APPSC Exam Application Form 2025
- There are certain steps which every candidate is required to follow while filling up the application form.
- However, candidates must check out the eligibility criteria and read the official notification before filing up the application form.
- Candidates can fill up the application form online by visiting the official website of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission at and following the steps mentioned below :
Steps to apply :
- Visit the official website of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission -
- Find the registration link and register yourself as a new candidate
- After filling up the registration form, you’ll receive the login details on your registered mobile number and email id
- Login using the received information and start filling up the application form by providing all the details carefully and accurately.
- Upload all the requested documents in the correct format
- Pay the application fees
- Preview all the information submitted and verify that each information entered is correct
- Submit the form.