College Disha

CG TET Exam Pattern 2025

CG TET Exam Pattern: The exam conducting authority provides the Chhattisgarh TET Paper Pattern 2025 for the upcoming TET exam for the Chhattisgarh State. The Examination authority is conducting the examination for the categories that are known as the primary class and upper primary class. The examination authority provided the different CG TET Exam Pattern 2025 on the basis of categories and with the help of the CG TET Pattern, candidates can get to know about

The weightage of every topic

How many numbers of topics are to be covered?

What is the exam duration?

Total number of marks in each category
CG TET Exam Pattern 2025

CG TET Exam Pattern 2025:

  • All the questions will be multiple-choice questions, with the four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct
  • Each paper of two and half hour duration and a total of 150 questions are being asked and each question carry of one marks and most important things need to be noted down that there will be no negative marking on wrong answers
  • There will be two papers for the test and the candidate qualifying for the first paper is eligible to teach students for class 1st to 5th and in the same way, candidates qualifying for the second paper will be eligible to teach in class 6th to 8th. If candidates who willing to be a teacher for both the levels will have to appear in both the papers
  • All the questions are being asked in both languages (English and Hindi)
  • The first language will be Hindi and the second language will be English
  • Subjects and marks for both the papers are as follow.

With the help of CG TET Paper Pattern 2025, the candidates can easily get to know which topic has to be given preference and with the help of exam pattern, candidates can get to know about:

  • The medium of the examination
  • Number of questions being asked in the examination
  • A number of marks each topic will hold
  • Negative marking
  • Number of marks to be given for each correct answer

In this section, we are providing categories wise details of the CG TET Exam Pattern so that the aspirant can check the complete details about each section of the exam.

Category-1: Chhattisgarh TET Exam Pattern 2025 for the primary class teacher (For class 1st to 5th)

Duration of this exam: 2:30 hours

Structure and content (All compulsory)


Number of questions

Total Marks

Child development & pedagogy

30 Multiple-choice questions

30 Marks


30 Multiple-choice questions

30 Marks


30 Multiple Choice questions

30 Marks


30 Multiple Choice questions

30 Marks

Environmental Education

30 Multiple Choice questions

30 Marks

There are a total of 150 Multiple choice questions 

150 Marks

CG TET Second Paper (for the Classes VI to VIII) Pattern:

Duration of this exam: 2:30 hours

Structure and Content ( All the content are compulsory)


Number of questions

Total Marks

Child Development, Pedagogy

30 multiple-choice questions

30 marks


30 Multiple-choice questions

30 marks


There are 30 multiple choice questions 

30 marks

Subject-based exam(Maths, Science teacher)

60 Multiple-choice questions

60 marks

Social Science 

60 Multiple-choice questions

60 marks

For any other teaching subjects either 4 or 5


There are a total of 150 multiple choice questions

Chhattisgarh TET Exam Pattern 

CG TET Exam Notification
CG TET Registration Form
CG TET Exam Date
CG TET Subject Syllabus
CG TET Exam Admit Card
CG TET Responsive Sheet
CG TET Score Card

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