College Disha

Odisha Scholarship Registration Form 2025 - PRERANA Scholarship Registration Form 2025 Started

07 Feb, 2025

Odisha Scholarship Registration Form 2025

Prerana Scholarship Odisha 2025 Form: For school students who want to pursue their higher education, there is a golden opportunity given by the Odisha Government. According to the latest Prerna SC/ST Scholarship Odisha notification, this opportunity can be used by students who are promoted to the 11th level. The scholarship scheme is run to encourage the backward sections such as SC, ST, and OBC with economic assistance. The Prerana Post Matric Scholarship Odisha will receive the applications of the students who will be furnished with the correct documents. You can read more information from the article listed below.

Odisha Prerana Scholarship Form 2025/Odisha Scholarship Application Form - OBC/ SC/ ST:

All the candidates who are interested in taking the opportunity must apply for the Odisha State Scholarship Registration Forms. It will be a post-matric scholarship registration for students. For the dates, the students will have to be very precise as any late submission of the form will lead to form cancellation. First, applicants for both internal and external state scholarship programs will have to download and apply the Odisha Scholarship Application Form to their schools and institutes.

All students can fill out the Odisha Prerana Scholarship Online Application by means of the steps listed below. Online Application Form for the Odisha Prerana Scholarship:

  • Website visit-
  • Click on the download page.
  • Select the Odisha Scholarship Application Form option.
  • Download and print the available format
  • Complete the form by filling in all the necessary information as per the instructions.
  • Send to the competent authority in your Institute a hard copy of the form.

PRERNA Odisha Scholarship 2025:

PRERNA  Odisha Scholarship (Post-matric students’ Scholarship Registration Application & Network Automation) is an online portal inviting applications from the Odisha group of ST/ SC/ OBC/ SEBC/ EBC (Economically Backward Category) to study at the post-matriculate or the post-secondary level for the Odisha State Post-matric Prerana Scholarship 2025. To get the scholarship, students who meet the desired eligibility requirements will apply for the same. In order to apply, find the reference below.

Get full information on the 2025 PRERANA Scholarship Odisha Sanction List, username, PMS dates, eligibility requirements, application & selection process, etc. below:

Odisha Scholarship Registration Date 2025:

PRERANA Scholarship 2025 Scheduled timetable for online registration of Fresh and Renewal Application 2025. The dates for the PRERANA Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) 2025 have been given here. Check out the confirmed dates for the new and renewal of the scholarship activities. Applicants must note that the Renewal and Fresh Applications dates are the same. 

S. No

Outside State


Starting Date of Online Applications

September 2025 (Tentative)

September 2025 (Tentative)


Closing date for submission of Online Applications by students seeking their studies in Odisha.

October 2025 (Tentative)

October 2025 (Tentative)


Submission of complete and duly signed printed online version (Hard Copies) to the Institute by the Applicants must be by

November 2025 (Tentative)

November 2025 (Tentative)


The final date for scrutiny & forwarding of Online Applications by Institutes

December 2025 (Tentative)

December 2025 (Tentative)


The final date for submission of Hard copies of the applications by the Institute to DWO Concerned

December 2025 (Tentative)

December 2025 (Tentative)


The final date for OnlineOdisha Prerana Students’ Scholarship Odisha Sanction List 2025 of Applications by DWO concerned

December 2025 (Tentative)

January 2025 (Tentative)

Eligibility Criteria For Odisha Scholarship Registration:

Students eligible to apply for the 2025 PRERANA Scholarship must meet the eligibility requirements below. The conditions relating to residency, family income, qualifications, etc. are given in the following table.

S. No


Eligibility Criteria Details



All the candidates of ST or SC or OBC or SEBC or EBC(Economically    Backward   Class) who are eligible for the scholarship must be permanent residents of Odisha.


Family income

  • The annual family income of parents /guardians must not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum from all sources of those ST / SC students.
  • In the case of OBC / SEBC students, the family income of parents/guardians from all sources should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum and they must obtain at least 50 percent marks in the previous test.
  • In the case of EBC students, the parent/guardians' income from all sources should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum and he/she should only have to continue his/her higher study at the Government College.


Academic Qualification

The students must continue their Post Matriculation Studies in any general or technical or professional courses in any Govt. or Govt. recognized Private institutes


EBC Eligibility Criteria

This program for EBC is applied only for GENERAL Category (Other than SC/ST/OBC/SEBC).

