14 Feb, 2025
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The date of the entrance tests will be released by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for management programs: OPENMAT XLV. The exam will be conducted on March 10, 2025. The test will be conducted in 61 exam centers, accommodating 5,879 candidates. IGNOU has already released the hall tickets or admit cards, Admit cards can be downloaded from the official website: ignou.ac.in. In case candidates are unable to download the hall ticket, they can contact the regional center and obtain the hall ticket in the form of a printout.
Note: All the candidates willing to study through distance learning can take admission in IGNOU MBA Program.
Other than MBA, the School of Management Studies which under IGNOU also offers admission to various other management programs. Which are as follows:
Step 1: First visit the official website, Ignou.ac.in
Step 2: Click on ‘hall ticket for OPENMAT XLV JULY 2025’ under Alert’
Step 3: Log-in using control number, mobile number, and date of birth
Step 4: Admit Card will appear
-> Candidates need to download the admit card for IGNOU OPENMAT Entrance TEST and take a printout for future reference.
-> Not a single candidate will be allowed to appear for the examination without admit card.
The IGNOU OPENMAT Entrance test will conduct in two sessions: the First one will be in December 2025 and another will be in February 2025. As per, this year's exam codes, the first session is known as OPENMAT XLIV and the second one is OPENMAT XLV. Candidates can apply for any of the sessions dependinhttps://mba.aglasem.com/ignou-openmat-2025/g when you want to take admission in the program. Since there are separate dates for the sessions, it is an important task that you have all the latest IGNOU OPENMAT 2025 Exam Dates. When you have all the important dates in one place, you will be able to keep track of all the upcoming events very easily. In case you forget the dates, write in some safe place.
The exam which is based on pen and paper for the MBA program will be conducted on December 16, 2025, for IGNOU OPENMAT XLIV. Candidates seeking to take admission in the next academic session must start preparing for the exam as soon as possible. To see the tips and tricks to crack the OPENMAT MBA entrance exam. For the IGNOU OPENMAT XLV, the exam has taken place in the first week of February 2025. For it, you have much time to prepare but keep track of it in case you miss out on something important.
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