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Kerala Scholarship Registration Form 2025 - Online Apply Kerala Scholarship Application Form Here - Collegedisha

07 Feb, 2025

Kerala Scholarship Registration Form 2025

BCDD Overseas Scholarship: The Government of Kerala is supporting students who are not able to complete their education because of financial issues. Kerala government offers scholarships for needy students so that they can complete their studies effectively. These scholarships will work wonders for needy students.

✍ In order to avail of the scholarship, candidates need to qualify for some of the eligibility criteria. All the criteria are listed down below in this article. Apart from the criteria, there are certain rules for the candidates to get this Kerala Scholarship.

✍ Candidates have to fill out the Kerala Scholarship Registration Form. This form is made available on the official website of the Kerala scholarship board. Candidates can visit the website for filling up the Kerala Scholarship Application Form.   

✍ Kerala Government offers Pre and Post Matric Scholarship for praiseworthy students who belong to the socially & economically backward category. Candidates who fulfill all the eligibility criteria that are prescribed by the Kerala scholarship board can fill application form till the last date.

Details of Kerala Scholarship Application Form:

  • Mode of Kerala Scholarship Application Form: Online
  • Scholarship Available For Pre Matric and Post Matric
  • Selection Process: Academic Marks/ Family Income
  • Kerala Scholarship Official Website:

The students who want to avail of the Kerala Scholarship must fill out the Kerala Scholarship Registration Form on time. This scholarship will help a lot in the education of needy students. In this article, candidates will get to know the full information regarding the Kerala Scholarship and also about the Kerala Scholarship Application Form.

Kerala Post Matric Scholarship:

Kerala Post Matric Scholarship provides financial support to students who are economically weak. The main objective of this Scholarship Scheme is to offer financial support to praiseworthy students who come from the economically weaker sections of the minority community in pursuit of higher education.

The scholarship is given to needy candidates to study in India in any private schools or institutions or colleges.

Kerala Pre Matric Scholarship

➔ Kerala Pre Matric Scholarship is provided to those students who are studying in class IX - X in the Government schools recognized by the appropriate authority of Kerala. This scholarship will help the desired candidates to study further. This scholarship is for the students of class IX – X only.

➔ The scholarship will be given to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks in their previous final examination (This scholarship is not applicable for the students who are studying in 1st std).

Kerala Scholarship Eligibility:

Kerala Pre Matric Scholarship

➔ The Annual income of the student’s Parents or Guardians from all the sources should not be more than INR 1.0 Lakhs.

➔ Students of Kerala domicile who are studying in other states can also fill the Kerala Scholarship Registration Form and apply for this scholarship.

➔ Students of other states studying in Kerala are not eligible to apply from Kerala.

Kerala Post Matric Scholarship:

➔ To avail, this Kerala Scholarship Application Form students should be the First Year student of intermediate/ UG/ PG/Ph.D. The course of Higher Secondary School/ College/ Institutes/ University must be either a Govt/ Aided/Recognised Unaided Institution. OR

➔ Students of 11th Class/Technical/ Vocational Course of ITI/ ITC Centres affiliated to NCVT can also apply.

Kerala Scholarship Scheme Fee:


11th and 12th class

Rs. 7,000/-per annum

UG and PG

RS. 10,000/- per annum

M.Phil and Ph.D

1,200/- per month

I to X


DCE Kerala Scholarship Amount:

➔ PMS (Post Metric Scholarship): Total admission fee and Course

➔ Tuition Fee

➔ SMS (State Merit Scholarship):  UG – Rs.1250/- PM and PG: Rs.1500/- PM

➔ DMS (District Merit Scholarship): Rs. 1,250/- per annum

➔ HS (Hindi Scholarship): UG- Rs.500/- PM and PG: Rs.1000/- PM

➔ MNS (Muslim Nadar Girls Scholarship):  Rs. 125/per annum

➔ SSE (Sanskrit Scholarship): UG- Rs.200/- PM and PG: Rs.200/- PM

➔ MGS (C H Muhammed Koya Scholarship): Rs. 10,000/- per annum

➔ MFAS (Music Fine Arts Scholarship): UG- Rs.4000/- PM and PG: Rs.5000/- PM

➔ Professional Courses: Rs. 6,000/- PM

Steps to Fill the Kerala Scholarship Registration Form:

In order to avail themselves of the benefits of the Kerala scholarship, students have to fill out the Kerala scholarship registration form. The scholarship is made available on the official website of the Kerala Government. Given below are the steps to fill out the Kerala scholarship application form. Have a look.