Eligibility Criteria Odisha Scholarship 2025:


  • He / She should be a Student of the ST Category.
  • Family Income: annual family income of the Parents or the guardians' from all sources of those ST students must not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum.
  • Domicile: He / She is expected to be a permanent Odisha resident
  • Other eligibility criteria: Students who have applied for the Odisha Post Matric Scholarship under the Financial Assistance Scheme will be provided under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme in the first instance, and the surplus sum not qualified under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme will be sanctioned outside of the Financial Assistance Scheme.

Odisha Scholarship Registration Process:

It is necessary for interested and qualified candidates to apply in the online mode. The Official Authority has started accepting applications for (Fresh and Renewal applicants) for the year 2025 from 4 September 2025. Please review the eligibility requirements above before applying online.

  • For new registrations, follow the steps below:
  • Visit the PRERANA Post Matric Scholarship Official Website (PMS). Here, the link will be enabled.
  • Scroll down and click on the 'Student Corner' option for 'Prerana Scholarship Registered Student's Login'.
  • Now, if you are registering for the first time, click on the 'New Registration' link. "Enter the information required and press Save. You will obtain a single username and password for the registered email ID and phone number by clicking 'Save'.
  • Sign in after registration using the username and password you got. This username is a one-time identification number used during a student's career to apply for a post-matric scholarship.
  • On the computer monitor, an Scholarship Odisha Registration Form will appear. By entering all of the data, fill-up the form. As per the specification, upload the scanned image of all the required documents.
  • Now, click the scholarship application button.
  • Register and fill in and submit the necessary information.
  • Upon entering the login information, registered applicants can check the 'PRERANA Scholarship application status'.

Online Apply Odisha Scholarship Application Form 2025:

  • You must follow the simple procedure given below to apply for the prerana scholarship:-
  • First, visit the official scholarship website provided here.
  • Tap on the 'Login' tab in the upper right corner of the homepage.
  • Sign in with your 'Student Applicant Name' and 'Password' if you've already enrolled.
  • Press on the link stated as the "New Students: Please Register Yourself" if you are not enrolled.
  • Your screen will show a new webpage.
  • On your screen, the instructions will be shown.
  • Read them attentively.
  • Complete all of the educational & personal information
  • Fill in all the details of a bank account
  • Tap the submit button
  • Take a hard copy of the form.

Odisha State Student Scholarship Form Online Registration 2025 Started for Fresh & Renew under Prerana Scheme.

The government of Orissa is providing the Opportunity to the State Economically Backward ST or SC or OBC or SEBC students who are studying at the Post-Matriculation or Post-Secondary stage under the Prerana Odisha Scholarship Scheme in the State of Odisha to the Academic year of 2025. The Post-Matriculation / Post-Secondary stage Students Can Submit and secure their Applications through Online for Fresh and Renewals of Prerana Scholarship program 2025.

All the Orissa State Pre and Post Matric Students who are under ST/SC/OBC/SEBC Categories whose parents have an annual income of under 2 lakhs and below they will apply to the Prerana Scholarship 2025 under the Odisha Scholarship Scheme.

Students who are eligible for the Odisha Prerana Scholarship 2025 will apply via the fresh or new registration application online and the students who earn the Prerana Scholarship Value will be renewed from the following steps by logging in.

  • Log in to the official website for the Odisha Scholarship https:/
  • Pick "New registration"  for new renewals
  • Enter Basic Student Information asked
  • Click the "Save" Options button after filling in the Information 
  • Now you have a Reference Number and Password for the application and log in with the application number and passwords,
  • Upload the Scanned Copies of the Student Certificates now and take a copy of the Submitted Prerana Scholarship Application Form Hard Copy to apply to your College or Institute Principal to accept them.
  • You can edit your filled-in details before you "lock and forward the online application" to the Institute.

For Renewal of the PRERANA Post Matric Scholarship scholarship Take the steps beneath:

  • Scholars who are already enjoying the benefits need to check the official website for the renewal. 
  • Click on the option 'Renewal'. 
  • Fill up all the information & click on the submit button. 
  • The scholars must re-submit the scholarship for the continuation of the PRERANA scholarship by filling in all the necessary information after one year of completion.

PRERANA Odisha Student Scholarship 2025 Benefits:

Qualified students receive a maintenance allowance of up to INR 1200/- under the Post Matric Scholarship scheme. See the Prerana Odisha scholarship for more information.

