College Disha

AP Police SI Exam 2025 Pattern

The first stage of the AP Police SI post is a preliminary test in which two papers are Arithmetic & Test of Reasoning & Mental Ability and General Studies. There are 3 hours for each paper and the number of marks and questions will be 100.

AP Police SI Preliminary Test (Objective Type)

Papers Subject Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 Arithmetic & Test of Reasoning and Mental Ability 100 100 3 hours
Paper 2 General Studies 100 100 3 hours
  Total 200 200 6 hours

AP Police SI Physical Requirements 2025 

The eligibility criteria for the AP Police Physical post of  Constable and Sub-Inspector posts have been provided below you can look at the table provided.

AP Police Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for Civil SI

Parameters General Ex-Serviceman Women
1600 meters (1-mile run) 8 minutes 9 minutes 30 seconds 10 minutes 30 seconds
100 meters run 15 seconds 16.5 seconds 18 seconds
Long Jump 3.80 meter 3.65 meter 2.75 meters

 AP Police Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for APSP SI

Parameters General Ex-Serviceman Max Marks
1600 meters (1-mile run) 8 minutes 9 minutes 30 seconds 40
100 meters run 15 seconds 16.5 seconds 30
Long Jump 3.80 meter 3.65 meter 30

AP Police SI Final Written Exam Pattern

There will be four exams in the final written exam. The pattern for that is provided below you can look at the table.

AP Police SI Final Written Exam (Civil)

Papers Subject Marks (Civil) Duration
1 English (Descriptive) (Degree Standard) 100 3 hours
2 Telugu or URDU (Descriptive) (Degree Standard) 100 3 hours
3 Arithmetic (SSC Standard)and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability (Objective in nature) (200 questions) 200 3 hours
4 General Studies (Objective in nature)(200 questions) (Degree Standard) 200 3 hours

AP Police SI Final Written Exam (APSP) 

Papers Subject Marks (APSP) Duration
1 English (Descriptive) (Degree Standard) 100 3 hours
2 Telugu or URDU (Descriptive) (Degree Standard) 100 3 hours
3 Arithmetic (SSC Standard)and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability (Objective in nature) (200 questions) 100 3 hours
4 General Studies (Objective in nature) (200 questions) (Degree Standard) 100 3 hours

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