➔ Go to the official website, i.e., to apply for the Kerala Merit Scholarship.

➔ After that, follow the “National Scholarship Portal” and click on

➔ Now, Select the “State Scheme” section and click on the “Kerala” link.

➔ Click on the appropriate link to avail of the scholarship.

➔  Read all the instructions carefully and click on the ‘Apply Online’ button.

➔  Now, Register yourself with all the mandatory details and fill the form correctly.

➔  After that, upload certain documents like certificates and some id.

➔ Click on the Submit Button after the completion of the form.

➔  Take a printout of the Kerala Scholarship Application Form for future reference.

Documents Required for Filling Kerala Scholarship Application Form:

 ➔ Attested photocopies of required certificates

➔ Address Proof

➔ Income Certificate of your father/mother

➔ Passport size photograph

➔ College / School all necessary Certificate.

➔  Domicile certificate

➔ Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/General)

➔ Mark sheet of last Passing Class

Kerala Scheme Helpline/ Toll-free Number:

For any query regarding the scholarship or Kerala scholarship registration form, you can contact the helpline/ toll-free number and other contact details. Given below are the helpline number and their concerned address. Have a look.

The Special Officer,

Directorate of Collegiate Education,

6th Floor, Vikas Bhavan,

Thiruvananthapuram, 695033

Help Desk Numbers: 9446096580/ 0471-2306580/ 9446780308

Kerala Scholarship Registration Date 2025:

  • Starting Date to Apply: August 2025
  • Last date to apply: October 2025

List of Kerala Scholarship 2025:

Kerala Scholarship Name
Kerala Scholarship Website

Central Sector Scholarship Renewal

Directorate of Minority Welfare- Scholarship for Minority Students

C.H. Muhammed Koya Scholarship Girls

Post-matric Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities

Central Sector Scholarships

Post-Matric Scholarship For Minority

AABY Scholarship

Vidya Sammunnathi Scholarships

District Merit Scholarship

Central Sector Scholarship Renewal

Aspire Scholarship Scheme PG Students

Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship (SJMS)

Sanskrit Scholarship (SSE)

District Merit Scholarship(DMS)

State Merit Scholarship (SMS)

C. H. Muhammed Koya Scholarship

Merit Scholarship to the Children of School Teachers

Muslim/ Nadar Girls Scholarship Renewal

Music Fine Arts Scholarship (MFAS)

Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) Guidelines

Hindi Scholarship – DCE (HS)

OEC Pre Matric Scholarship

Overseas Scholarship for OBCs

Pre Matric Scholarship Kerala

OBC Post Matric Scholarship/OBC Overseas Scholarship

Plus Two Scholarship- Draft List of Candidates

Kerala State backward Classes Development Corporation Ltd.


Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram

Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child for PG Programs

Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child For PG Programs

Merit cum Means (MCM) Scholarships Renewal &

MCM Scholarship &

Disability Scholarship Kerala &

Scholarship for Higher Education &

Steps to Prepare for the Kerala Scholarship Exam:

✍ To get the scholarship, students have to compete with several students. They have to give the scholarship exam. This exam is conducted by the Government of Kerala to select the students for the scholarship.

✍ So, if you are also thinking about the Kerala Scholarship Registration Form then here is the solution for you. Down below you will get some best tips and tricks to qualify for the Kerala Scholarship exam.

✍ There are two phases of the exam, the first is the written exam and the other is the personal interview where the basic details about you will be asked. Once you qualify for both tests, you will get the scholarship amount in no time. Now, take a look at the tips and tricks.

