College Disha

BTEUP Admit Card

BTEUP Admit Card 2025:

BTEUp is the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh conducts semester exams for the admission of the candidates to Diploma and Polytechnic Programs. The different disciplines of Engineering in which the exams are conducted include Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Agriculture, IT, and Computer Science.

The students who have applied for the exams can download the BTEUP Admit Card from the official website of the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh. The Admit Card contains all the important details of the candidate like name, examination roll number, registration number, and date of birth.

Candidates should keep in mind that it is mandatory to carry the Admit Card or the Hall Ticket to the exam hall. Those who fail to carry the UP Polytechnic Exam Hall Ticket will be barred from taking the exams. 

The BTEUP Admit Card also contains information regarding the examination center and date of the exams and should be saved by the candidate after being downloaded.

BTEUP Admit Card

BTEUP Exam 2025 (Quick Links)
BTEUP Answer Key
BTEUP Result
BTEUP Notification
BTEUP Registration Form
BTEUP Exam Date
BTEUP Exam Pattern

Overview of the BTEUP Admit Card:


Particulars of the Admit Card

Details of the Admit Card


Name of the exam



Conducting authority

Board of Technical Education


Conducting state

Uttar Pradesh



BTEUP Admit Card/ Hall Ticket


Number of semesters

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th


Courses offered



Mode of the release of the Admit Card



Details in the Admit Card

Name of the candidate

Age of the candidate

Photograph of the candidate

Roll number of the candidate

Examination date

Centre for examination

Address of the examination centre


Issuing date

15 days before the BTEUP exam


Official website

How to download the BTEUP Admit Card?

Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply for the BTEUP exams which are conducted by the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh. Candidates who have successfully applied for the exams can download their BTEUP Admit Card from the official site of the Board of Technical Education.

Given below are the steps to download the Admit Card/Hall Ticket

  • Go to the official website of BTEUP.
  • Click the “Important Links” sections on the homepage.
  • In this section, click the “Admit Card” link.
  • You will be asked to enter your login credentials like name, date of birth, registration number.
  • After entering the details, click the “sign in'' option.
  • Your BTEUP Admit Card will be displayed on the computer screen.
  • Download the Hall ticket from the site.
  • Save the UP Polytechnic Exam Hall Ticket and take a few print outs for future reference.

The UP Polytechnic Exam Hall Ticket contains important instructions that must be followed by the candidate on the day of the exam. Along with the Admit Card, the candidate must carry valid ID proof like passport, Aadhar Card, Pan Card or Voter ID Card to the exam hall.

The candidate must check all the details mentioned in the Admit Card. In case of any error or discrepancy of the details in the Admit Card, the examination authorities must be notified immediately.

The Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh provides an opportunity to the candidate to make corrections in the Admit Card. After making relevant corrections, the candidate must submit the information to the authorities within the mentioned date.

Important details mentioned in the Admit Card

The candidates appearing for the BTEUP Exams will get their Admit Card/Hall Ticket on the official web portal of the Board of Technical Education authorities. Candidates should download and save the UP Polytechnic Exam Hall Ticket immediately to prevent any last-minute mishappenings. 

The Admit Card contains the following details of the candidate:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Date of birth of the candidate
  • Father’s name
  • Address of the examination centre
  • Roll number of the candidate
  • Examination date and time
  • Examination centre
  • Examination code
  • Registration number of the candidate
  • Photograph of the candidate
  • Signature of the candidate.
  • Conducting authority
  • List of subjects
  • Category of the candidates
  • Invigilator’s signature
Instructions printed on the BTEUP Admit Card:

The Admit Card contains important instructions which must be followed carefully by the candidates on the day of the exam. Candidates who fail to follow the instructions printed on the Admit card will be denied entry to the exam hall.

Given below are the instructions printed on the Admit Card/Hall Ticket:

  • The Admit Card should contain the valid name and signature of the candidate.
  • The Admit Card is issued 15 days before the exam. Candidates should download the Admit Card immediately after its date of issue to avoid last-minute hassles.
  • Candidates should reach the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the exams. Candidates who do not report on the mentioned time will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
  • Along with the UP Polytechnic Exam Hall Ticket, the candidate should carry valid ID proof to the exam hall without which the candidate will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
  • Candidates can carry the following as ID proof
  1. Voter ID Card
  2. Passport
  3. Aadhar Card
  4. Pan Card
  • Candidates are prohibited from carrying any electronic gadgets, books or food items to the exam hall. Those who are found with any of the mentioned items will be barred from the exams.
  • BTEUP Admit Cards which do not have the signature and stamp of the invigilator will not be considered by the authorities.
  • The Admit Card should not be laminated by the candidates.
  • The candidates should get their Admit Card signed by the college Principal. Only signed Admit Cards will be accepted by the authorities.
Admit Card Correction:

Candidates should check all the details carefully after downloading the Admit Card. If there is any error or discrepancy of information about the candidate details, it should be notified to the authorities immediately.

The Board of Technical Education offers an opportunity for the candidates to make changes in the Admit Card. If the candidate finds an error in the details of the Admit Card he/she can make the changes and submit the revised information to the examination authorities before the given date.

Admit Card corrections should be made and submitted online to the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh. The Board will make the necessary amendments and send the revised Admit Card/Hall Ticket to the candidate before the exams. 


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