Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Direct Admission to B. Tech courses for management Seats will be allotted as below in order of preference:
Offline Mode
Step 1: For obtaining the registration form, visit the official site ( of the college. You can directly get the form from the admission cell of the college.
Step 2: Click on the download button. A list of the registration form will show with links. You can download the registration form and take a printout.
Step 3: Fill out this form very carefully and attach all required documents
Step 4: After completing the form, candidates are advised to contact the authorized person in the college. Pay the registration fees and collect the payslip from the coordinator
Step 5: After the verification process, you will be called for the further process of admission.
Required Documents:
All documents should be self-attested.
Scholarship: The scholarship facility is provided to meritorious students by the state government. All SC/ST candidates can take advantage of the scholarship. A loan facility is given at low interest to financially weak students.
Agra College Agra Moti Katra Road Agra (U.P.)
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