17 Feb, 2025
Table of Content:
JNU is a leading national center of excellence in higher education aiming to rank top among world-class universities. Believing in excellence with social responsibility and commitment, JNU wishes to become a benchmark for Indian universities.
JNU has granted and recognized the following institutions across the country.
Institution |
Location |
Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering |
Secunderabad |
College of Military Engineering |
Pune |
Army Cadet College |
Dehradun |
Indian Naval Academy |
Ezhimala |
National Defence Academy |
Pune |
Institution |
Established |
Location |
Atal Bihari Vajpayee School of Management and Entrepreneurship |
23 August 2018 |
New Delhi |
Research and Development Institutions:
Note - Apart from the institutes mentioned above there are more Research and Development institutions available if you want to know more please kindly visit their official website.
JNU Even Semester Admit Card will be made available at the end of April 2025. This exam is conducted every year and in this article, candidates can get complete information regarding it. Before that, all the students are advised to fill up their examination form before the last date so they won’t have to face any trouble later on.
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is going to conduct the even semester examination, Candidates of the university will have to participate in these exams with their JNU Even Semester Admit Card 2025. Furthermore, the time table is also available on this page. Even semester examination will start in the month of May tentatively and it is going to be finished by the end of the month of June or by the starting week of June.
For the even semester examination candidate has to visit the university website on a regular basis to get updated with the university even semester exam. All the even semester exam related information will be uploaded on the official website of the university.
Documents Required in Examination Hall:
The admit card carries the information which holds the candidate’s personal details, address, and some exam-related (time and date and exam center details). The admit Card card for UG and PG courses will be released on JNU's official website.
The university representatives will be available at the Examination Centre before the exam starts, in case the candidate is not able to access or download the Admit Card and is facing a problem is advised to reach the University Representative or Presiding Officer of the Centre in order to avoid any last-minute inconvenience.
The candidates whose names appear on the Roll List will be able to appear for the Examination. University assumes no responsibility in the event of failure to report on the due date and time by the candidate in the examination.
✎ Go to the official website of JNU University (link will be given below too)
✎ You will reach the university home page.
Note:- Make sure you have already filled the examination form if not then fill the examination form (Admit card is generated on the basis of details provided by students on the examination form).
✎ Enter your Application Number and Password.
✎ After entering details, click on the “Login” button.
✎ Your admit card with all your credentials provided(during examination form submission) will appear on your system screen.
✎ Now you can cross verify the information printed on the admit card like your name, your course, your photograph, etc.
✎ Preserve your admit card till further procedure.
Remark: All the candidates are advised to stay in touch with the JNU official website to get the latest status and updates regarding the admit card and other information related to the examination schedule.
Summary: This is the detailed document on JNU Even Semester Admit Card 2025 wherein explained about the JNU and types of institutions under JNU, details regarding even semester examination and admit card, Procedure to download the even semester admit card and tentative dates.
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