College Disha

Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12th English Paper

17 Feb, 2025

Preparation tips for CBSE Class 12th English Paper

Table of Content:

  • Preparation Tips to Score 95+ Marks in English 12th CBSE

The Central Board of Secondary Education will be commencing 12th board examinations 2025 from 4th May 2025 and will continue till 10th of June 2025. The board will be released the date-sheet of CBSE class 12th exams 2025 on its official website . The examination will begin from 10:30 am till 1:30 pm. Students will be given 15 minutes of time from 10:15 -10:30 A.M. to read and comprehend the question paper thoroughly. According to the CBSE official notice, 12 board examinations will be starting earlier than the previous year and will conclude in the first week of April.

As the exams are about to start and the first exam,i.e English, is just at the cornerstone but students are facing difficulties in comprehending the concepts at this peak stage. The English exam is scheduled to be held on March 5th, 2025 for the 12th class. Initially, students ignore this subject as an easy one, but at the moment of the exam, they face a lot of obstacles in the grammar part. So, to score marks above 90 % in the English subject, students should not make a single common mistake which is not an insurmountable task.

Preparation Tips to Score 95+ Marks in English 12th CBSE

1- Plan your paper first: Before leaving your home, students are advised to draw a sketch out of their question-paper that how you are going to give the answers, which section (A/B/C) you are going to attempt first, how much time is required for each section, etc.  

2- Prepare a flowchart for the Invisible Man: Students don’t like to read pages and pages for the preparation of any exam. They are instructed to mark out the key points of the novel and prepare a flowchart. Before appearing in the exam, scholars can read these points quickly and can remind the recap of the story.

3- Read the question-paper carefully: After reaching the examination hall, students are given 15 minutes of time from 10:15 till 10:30 to read and understand the question paper carefully. They are suggested to comprehend each and every question like the Passage and literature thoroughly because scholars always read the questions in a hurry which thereby leads to wrong answers.  

4- Keep the world limit precise: To score well in the English exam, students are instructed not to exceed the word limit. Because doing so will not lead you to fetch more marks. Exceeding the word limit will also waste their time so it is necessary for them to respond to the questions precisely without spending much time.

5- Highlight the important words: While answering the question paper, students should underline or highlight the important words and phrases they have written to make their answers look more appealing and understood. These efforts can impress the examiners and even compel them to give good marks.

6- Do not leave any questions: Before doing anything in the exam, students are suggested not to leave any questions for later. Because you might not get time to answer it later, so do it sequence-wise properly.

7- Aim to finish your paper before the time limit: The key point to score well and manage your answers properly is to focus on the paper and try to complete it before time. Students are instructed to finish their exam 15 minutes before the time limit,i.e. in 2 hours 45 minutes. The remaining 15 minutes will help you to revise the papers and cross-check the answers accurately.

As the exams are going to commence soon, so students are recommended to pull up their socks and study well to secure well marks. We wish you All the Best!!!!!

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