College Disha
How to Become IPS

Update on 2024-04-15

How to Become IPS Officer - Check Steps for Becoming an IPS

How to Become IPS Officer

Being an IPS officer, you’ll get a chance to bring about change at the grassroots level! A very low percentile of people can accomplish this feat as it is a victory in itself to become an IAS officer. Competition has become very tenacious as thousand of the pupil is in the race to acquire this coveted position.

And why not, because when you are competing with 3 lakh blossoming and scintillating minds of the nation and procuring to such a high profile designation, it itself becomes a center of importance to the position you are holding. To scale this reputed position one has to be really ambitious and diligent. To be an IPS officer is not a permissive task. It is a challenging and demanding job. Only the best applicants are chosen for this post.

IPS (Indian Police Service) is one of the three All India Services constituted under Article 312 of the Indian constitution. An IPS Officer provides senior-level leadership to police forces in both center and state. They get a chance to improve the lives of people through development in areas such as – social security, law, and order, crime prevention, women safety, etc. It is a challenging and immensely satisfying profession.

IPS officers also get to enjoy a good amount of salary package and other additional benefits like housing, pension, medical benefits, etc. It is a powerful post that holds respect in the community. But, to reach this level one has to really toil hard for almost 2 years and pass through a rigorous procedure that involves a written test and certain interview rounds.

when we say How to Become IPS Officer - There is an proper process and The process of becoming an IPS needs self-discipline, patience, steadiness, commitment self-confidence, and a passionate hunger to be at the top ladder of an important organization of the nation. This is a profession in which you are not only supposed to work for yourself but should also possess leadership qualities.

To Become an IPS officer applicant has to clear the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which is organized by the Civil Services exam every year.

IPS exam is held in 3 sessions

  • Preliminary
  • Mains
  • Interview
1. Preliminary

The Civil Services Preliminary exam consists of two mandatory papers each of 200 marks.

General Studies Paper-I

General Studies Paper-II

IPS - Preliminary Examination
Paper Type Type Duration Marks No. of Questions
Paper 1 General Studies 2 Hours 200 100
Paper 2 Aptitude 2 hours 200 80

The question paper will have Multiple Choice Questions. Marks acquired by the candidate will not be counted for the final ranking, but just for qualification for the main exam. The Commission will draw a list of competitors who are qualified for Civil Service (Main) Examination.

2. Mains

A candidate’s rank in the UPSC Civil Service Exam depends only on the mark scored in Main and Interview. The main exam comprises 1750 marks while the interview will contain 275 marks.

The written examination (Main) will consist of nine papers, but only 7 papers will be calculated for the final merit ranking.

IPS - Mains Examination




Paper A (Qualifying Exam)


300 marks

Paper B (Qualifying Exam)


300 marks

Paper 1


250 marks

Paper 2

General Studies 1

250 marks

Paper 3

General Studies  2

250 marks

Paper 4

General Studies  3

250 marks

Paper 5

General Studies  4

250 marks

Paper 6

Optional Subject, Paper 1

250 marks

Paper 7

Optional Subject, Paper 2

250 marks

3. Interview

  1. The candidates will be prompted to display a record of their careers to the interviewers. General interest questions will be asked from the applicants. The object of the interview is to judge the personal suitability of the candidate.
  2. The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.
  3. Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or country.

Eligibility to Become an IPS Officer

Educational Qualification
  • A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from any of the recognized universities in India or an equivalent qualification.

​​Age limit

  • Minimum age 21
  • Maximum age 30 years
  • Candidates belonging to ST/ SC category can appear for this exam until the age of 35.

The relaxable age limit is as follows

  • For SC/ST candidates - 5 years
  • For OBC candidates - 3 years
  • Candidates from Jammu & Kashmir - 5 years
  • Defense Services candidates - 5 years
  • Ex-servicemen which includes Commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least 5 years Military Service and have been released - 5 years
  • For ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of responsibility of 5 years of Military Service - 5 years
  • For Blind, deaf-mute, and Orthopaedically handicapped persons - 10 years

No. of attempts

General Candidates: 7 attempts

Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Candidates (SC/ST): No Limits

Other Backward Classes (OBC): 9 attempts

Physically handicapped: 9 attempts for general and OBC

Physical ability:

Height: Minimum height for male applicants is 165 centimeters while the minimum height for ST/SC/OBC candidates is 160 centimeters.  Whereas, for female candidates, a minimum height of 150 centimeters and woman of ST/SC/OBC candidates are given relaxation of 5 centimeters.

