPSC and checking out the job post advertisement 2025.

GPSC- Competitive Exams

The Gujrat Public Service Commission held competitive exams to recruit the candidates for Class-I and Class-II posts.

These competitive exams are held in three phases:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview

Recruitment of other types of posts is done on the basis of Prelims and Interview only. On the other hand, the recruitment on Civil services Class I and Class II Posts are held on the basis of 3 step procedure.

S.No. Posts for which the Competitive Exams are Conducted No. of Recruitment Phases GPSC 2025 Exam Tentative Dates
1 Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-I and Gujarat Civil Service Class-I & Class-II Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
2 Class-I and Class-II posts of Gujarat Service of Engineering (Civil) Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
3 Gujarati Reporter, Class-II, Gujarat Legislative Secretariat Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
4 English Reporter, Class-II, Gujarat Legislative Secretariat Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
5 Hindi Reporter, Class-II, Gujarat Legislative Secretariat Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
6 Private Secretary, (Gujarati Stenographer, Grade-I), Class-II Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
7 Private Secretary, (English Stenographer, Grade-I), Class-II Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
8 Range Forest Officer, Class-II Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
9 Deputy Section Officer, Deputy Mamlatdar and Commercial Tax Inspector, Class-III Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
10 Legal Assistant, Class-III Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
11 Translator, Class-III, Information Department Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
12 Translator / Research Assistant, Class-III, Office of Director of languages Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
13 Translator, Class-III, Office of Legal Department Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025
14 Translator, Class-III, Gujarat Legislative Secretariat Phase I: Prelims
Phase II: Mains
Phase III: Interview
September 2025

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