Update on 2024-04-15
RAW stands for Research and Analysis Wing of foreign intelligence that works under prime minister ground. RAW is a secret department and it finds information about other countries' progress, strategies to protect our country from inconsistent terrorism, inconsistent proliferation, and gives advice to Indian policymakers to make the best policies for the safety of the country. they make plans for stoping the military attacks from other countries, the main work is that they become a spy and sent them to other countries to find out their plans, strategies and form the anti-terrorism force for the enemy country.
All over the main work of a RAW agent is to keep national security safe from the enemy. This job is well esteemed and many individuals look for this job. because it includes the secret intelligence bureau. Becoming a RAW agent is not an easy task, individuals need to be strong mentally and physically to perform the mission at a perfect pace. This is not the end, individuals also have to clear the examination and rigorous training to become a RAW agent.
We have provided complete information on How to become RAW Agent are as follows-
As there are no other specific exams held for a RAW agent because they get selected from the government departments only like Military services, Army services, Police services, UPSC services, and administrative services.
Education qualification - for qualifying the educational eligibility criteria an individual needs to complete his graduation from a recognized university and additional an individual should also learn a Foreign language it can come into use when they were sent to other countries for spying.
Age Limit - individual needs to be less than 56 years of age. There is a need for at least 20 years of experience in government department services.
Basic criteria - An individual must be a citizen of India, an individual should not have any criminal background and not be addicted to drugs. This criterion has to be followed by the individual otherwise they will not get selected as a RAW agent.
Along with fieldwork, some other jobs are available in RAW
Designation |
Level |
Chief Secretary |
Class 1 (group-A)Officer |
Additional Secretary |
Class 1 (group-A)Officer |
Joint Secretary |
Class 1 (group-A)Officer |
Deputy Secretary |
Class 1 (group-A)Officer |
Senior Field Officer |
Class B/C Officer |
Field Officer |
Class B/C Officer |
Deputy Field Officer |
Class B/C Officer |
Assistant Field Officer |
Class B/C Officer |
Only knowing how to become RAW Agent is not enough you must know the appx salary of a RAW Agent The salary of a RAW agent is based on grade-A service and the RAW agent is an A-grade service. A RAW agent gets many allowances and benefits that fall in their category. The salary of a RAW agent starts from 0.8 to 1.3 lacs per month. A fresh RAW agent salary can lie between 55,000 to 80,000 per month. Salary and allowance depend on the experience of an individual. who has 10 years of experience will get a handsome salary per month for his work.
Salary can be taken into three forms - monthly, quarterly, and yearly but allowance and other benefits are given monthly. The government gives the expense for food, travel, and other external expenses that come during the mission. RAW agent family doesn't get any allowance or benefits as per the rule of government they only may get dearness allowance but it is exceptional. RAW agents get the life risk allowance, irregularly scheduled allowance, etc.
I hope this article really solved your doubt on - How to become RAW Agent
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