Incentives Under Prerana ODISHA Student Scholarship:

While applying for the Prerana scholarship in 2025, the following incentives are available:-

  • For General Classes, there is a 100 percent course fee reimbursement.
  • Technical- Rs.28500/- will be paid 
  • Additionally, all students will be given the monthly maintenance amount.
  • The following benefits will be given to the courses in different classes-
Amount Per Month (Hosteller)
Amount Per Month (Non-Hosteller)

Group I

Rs.1200/- (SC/ST) & Rs.750/- (OBC)

Rs.550/- (SC/ST) & Rs.350/- (OBC)

Group II

Rs.1000/- (SC/ST) & Rs.510/- (OBC)

Rs.530/- (SC/ST) & Rs.335/- (OBC)

Group III

Rs.1000/- (SC/ST) & Rs.400/- (OBC)

Rs 300/- (SC/ST) & Rs.210/- (OBC)

Group IV

Rs.1000/- (SC/ST) & Rs.260/- (OBC)

Rs.230/- (SC/ST) & Rs.160/- (OBC)

Eligibility Criteria for Odisha Scholarship Registration Form:

When applying for the Prerana scholarship program, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:-

  • A resident and native of the state of Odisha can only be the applicant.
  • The applicant applying for the scholarship must belong to the Backward categories.

The applicant's annual household income must be as follows-

  • The income should not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum in the case of SC / ST students.
  • The income should not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- per annum in the case of OBC / SEBC students.
  • The income should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum in the case of EBC students.
  • In the previous examination, the applicant must have scored at least 50 percent off the mark.

Important guidelines for the PRERANA Post Matric Scholarship 2025:

  1. In the specified box of the Prerana Scholarship Online Application, applicants must be very careful while providing their bank account information. The Department will not be held liable for mid-credit and the applicant will be held liable in the event of a diversion of public money on this ground, for any incorrect entry or mismatch in the case of bank details.
  2. Students and institutes are directed to complete the submission of hard copies to Institutes and DWOs within 7 days without waiting until the last day, respectively.
  3. Institution-wise applications will be processed at the earliest on the basis of first come first serve for scholarship disbursement.
  4. “Since Govt. India has insisted on linking Aadhar for scholarship disbursement, it is very likely that PRERANA scholarship disbursement will be restricted to applications accompanied by the number of Aadhar. Applicants are then required to provide their Aadhar number, and if an applicant does not have an Aadhar number, they must immediately obtain it and furnish the same along with their application.
  5. Before making an application for hassle-free transactions, students are advised to carefully go through the "Bank-accounts related advisory" Notice and Essential Instructions on the PRERANA Scholarship home page. Since the Edit Option for bank account information has been removed from the Student Login. In the event of any required changes in the bank account information of students, careful verification of the reasons and justifications for this will be performed only at the request of the students at the DWO level.
  6. In the PRERANA Odisha Portal itself, students who have not applied online as new students in previous years are allowed to apply online as new students for the current years.
  7. At the time of the online registration of the Prerana Scholarship FRESH / RENEWAL Application, students must be ready for the matriculation exam with their Roll No., Year of Passing & Name of the Board.
  8. Students are requested to fill out the correct details at the time of filing Annual Income as per the income amount provided in the income certificate uploaded in Prerana, any incorrect entry or mismatch in case of annual income found at institution / DWO level during the scrutiny process, the student concerned may be debarred from obtaining the scholarship.
  9. Students are hereby asked to keep confidential their PRERANA User ID & Password. The student will be held accountable solely for this in the event of any mid-credit / malfunction arising due to the exchange of credentials.

Required Documents For the Odisha Scholarship Registration Form:

The applicants must apply, along with the printout of the Prerana Scholarship Application Form, the following documents to the respective institute.

  1. Certificate of Caste
  2. Certificate of Income
  3. Certificate for Matriculation
  4. Copy of Aadhaar / Enrolment Slip
  5. Copy of the 1st page of the applicant's bank account passbook containing account number information, branch office IFSC code,

PRERANA Scholarship Courses Eligibility:

For applicants belonging to the ST / SC / OBC group, the Prerana Scholarship will pay 100 percent of the course fee. In addition, the list of qualifying courses for which the scholarship will be awarded is given in the table below.

Course Type
Course Name

Group I

Professional degree courses

  • Engineering
  • Fashion technology
  • Hotel management

Professional post-graduation courses

  • Dental Medical
  • MBA
  • MCA
  • Management

Group II

Professional degree courses

  • B.Ed
  • Pharmacy
  • BAMS

Group III

Professional post-graduation courses


Diploma/Certificate courses

Diploma nursing

ITI Courses


Renewals of the Scholarship- 

Students who have already received the Odisha Prerana Scholarship benefits should record and update their information and upload scanned certificates, then send hard copies of the renewed application to the higher authorities of your college to renew the 2025 year Prerana Scholarship.


Dear Students, in this article we tried to put forward all the necessary information regarding the Odisha Scholarship Registration Form 2025. We hope that this would help you in the desired manner. 

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