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List of Top mcom colleges in delhi

University Of Delhi (DU SOL)

University Of Delhi (DU SOL)


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School of Open Learning, University of Delhi (SOLDU) is one of the leading institutions in India offering distance learning programs. Established in 1962, the institution has grown to become a popular choice for students seeking flexibility and convenience in pursuing their academic goals. In this article, we will provide an overview of SOLDU, including its Read More
IGNOU - The People's University

IGNOU - The People's University


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IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) is a well-known distance-learning public university in India. Established in 1985, it was named after the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, who was a strong proponent of distance education. The university operates under the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act of 1985, which aims to democratizRead More

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