College Disha
Full Form of UPMSP - Full Form of UPBSE

Update on 2024-04-15

Full Form of UPMSP - Full Form of UPBSE - Check UPMSP Vs UPBSE

Full-Form of UPMSP: Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad.

Full-Form of UPBSE: Uttar Pradesh Board Of Secondary Education.

Update: The Uttar Pradesh Board Of Secondary Education has made the Adhar Card Compulsory for the candidates who are registering for class 10th and class 12th board examination. The officials of UPBSE have updated the Class 12th result and made arrangements to produce the result for the students. The UP Board class 12th result notification is going to be released soon.

Difference Between UPMSP and UPBSE

  • In this article, we are providing a brief discussion on the Difference Between UPMSP and UPBSE to help students come out of the confusion between these two. In Uttar Pradesh, a few schools or institutions are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the Indian Council of School Education (ICSE) but most of the institutions seek recognition under the UP Board. At present, there are around 22,000 schools that are being recognized by the UP Board.
  • As the name suggests the UPMSP and UPMSP have a difference in the language only. The Full Form of UPBSE is Uttar Pradesh Board Of Secondary Education which is the English conversion of the Full Form of UPMSP i.e Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad.
  • However, the UPMSP is the main parent board that oversees all the activities performed in the UP Board examination. It has 4 major regional offices in Meerut, Varanasi, Prayagraj, and Bareilly. The head office of the UP Board is present in the Prayagraj district.

The Ex chairman is the director of the Education Board of UPMSP and the secretary of the board is appointed by the state government. The board has the following sub-committees:

  • Examination Committee: The examination committee is responsible for examining both class 10th and class 12th board examinations. The officials of this committee prepare the question paper and oversee all the activities of the examination.
  • Result Committee: After the examination has been conducted the resulting committee is responsible for preparing the final result which includes the checking of answer sheets and making sure that the proper marks are being allotted to the students. They produce the result which is going to be available on the official website of the UP Board.
  • Recognition Committee: The recognition committee is responsible for granting permission to the various schools in the state of Uttar Pradesh to run under the guidelines of UPMSP. They oversee all the affiliated schools and institutions that are under the UP Board. This committee defines some standards of performance and establishes the proper guidelines for evaluation and method in the education system within the school.
  • Finance Committee: The finance committee is responsible for maintaining the finances of the Board. They provide advice, financial analysis, and oversight of the organization’s budget. Their main responsibility is to ensure that the board is operating with the financial resources that are needed to provide programs and services to the education system under the UP Board.
  • Curriculum Committee: The curriculum committee is responsible for preparing the course curriculum or updating the existing one. Recently the curriculum committee of the UPMSP Board has decided that they will use NCERT books and go along with the CBSE Board. Since then the books and subjects for all the classes have been changed and the course curriculum has been updated. This is the type of measure that is taken by the curriculum committee.

As we can see the Difference Between UPMSP and UPBSE lies mainly in the Full Form of UPMSP and UPBSE. Both of these boards are recognized as UP Board. The main function of these bodies is to conduct the class 10th and 12th board examinations and to produce results.

Full-Form of UPMSP and Get Know About UPMSP in Details

UPMSP is responsible for conducting Highschool and Secondary grade examinations in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The UPMSP Council is located in the Prayagraj district. It is an educational board in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This board is also known as the Board of High School & Intermediate Education (BHSIE) which is responsible for conducting the class 10th and class 12th examination every year. UPMSP is commonly known as UP Board.

UP Board Overview

UP Board Official Name


Full-Form of UPMSP

Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad

Purpose of Board

To conduct the class 10th and class 12th examination


Allahabad (Prayagraj), Uttar Pradesh

Parent organization

Department of Education, Uttar Pradesh

Established in


Official Website

  • Class 10th and 12th examinations are conducted every year in various test centers throughout the state. It has been estimated that around 35 lakh students appear in UP Board class 10th examination and around 30 lakh students appear in UP Board class 12th examination. The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) is an administrative authority that is responsible for conducting these examinations.
  • Apart from conducting examinations, the UPMSP is also responsible for granting recognition to the schools and prescribing the textbooks and courses to the affiliated schools. UPMSP is one of the largest boards in Asia when it comes to the total number of students.
  • Since 2018, the UPMSP Board has decided that they will use NCERT books and go along with the CBSE Board. Since then the books and subjects for all the classes have been changed and the course curriculum has been updated.
  • Now all the schools that are affiliated with the UPMSP follow the NCERT course curriculum and books which is good news as it acts as an improvement in the current education system.
  • The NCERT owns the responsibility for developing and publishing the NCERT books. They also develop digital material and kits to help the students with their studies.
  • The NCERT stands for the National Council of Educational Research and Training. The main objective of the government organization is to assist the qualitative improvement in the education system and build a common education system. How many state boards are following the NCERT textbooks for classes 1st to 12th in the course curriculum and most of the competitive exams also refer to the NCERT textbooks?

Full-Form of UPBSE & Know About UPBSE in Details

  • UPBSE Stands for the Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education which puts the main emphasis on Secondary grade examinations in the state of Uttar Pradesh. UPBSE is similar to UPMSE as UPMSE is just the conversion of UPBSE in Hindi. UPBSE is most commonly known as UPMSP or UP Board. However, there is a slight difference between these two.
  • The UPBSE is responsible for conducting the higher secondary examination. However, it works under the guidance of UPMSP which foresees the overall responsibilities. This board is the biggest examination body in the world. 
  • For many years after having the load of work in successive years, the board had been experiencing difficulty in controlling the activities centrally from Prayagraj. As such the board has established the four major regional offices in Meerut, Varanasi, Prayagraj, and Bareilly. The head office is still present in the Prayagraj.
  • This board was set up in 1921 by the legislative act of the United Provinces Council. The UMBSE conducted its first examination in 1923. This is one of the very few boards of India which has adopted the 10+2 education system of examination.
  • Class 10th is considered as a High School examination and 10+2 is known as an Intermediate examination. The UPBSE holds the responsibility of examining and preparing the result of nearly 64 lakh students every year considering both class 10th and class 12th examinations.

Functions Of UPBSE

  • One of the main responsibilities of UPBSE is to grant permission to the various schools in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Board is also responsible for prescribing course textbooks and syllabus to the High school and Senior Secondary classes, class 11th, and class 12th.
  • UPBSE is responsible for conducting the examination and authorizing the examination process and producing results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will the UP Board Intermediate result come

Ans: The UP Board Class 12th result has been released. As we know the UP board class 12th result has been delayed this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic however Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad is getting ready to set up the main website to produce the result. All the students who appeared in the UP Board class 12th examination can check their marks and more information on the official website.

The UPBSE is responsible for organizing the Intermediate Exams and announcing the result. To see the result, the candidates are required to enter their exam roll number in the required field and click on the submit button after that the scorecard will appear on the screen and finally the candidates are supposed to take a printout of this form which will act as a provisional mark sheet.

Q: It is mandatory to download the online mark sheet

Ans: Yes, it is important to download the UP Board class 12th mark sheet as it will give the subject-wise marks. This mark sheet can be used to take admission to the college. It will act as a provisional mark sheet.

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