Chest and Eyesight: For male candidates of all the categories, they must have a chest of 84 centimeters.

female candidates must have a 79 centimeters chest.

Eyesight should be between 6/6 and 6/9 and candidates who have weak eyesight must at least have 6/12 and 6/9.


To qualify Indian Police service the candidate must be a citizen of India.

The Process to become an IPS Officer

To students who are confused about How to Become IPS Officer so here is the steps you must follow:

Step I:    As a first step the aspirant has to obtain the “Application Form” along with “Information Brochure” from any of the “Post Offices” and sent the filled Application form to
The Secretary
Union Public Service Commission
Dholpur House
New Delhi - 110011.

Step II:  In the month of May or June, the aspirants have to give the “Preliminary Exam” consisting of two papers.

Paper 1- Current events of national and international importance History of India and Indian national movement

Indian and World Geography  - it comprises the social, economic and physical, geography of India and the world.

Economic and social development – inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives sustainable development, poverty, etc.

Indian Polity and governance – Panchayati Raj, public policy, constitution, political system, Rights issues, etc.
General issues on environmental biodiversity and climate change

Paper 2 - Comprehension
Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision-making and problem-solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (Class X level)

Data interpretation-(Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

Step III:

Those candidates who are declared qualified in the “Preliminary examination” are supposed to take the final exam (normally held in the month of October) having the following papers:



Essay type Indian language qualifying paper


1 English qualifying paper


1 General Essay Type Paper


2 General Studies Papers


4 Optional Subjects Papers


Step IV:

The final stage is the interview. The aspirants are called in the interview to test their personality and mental ability. Then a final list is prepared and the candidates who secured good rank are admitted to the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy as IPS probationers. Here the candidates are rigorously trained for nearly one year & after completion of training become an IPS Officer. After the training is completed the selected candidates are posted to required central and state Governments Police and Investigative organizations.

Responsibilities of IPS Officer

  • Maintaining peace: One of the most important duties of an IPS officer is to maintain peace among the public. IPS officers are responsible to make sure that they take all necessary judgments to maintain peace in their allocated state or district.
  • Integrity and responsibility: They have to fulfill all duties with dedication, courage, and as a pledge to the people of India. IPS officers' duties are responsible for protecting human rights. Therefore they have to show a huge level of professionalism, mental and physical fitness as well.
  • Prevent offenses both physical and economic: IPS officers have to make sure that there is no physical or economic harm to properties or people in their given area. In order to do that IPS officers have to cooperate with local police services to stay proactive and prevent such misfortunes.
  • VIP security: IPS officers are often responsible for the security of VIPs. In fact, they are frequently assigned duty for the protection of Chief ministers and Prime ministers as well.
  • Drug and human trafficking protection: IPS officers are also responsible for preventing drug and human trafficking. This is successful only when they work along with police officers and other IPS officers.
  • Disaster management: If in an unfortunate condition, Disaster struck any of the areas of the nation, then it is the responsibility of an IPS officer to make sure that the situation is managed excellently. IPS officers have to identify the cause behind the disaster and make sure of the security of people.
  • Perform their duty with complete integrity: IPS officers have to make sure that rules are followed in their assigned district or state. Let it be in environmental laws, traffic laws, etc. IPS officers have to make sure that all the laws are clear to people and that local police take care that these laws are followed.
  • Commander role for security agencies:  IPS officers also play the role of commander for CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation), CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force), NSG (National Security Guard), IB (Intelligence Bureau), BSF (Border Security Forces), Indo (Tibetan Border Police).

To become an IPS officer, candidates have to fulfill duties based on border responsibilities, particularly in the areas of maintenance of public peace and order, crime prevention, investigation, and detection, collection of intelligence, VIP security, border policing, railway policing, smuggling, drug trafficking, economic offenses, corruption in public life, disaster management, enforcement of socio-economic legislation, bio-diversity and protection of environmental laws, etc.IPS Officers perform their all duties with dedication, courage, and responsibility for the people of India. 

You should also work on your Personality Development. Click Here to read about Personality Development Tips.

Top coaching institutes for civil services

Here are the top 10 coaching institutes, that offer civil service coachings. The students who desire to become IPS officers can go to the following coaching centers:


I hope you got an clarity on - How to Become IPS Officer

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