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SSC MTS Registration Form 2025 - Online Apply SSC MTS Application Form - Collegedisha

07 Feb, 2025

SSC MTS Registration Form 2025

Table of Content:

SSC MTS Registration Form 2025:

According to the SSC MTS notification, SSC Released Various job vacancies for the Multitasking Staff (MTS) all over India. The conducting body had also scheduled the last date for the registration process on 29th of May, 2025 and the last date to make payment is 31st of May, 2025. The admit card release date and examination date will be notified soon on the official website. The age of the candidate must range between 18 years of age to 25 years.

SSC MTS Registration Forms: Highlights

Exam Name SSC MTS Recruitment

Conducting Authority

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

No. of Vacancies

10,000+ posts

Posts Name

Multi-tasking Staff

Application Form Release Date

22nd April

Last Date to Apply

29th May

Form Fee Last date

31st May

Job Location

All Over India

Steps to Apply for SSC MTS Registration Forms 2025

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has latterly published the SSC MTS Registration process on its official website. The online forms have been available on the website from April 22nd till the 29th of May, 2025.

Here, we have mentioned the step by step procedure that candidates will require while applying for the SSC MTS Application form:

Step 1: First, Register yourself
    • Go to the official website of SSC @
    • Search out the tab for “Notices” and then find out the “SSC MTS Registration form”.
    • Readout all the important instructions carefully.
    • Now, complete the registration process by giving personal details including phone number, email id, and name.
Step 2: Fill up the SSC MTS Online Form 2025
    • At the second step, candidates need to log in to the website with credentials like registration number and password.
    • Fill out the entire details asked to end up the education-oriented essential details regarding class X, XII, and graduation (whichever is applicable).
    • Here, upload your mark sheet and obtain marks in percentage form.
    • Enter all the details such as father’s name, mother’s name, and fix up a security question according to your choice from the drop-down.
Step 3: Upload Photographs and Signature
    • Once the student has filled up his application form, candidates now have to upload all the educational qualifications, then upload the scanned copy of your photograph and signature.
    • The size of the photograph and signature must not range higher than 50Kbs and 20Kbs respectively.
    • The photographs of the candidates must be colored one with a moderate background and signature that must be written in the running handwriting.
S.No. Documents Pixels Format


Scanned Photograph

100x120 pixels

JPG format


Scanned Signature

140x60 pixels

JPG format

Step 4: SSC MTS Registration Fees for payment
    • At the last stage, candidates need to pay their application form fees according to the category details.
    • The Payment of the application form will be made only through BHIM UPI/Netbanking/credit/ debit card or e-challan.
    • A confirmation mail will be sent to the candidates once their application form fee has been paid.

SSC MTS Application Form Fee:

The application form fee payment will be made online and once the fee is paid, it will not be refunded. Here, we have mentioned the online form fee table for different categories for the SSC MTS Recruitment exam.




Rs. 100/-

Reserved Category




Mode of Payment:

The mode of payment is an online mode, so it’ll be only done through Internet Banking/Debit/Credit Card, offline challan, etc

Details mentioned on SSC MTS Online Form:

The application form for the SSC MTS Recruitment exam will comprise of the following details:

    • Name, and signature of candidates
    • Name and code of the state/Union Territory
    • Personal Information
    • Category
    • Education qualification
    • Work experience
    • Residential address,

Eligibility Criteria for SSC MTS Registration Form:

All the candidates who’ll meet the eligibility criteria of the SSC MTS Exam will only be considered eligible to appear for the SSC MTS. Below we have listed the criteria that need to be followed by every aspiring candidate:

Age Limit for SSC MTS-

According to the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), there are several norms and regulations that candidates need to follow by the age limit which is as follows:

    • Minimum Age Limit: 18 years of age
    • Maximum Age Limit: 25 years of age

Education Qualification for SSC MTS 2025-

The candidates must have qualified matriculation or equivalent examination till the 1st of August, from a recognized board. If in any case, an aspirant does not pass the entrance examination before the deadline or closing date of receipt of the application form, then he or she will not be allowed to appear in the SSC MTS examination.

SSC MTS Exam Pattern:

In the previous year session of the SSC MTS exam, SSC has made some changes in the exam pattern for SSC MTS 2025:

    • The question paper of SSC MTS 2025 will consist of two papers i.e. Paper 1 and paper 2.
    • Paper 1 is totally based on objective-type questions in which 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
    • The second paper, i.e. Paper II is will be the descriptive type of test in which short essays and letters have to be written in English or any different language.
    • The elementary language skills of the candidates are resolved.

SSC MTS - Selection Process:

In order to qualify for the examination of SSC Recruitment exam, applicants need to go through the below mentioned stages:

1: Written Exam

2: Personal Interview

FAQs Usually Asked Regarding SSC MTS Exam

Ques 1. How many vacancies are available in the SSC MTS exam?

Ans.  This year, SSC has released around 10,000 job vacancies for recruitment.

Ques 2. How many seats for HH candidates in the 2025 MTS vacancy?

Ans. There are 49-54 seats allotted for the HH candidates in the SSC MTS vacancy exam.

Ques 3. What is the date of the SSC MTS exam 2025?

Ans.  SSC MTS Exam is scheduled to be conducted in the month of July.

Ques 4. What is the SSC MTS salary?

Ans. The salary of SSC MTS must range between Rs.18,000 – 22,000 /month (approx).

Ques 5. What is SSC multi-tasking staff?

Ans. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) is basically a group 'C' cadre position in govt organizations incepted as per the 6th CPC recommendation.

Ques 6. What is the SSC MTS job?

Ans. The job of SSC MTS involves general cleanliness and upkeep of the Section/Unit. With this, these employees carry files and papers within the building.  The Physical maintenance of records of the Section as well as Photocopying, sending of fax, etc.

Ques 7. What is SSC MTS full form?

Ans. SSC MTS stands for Staff Selection Commission Multi-Tasking Staff.

Ques 8. What are the duties of MTS?

Ans. SSC MTS job includes Daftari, jamadar, fresh, peon, chowkidar, safaiwala, junior Gestetner operator.

Ques 9. What is the work of MTS in the post office?

Ans. The work Photocopying, making sets, stapling, spiral bindings, sending of FAX, etc. Other non-clerical work in section/unit 6.

Ques 10. What is an MTS software engineer?

Ans.  “MTS” Software is a senior position than one labeled just Software Engineer. An MTS will usually do less real work and spend more time in committee meetings. Some of the places have a position like this called Advisory Software Engineer.  All the details vary a lot from different places but that’s the high-level view.

Ques 11. What is the salary of 1800 grade pay?

Ans. The salary ranges from 37,400 to 67,000 per month.

Ques 12: What is the meaning of MTS?

Ans. Multi-Tasking Staff is the staff that comprises of people who can do all multiple works at a time.

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SSC  MTS Admit Card 2025
SSC MTS Answer Key 2025
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