1) Get all the necessary details about the Organization: The students should have full knowledge and idea about the organization which is offering a scholarship to them. First of all, candidates should make a list of all the scholarships that the organization is providing. After that, check carefully all the terms and conditions, whether you are eligible for that scholarship or not.

2) Stay Focused and Calm: Students should not take stress about the scholarship exam. Make yourself calm, cool, and stable, and try to give the best in the examination hall. Revise all the papers regularly and also try to solve the question papers of the last 10-year series. Go to the examination hall with a cool and focused mind.

3) Get involved in Group Discussions: Students can improve their knowledge for the scholarship exam by getting into Group discussions. Try to discuss the question answers that are related to your scholarship subjects. In this way, you can easily memorize the topics.

4) Knowing the Exam Pattern: Students should know the exam pattern before preparing for the exam. Exam patterns will make our preparation easier. It will also help you to know the type of questions according to the subjects.

5) Manage Your Time Accordingly: In order to prepare for the exam, set the time according to your subjects and topics. Look for the dates of every exam and manage it till your last minute. It is advised to the students to not start their preparation from the last days, start it before the exam reaches its execution.

6) Study Topic Wise: Topic-wise studying is a way easier to memorize the subjects. Take a topic and study till you memorize it. Then only you can change the topic. Also, try to understand the basics of every topic before going into detail about it.

7) Consult Teachers/Tutors Or Other Students: If you are facing any difficulty understanding any topic or subject, you can take help from your teachers or friends. This will increase your knowledge and help you understand better.

8) Take Regular Breaks: It is advised to the students to take a break at certain intervals of time. This will help you in studying effectively. So, make a timetable which has some intervals of break also. This will not only refresh you but also help you in studying effectively.

9) Solve Old Papers: To qualify for any exam it is a must for the students to solve the previous year's question papers. These question papers will not only help you to know the exam pattern but also help you in time management.

10) End With Practice: As we all know that practice makes a man perfect, so as it applies to your exam also. Practice the questions daily. This will improve your efficiency and also build up your confidence.

11) Trust Yourself: Trust plays a big factor to qualify for any exam. If you have trust in yourself, then you can easily qualify for the exam with a good percentage of marks. Trust plays an important factor for any student. Trust also makes you confident.

12) Find the Best Coaching: If you are not able to prepare for the exam by yourself, then you can opt for coaching. The coaching should be best and reliable. The record of coaching should also be best. So, you can opt for coaching which is best and provides you with proper knowledge.

13) Keep Yourself Relaxed: Relaxing of mind is very important for students. It will increase the efficiency of the mind so that students could get a good score in the exam. So, it is important for any student to relax before the exam. Take a break at proper intervals and take proper rest and sleep.

Steps to Prepare For Kerala Scholarship Interview;

Given below are the steps to prepare for the scholarship interview. Have a look.

➔ First of all, you need to research the information for the interview process.

➔ After that, prepare some of the commonly asked interview questions.

➔ Prepare a plan for the day before going for the interview round and stay relaxed.

1) Make Research for the Interview: The research will help you in the interview. By doing proper research you can answer any of the questions that are being asked by the interviewer. So, research the topics as much as you can. Also, be calm and relaxed at the time of the interview. Listen to the questions carefully and answer accordingly.

2) Study Common Interview Questions: Look for the questions that are in trend. There are several questions that are commonly asked in every interview. Prepare for all such questions and similar to that. Try to search on the internet or ask your teachers or friends. You can get all the questions on the internet very easily. Also, be confident while answering any question.

3) Choose the Correct Attire: Attire is the most important part of the interview. Choosing the correct attire and presenting yourself well enough will make an impression on the person that is taking your interview. So, it is very important for you to dress up well on the day of the interview.

4) Make A Plan Day Before: Making a plan before the interview day will help you relax and reach on time. Plan everything before that where you have to go for the interview, what you will wear on the interview day, and how to go for the interview. Such plans will not kill your time and help you in time management which is very important for any student.

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